this image contains text
Awe Newsletter - Issue 09
,SSs. dPTb.
,dPTb dl ll
, b ::
,l l: .l ,
. : . l: ,
l: ,, ,sbl
----- : ---------------- ,, ---- dPT
,b. sssssl l: .,,.S,, :,b.
l :l ,db,.. ll
l P ldTb . . ::
d .,sSSs,:P d.b ....l .
d,dSS. l:...,sS
dP,sSSbx.l. :..S
dP.db,.sl .P P.sS
* d.d ,d b l.P * +***
ssssss . .dl d S : .d AWE gyyg News
letter ,. SSsss
s*.SS,b sssssd, , ,db, ys* ,dd dPb.
,sSs,,sb bsysdb,YP,d.,sS, ssss .d
ldP b, dP. ,sSP * . ,d
ll b Tb, .d
----------------------- -Y,P : June 1997
Summer is coming and so is our 9th pack yet. Thi
s month, a whole bunch
of things happened. A few of these things are the inacti
ve members being removedwith their sites,
the group going TOTALLY invite-only and the
guest appearances.
:new members:
b,. , . .
. ,P,b, s,dSs,. , ,d,ss,. .,gS
9 . SP,d,
*.P . *
This month, with the inactive members being remo
ved, weve been looking
for new members to replace the old ones. As
for now, we only found two, unfortu-natly. Bu
t, we are planning of finding alot more in the next mo
nths. So here arethe two new artists.
Nemo : I would really like to tell yo
u all where we got him, but I just don
t know. What I know though is that he is from
Germany and that he has a neat style whi
ch gives me bad
time trying to read his logos :. Oh ye
ah, he draws ascii.
Phony Eye: This guy is from CIA
and a bunch of other groups. He draws
like, toony stuff.. I really have no id
ea how to call this
but its mostly toon-type shaded stuff.
Were glad to have him in!
b,. , . .
. ,P,b, s,dSs,. , ,d,ss,. .,gS
9 . SP,d,
*.P . *
As I already said before, we removed a lot of artists th
is month, such
as Empty since he just did not have enough time to b
e internet coordinator for, us, G
unthar since we havent been able to reach him for
way too long, also MetalMilita whos been ig
noring us for the past three months, Nahal wh
o quitted the
scene a few months ago, Noodles who disappeared thre
e months ago, The Natural
whos just not interrested in ascii anymore and also
Kid Krylon who I forgot totalk about since
Im talking about every member in alphabetical order
:, who
just doesnt have the time to draw anymore.
So as you already realized, that makes a lot of people,
so for the nextfew months, well be looking for n
ew talents. I said well be looking so that
means theres no applications. Thank you. :
b,. , . .
. ,P,b, s,dSs,. , ,d,ss,. .,gS
9 . SP,d,
*.P . *
To continue this new tradition I would say, we have once
again a guest
appearance this month. Actually, we were supposed to
have two fonts: one from
Toons Xilion from Twilight and another one f
rom Zeus II, also from Twilight. Butd
ue to my really good organization, I lost his font befo
re we release.
Last month, I told you all that I just couldnt sauc
e any binaries rightwith the new Acid
View and I asked people to email if they had any
idea how to
sauce binaries. I never thought Id get any replies about t
hat, but I did. Big
thanks to Rad Man, since hes the only one to have e
mailed me about it. After
discussing with Tasmaniac and some other Acid
coders I think, they finally
found the bug. So a new AcidView version if out:
4.33 if I recall. I havent
tested it yet, but its supposed to work. So you can get it
at ftp://artpacks.
As I already mentioned, we arent gonna take application
s anymore. SinceI really think AWE letter
ing is a quality group, quali
ty artists are supposed tobe well known f
rom the scene, that means if we want someone, were j
ust gonna ask him. Its as simple as that. So that
d be nice if people would stop msging
me about applications. It really is annoying when you get li
ke, ten a week.
Also, three things about some members. First, theres
Agathocles who
finally started drawing for us. He joined like, three months
ago as rip coordi-
nator and never had the chance to draw. Im not gonn
a say its because he was
always telling me hed submit and always replied to my mails
late. :
Theres Pzyko whos changing nick from Pzyko
to Random. We strongly hopethatll make
him draw more than he does. :
And finally, Absent Spinsister whos taking a
break from the scene for
a month or two, Im not really sure. Be sure to check out hi
s ascii where hes
telling us why hes taking a break.
This month I finally got to talk about the sites
. I get more emails and
messages on irc about the sites than Im getting replies fro
m AWE Members. We
are not giving out any sites. Dont bother applying for
distro sites cauz we do
NOT have any. As for the Headquarters, were only gi
ving them to the members,
thats the reason why we removed every HQs that had
been given to members who
have been removed this month.
Again this month, this thing is probably filled with
mistakes because
nobody looked for them plus, Ive made this on a rush. Im p
retty sure that Ivealso skipped words.. I always do
that. Sorry.
b,. , . .
. ,P,b, s,dSs,. , ,d,ss,.
9 . SP,d,
*.P . *
Fever : Hi and stuff. Also, thanks alot
for helping Fluor with his pics. :Vade
: You rule. You know you do and I know you
do know.. or something. :Deeply D. : Domino
! Domino! Domino! You shouldve called it Lego.
Milie : Tas tu ramasse ton coeur avant
de partir? Tu devrais le mettre a
quelque part de plus sur la prochaine fois. :
Nail : Hi!
Whitetrash: Thanks for not putting my big Network 9
7 logo in the top 10. :
Also, big greet to Blade, Cia, Dark,
Fire, Fuel and of course, Domin
o!! :
, ,P
,b . ,P ,ss.
,b d ,P ,, ,P Written
by The Night Angel, ,b
d, ,P l l ,P Designed b
y Discyple.
, b d b,,,l ,P
,b,d lP.ssssb,,. ,P ,
--- ,P ---- ,P --------- , -,P --------------
,SSs. dPTb.
,dPTb dl ll
, b ::
,l l: .l ,
. : . l: ,
l: ,, ,sbl
----- : ---------------- ,, ---- dPT
,b. sssssl l: .,,.S,, :,b.
l :l ,db,.. ll
l P ldTb . . ::
d .,sSSs,:P d.b ....l .
d,dSS. l:...,sS
dP,sSSbx.l. :..S
dP.db,.sl .P P.sS
* d.d ,d b l.P * +***
ssssss . .dl d S : .d AWE gyyg News
letter ,. SSsss
s*.SS,b sssssd, , ,db, ys* ,dd dPb.
,sSs,,sb bsysdb,YP,d.,sS, ssss .d
ldP b, dP. ,sSP * . ,d
ll b Tb, .d
----------------------- -Y,P : June 1997
Summer is coming and so is our 9th pack yet. Thi
s month, a whole bunch
of things happened. A few of these things are the inacti
ve members being removedwith their sites,
the group going TOTALLY invite-only and the
guest appearances.
:new members:
b,. , . .
. ,P,b, s,dSs,. , ,d,ss,. .,gS
9 . SP,d,
*.P . *
This month, with the inactive members being remo
ved, weve been looking
for new members to replace the old ones. As
for now, we only found two, unfortu-natly. Bu
t, we are planning of finding alot more in the next mo
nths. So here arethe two new artists.
Nemo : I would really like to tell yo
u all where we got him, but I just don
t know. What I know though is that he is from
Germany and that he has a neat style whi
ch gives me bad
time trying to read his logos :. Oh ye
ah, he draws ascii.
Phony Eye: This guy is from CIA
and a bunch of other groups. He draws
like, toony stuff.. I really have no id
ea how to call this
but its mostly toon-type shaded stuff.
Were glad to have him in!
b,. , . .
. ,P,b, s,dSs,. , ,d,ss,. .,gS
9 . SP,d,
*.P . *
As I already said before, we removed a lot of artists th
is month, such
as Empty since he just did not have enough time to b
e internet coordinator for, us, G
unthar since we havent been able to reach him for
way too long, also MetalMilita whos been ig
noring us for the past three months, Nahal wh
o quitted the
scene a few months ago, Noodles who disappeared thre
e months ago, The Natural
whos just not interrested in ascii anymore and also
Kid Krylon who I forgot totalk about since
Im talking about every member in alphabetical order
:, who
just doesnt have the time to draw anymore.
So as you already realized, that makes a lot of people,
so for the nextfew months, well be looking for n
ew talents. I said well be looking so that
means theres no applications. Thank you. :
b,. , . .
. ,P,b, s,dSs,. , ,d,ss,. .,gS
9 . SP,d,
*.P . *
To continue this new tradition I would say, we have once
again a guest
appearance this month. Actually, we were supposed to
have two fonts: one from
Toons Xilion from Twilight and another one f
rom Zeus II, also from Twilight. Butd
ue to my really good organization, I lost his font befo
re we release.
Last month, I told you all that I just couldnt sauc
e any binaries rightwith the new Acid
View and I asked people to email if they had any
idea how to
sauce binaries. I never thought Id get any replies about t
hat, but I did. Big
thanks to Rad Man, since hes the only one to have e
mailed me about it. After
discussing with Tasmaniac and some other Acid
coders I think, they finally
found the bug. So a new AcidView version if out:
4.33 if I recall. I havent
tested it yet, but its supposed to work. So you can get it
at ftp://artpacks.
As I already mentioned, we arent gonna take application
s anymore. SinceI really think AWE letter
ing is a quality group, quali
ty artists are supposed tobe well known f
rom the scene, that means if we want someone, were j
ust gonna ask him. Its as simple as that. So that
d be nice if people would stop msging
me about applications. It really is annoying when you get li
ke, ten a week.
Also, three things about some members. First, theres
Agathocles who
finally started drawing for us. He joined like, three months
ago as rip coordi-
nator and never had the chance to draw. Im not gonn
a say its because he was
always telling me hed submit and always replied to my mails
late. :
Theres Pzyko whos changing nick from Pzyko
to Random. We strongly hopethatll make
him draw more than he does. :
And finally, Absent Spinsister whos taking a
break from the scene for
a month or two, Im not really sure. Be sure to check out hi
s ascii where hes
telling us why hes taking a break.
This month I finally got to talk about the sites
. I get more emails and
messages on irc about the sites than Im getting replies fro
m AWE Members. We
are not giving out any sites. Dont bother applying for
distro sites cauz we do
NOT have any. As for the Headquarters, were only gi
ving them to the members,
thats the reason why we removed every HQs that had
been given to members who
have been removed this month.
Again this month, this thing is probably filled with
mistakes because
nobody looked for them plus, Ive made this on a rush. Im p
retty sure that Ivealso skipped words.. I always do
that. Sorry.
b,. , . .
. ,P,b, s,dSs,. , ,d,ss,.
9 . SP,d,
*.P . *
Fever : Hi and stuff. Also, thanks alot
for helping Fluor with his pics. :Vade
: You rule. You know you do and I know you
do know.. or something. :Deeply D. : Domino
! Domino! Domino! You shouldve called it Lego.
Milie : Tas tu ramasse ton coeur avant
de partir? Tu devrais le mettre a
quelque part de plus sur la prochaine fois. :
Nail : Hi!
Whitetrash: Thanks for not putting my big Network 9
7 logo in the top 10. :
Also, big greet to Blade, Cia, Dark,
Fire, Fuel and of course, Domin
o!! :
, ,P
,b . ,P ,ss.
,b d ,P ,, ,P Written
by The Night Angel, ,b
d, ,P l l ,P Designed b
y Discyple.
, b d b,,,l ,P
,b,d lP.ssssb,,. ,P ,
--- ,P ---- ,P --------- , -,P --------------
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