this image contains text
/ C h A O S . // :
!shp -----
d A f i R S t
a Z k 2 c O l l E C t i O n
c O M M i N
f R O M
:::::::::::/ iT i iT
/ /::: i::i ::::/ l// l// i
/ /:::: .:::: i::i .:::. : / /::: / /:::::-+-.
i/::::/ .:::: .-::i ::: i:::::: //::::::::: //::::::::i ---
i::::i :::: i::::i .::::: i:::::::/:::::::::::::/:::::::::::i
--------- ii:: i
i i A n a d u n e
Chaos... everything started then..
Today Im proud to present my first
ascii collection. Its a result of a
couple of months less or more hard work.
I never surpose that Ill be doing this
because Im mainly a swapper neither
fast nor hot stuffer or even friendly...
just quality swapper as Im calling
this. Also Im a graphician, but Im
not makeing such a beautiful things like
Lazur, Kazik, FadeOne, Cougar... and
many more... Im rather interesting on
doing logos, sometimes fonts...
Especially Graffitti is my favourite
style for now so Im concentrating on
Ascii... I started makeing this because
it was nearly always better looking that
similar of my close friends...
Whole work Ive done its made rather
for fun not for status or something like
that... I hope Ill continue this job
and Ill learn something new with all
these days comming...
Its all for fun!
By the way... Dont take comments to the
ascii for serious...
Oh.. One more thing.. Im looking for
ascii colletions of the greatest ascii
makers on the scene... Now Ive only
about 10 mb of this stuff from latest
few months...
Im looking for an ascii-group to
Enjoy the ascii!
signed: Sharp/Anadune
l E t S d O i t !
.OOO: :o8+
O00008. ::::O+.
OO -+
8+oo80@@0ooO@0o.:OOO. .-O8++8@O++ooO80@O+.
+o@@008Ooo@8+...8O08. -OO+o88-++oOO0@@8.
.o0OOOoo+-+8O-. :@@@: :OO+o8----ooOO@8
:o8oo+------O+: :000: o8o++-----ooOOO.
:o@O--------+0+: :+@O-+------+oOO0O.
:0o----------o@O-:. .:-o8-------oOO@@o.
.o0-::-+800880@088OOOOO +o0: 0@o------+---o88Oo8o8o:.
:8o: :+0O88OO-:. 80 . o8---------+O8000OO+:.
:88: +0O-. .. . :0--------O@O+..
.o@. .o- . . +8o----------o@-.
:O0O+:::::-. ::: :--: .:oO----------+8@-
.-o88@@0O-: ..:8@O::-00@-:o0--------o8O
.:-. :@8OO8O8888888OOOOO8@o--+o
:+00@@@0Oo: :@88880@@@000888OO00+--+
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Megapoint . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
Its my first ascii! Dont laugh! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Megapoint . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
Its my second ascii! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Megapoint . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...and the 3th one : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Megapoint . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
oops.. propabaly it was my first azk2, wasnt it? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Megapoint . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...one of da first ones... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Megapoint . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...again... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Sharp . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY hmm... 96 / / /
really hard work.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Sharp . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Ya know... 96 / / /
tita tita tu kosmita.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
i i i i i T
: F : E : A : O I :
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Sharp/MGP . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
smOken!!! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
l l
l //l //l //
/ // / / l/
// // l / l / /
/ / l /l /!
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Sharp/MGP . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
second version.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
// / l/
l l
l //l //l //
/ l / / / l/
l / / /
/ l / l / /
l /l /!
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Sharp/MGP . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
third version boring?? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
l l
l //l //l //
/ l / / / l/
l / / /
/ l / l / /
l /l /!
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Sharp . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
melon style.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @ @@ @@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@
@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Sharp . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
second melon.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@ @@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Sharp . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
10936353535359 version..... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
.::::::::::::: i:: ::::::::::::::::::::::: i:::::::::::: i::::::::::::
::::::::::::. i::::::::::::. .::::::::::::: i:: i:: i:: i::
:::: :::i::: i::i::: ::: ::: ::: :::
i::: i:: ::: ::: i::: i:: i:: i:: i::
:::: ::: i:: i:: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
i::: i:: ::: ::: i::: i:: i:: i:: i::
:::: ::: i:: i:: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
i::: i:: ::: ::: i::: i:: i:: i:: i::
:::: ::: i:: i:: ::: ::: :::: ::: :::
i::: i:: ::: ::: i::: i::i:: i::i:::
i:: :::: ::: i:: i:: ::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::
:::i:::: i:: ::: :::i::: i:::i:: i:::
i::::::::::: ::: i:: ::::::::::: ::: ::: :::
::: i:: i:::
i:: :::
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Anadune . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
something different, something cool : !shp : -non-
- toxic
--- - --- -- - --- --- -- !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO AND . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
fixed to smaller addy... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ .?shp:---..
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO UBS! . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Andy/Anadune 96 / / /
first request ...?! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:::::: //: //: // //::::?shp:
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Anadune . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
bla.. bla.. bla.. its just so so : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/?shp/.....:/ /:....
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Megapoint . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
first design... ?! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
T // /T
fReeStYle...../..... / hOt.stUff.oNlY..... :::: :
Ul.SPYChAlSKiEGO 10/9 :::::::: Ul.WROCAWSKA 2b/33 :::: :
45-716 OPOLE ::::::::: 45-707 OPOLE
POLAND ........ POLAND :::: :
little mORE pOWER?!.........wRitE nOW! 1oO aNSWER! nO jOKE
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO MGP . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
another khewl : MGP ascii... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
T/ / /
sHp / /
...addy censored
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Mr.Acryl . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Mr.Acryl/Anadune 96 / / /
its one of da newest azk2, do Ya like it?? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
----. MR.ACRYl Of ANAdUNE o
/.// -/!shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Action . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
uueeeggh.... lets see next.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / /: : :: ::T?shp?
---------Y ----Y ----------dAMAGe ------Y
PRZEMEk WOZNY, h.SAWiCkiEJ 37/27, 62-8oo KAliSZ, POlANd
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Action . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
what da..?? something really different... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / a / / c / / / t / i / o / / n / /
/ / / d / a / m / a / g / e
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Action . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
like it... buy it... spread it... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / / // . Przemek Wozny
/ / / / / / / / H.Sawickiej 37/27
/ / / / 62-8oo Kalisz :
/ / Poland :
/ : /?shp
Y damage .........: Y
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Action . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
halny??? czy jaki... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
::::/:::::/:::::/:::::::::/:::::::::::: !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Action . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
foggy? snowy? rainy? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! p!
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Action . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
...zzzzaaaapp : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:::: / / //:::shp /:
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Action . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
...having a good eye : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ .----. shp / / /
.- / - /---. .----. / Y
----- Y Y Y Y
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Action . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
...destruction derby... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
A c t i o n
----/ Y ------ / /
/,//!shp---- /
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO DMG . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
R U a swappa..? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
: // ::shp:
h.SAWiCkiEJ 37/27 :
. 62-8oo kAliSZ :
POlANd ----
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO ActionDamage . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
ActionDamage : !shp : -non-
- toxic
Y Y Y Y Y Y Y !
: : h
::::::: p
Przemek Wozny H.Sawickiej 37/27
62-8oo Kalisz Poland
Y :
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Damage . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
yeeaahh... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Damage . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
...real damage : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Damage . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
fiu... fiu... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO DMG . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
...getting smaller.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO DMG . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
...and smaller : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO DMG . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
needed microscope??? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO DMG . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
...outstanding.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
D a M a G e ! /
:// /!shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Carson . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Carson/Genetic 96 / / /
...being drunk... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/: ---/:/ carsOn/!shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Carson . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Carson/Genetic 96 / / /
Barraka barber ??? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Genetic . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Carson/Genetic 96 / / /
strong thing.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
: shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Genetic . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Carson/Genetic 96 / / /
...and even strongest... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
: / shp / :
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Genetic . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Carson/Genetic 96 / / /
goood shaving... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
----- / ----: / ----: / shp/
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Genetic . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Carson/Genetic 96 / / /
...d-formed style : !shp : -non-
- toxic
G e N e t i C
------ Y ------/ / / ------
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Dave . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Dave/Freezers 96 / / /
...welcome my friend.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
. !shp
-/ O f f R E E Z E R S /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Dave . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Dave/Freezers 96 / / /
...how are you? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
. !shp
-/ O f f R E E Z E R S /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Freezers . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Dave/Freezers 96 / / /
let the summer be 4 ever!! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO FRS . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Dave/Freezers 96 / / /
endless summer.... endless summer... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
//--!shp-- //
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Depth . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Draw/DepthAzkiness 96 / / /
how deep??? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Depth . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Draw/AzkinessDepth 96 / / /
Have U ever seen a SeaQuest???! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ ::::shp *-- :
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Depth . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Draw/DepthAzkiness 96 / / /
LightWave, Toaster, NewTek..... Amiga Roolz : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/-- D e P t h --/-
/ / ---Y /-
// -/-!shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Exolon . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Exolon/Old BullsRektum Pl 96 / / /
...brothas in arms... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
!shp/ /
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Old Buls . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Exolon/Old BullsRektum Pl 96 / / /
too much complicated??? I dont think so... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Rektum . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Exolon/Old BullsRektum Pl 96 / / /
never trust a smilin cat... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / !shp-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Kazik . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Kazik/Anadune 96 / / /
da huge power of amazing pixels... try it : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ . !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Losiu . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Losiu/Anadune 96 / / /
he always likes crunched things.... so... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-- LOSiU --
/ -------- !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Manga . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Losiu/Anadune 96 / / /
Manga rulez!!! especially movies... girls : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/- MaNGa -/-
.//!shp/ ./
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO The Sect BBS . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
Da land of neverending files... files... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / / / / / shp
: Friendly Sysop: MadBart/Appendix Open mon-fri 22.00 - 13.00 :
: Co-Sysop: Vip/Appendix Open weekend 22.00 - 10.00 :
: 2400-19200 BPS, NOW SUPPORTS CALLERS AT 19200, V32TER :
-- Node 1: +48 91 879493 --------------- Node 2: +48 91 Private --
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO The Sect BBS . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
files...files...girls...files : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / !shp
: Friendly Sysop: MadBart/Appendix Open mon-fri 22.00 - 13.00 :
: Co-Sysop: Vip/Appendix Open weekend 22.00 - 10.00 :
: 2400-19200 BPS, NOW SUPPORTS CALLERS AT 19200, V32TER :
-- Node 1: +48 91 879493 --------------- Node 2: +48 91 Private --
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Credits . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Norman/Anadune 96 / / /
when Ull be da bezt??? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ !shp//
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Delayers . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Norman/Anadune 96 / / /
...or fucked by p.o.s.t .... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Greets . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Norman/Anadune 96 / / /
...here comes da.... main part... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/-/ -/!shp//
:--:. .:oO+:-+OOoo:
::-: .-oo-..-+OOOo+:
.:-. .o+-..-oOoOo+:
:-. :+++-::+oOOOo.
:: .-++-:-oOOOOo:
:- ::-o:-oO808O-
:+ .-++OO8oO-
-o- ..::::.... ...:+++ooO-:OO-
oo: .:--+o+--:::... . ..::-+ooOoooooo:
8+++o---------++--:..::::-++o0OOOo+ -.
..: :+O8888888OOOOo+++------+++++ooooOOOOOOOOOoo++++++++
.. :.........::::--++o+o+-::........::::----++ooOOO80@@0Oo+++++
+00000080808080000000000000000000000000000000000000000@@@@@@00000000@O. +
.o000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000@@@@@@0000000000- .
880000000000000000888888888000000000000000@@@@@@@@@@@0000000000o. .
:+OO80000@@00008888888888888800000@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@00000000000o. .:--
Surprise! Its a small preview of my second ascii collection.. Itll be not
a normal one... Itll be an ascii-gfx collection.. So... be patient! ...and
stay khewl... ...
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Info . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Norman/Anadune 96 / / /
...informer... info.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
//-!shp-// /
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Letter . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Norman/Anadune 96 / / /
...everybody likes this... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO News . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Norman/Anadune 96 / / /
files... files... viruses... files.. oops! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Norman . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Norman/Anadune 96 / / /
...normal Norman??? Its a norm? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Scene . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Norman/Anadune 96 / / /
...rooolz man!! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
//- //!shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Stuff . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Norman/Anadune 96 / / /
Happy New Year 96 sic! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
----//----/ !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Convex . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...my head is empty... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
------- ---- /shp----- ----
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Convex . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
....massive attack.... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / : / !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Convex . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...bannanarama... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
// // !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Convex . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...yeah... crazy spiral style... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-- CoNVeX --
/./!shp/ -
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Jacool . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...ja te cool... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/- Jacool -/-
/ / .//. !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Neuromancer . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...gettin betta... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/- Neuromancer -/-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Pila . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...duzo??? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Pila . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...bardzo duzo?? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Pila . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
.... oh no!.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ // shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Pila . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...a ta to ju wogle przegia : !shp : -non-
- toxic
// shp
Y Y//
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Psychol . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...hmm... have U ever seen a Dizne-Land by Abyss? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/: / : / / !shp
pSychol/ /: issue01/
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Skulls . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...czacha dymi... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / .:/ !shp /
Y - -- ------------------ -----: -----:--- -- -
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Skulls . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...dymi.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ : !shp/
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Skulls . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
....rzdzi... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
./ !shp/ ./
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Skulls . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...style d-generator : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/- S K U L L S -/-
------------------- --------!shp-/-/----------
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Mystic . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Sagrael/Mystic 96 / / /
...al places... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Octagon . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Sagrael/Mystic 96 / / /
....when I see him??? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
//!shp/. /
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO SAF . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Sagrael/SAF 96 / / /
....alive or dead? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Sagrael . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Sagrael/Mystic 96 / / /
....my best greets m8! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
./!shp .
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Scorpik . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Scorpik/Absolute! 96 / / /
...music 4 da jilted geneneration : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ : Y /
/ / /: !shp......
A B S O L U t E !
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Scorpik . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Scorpik/Absolute! 96 / / /
....yeaaahh.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / / : :Y /
:: / / / !shp /:. / / : :....:
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Scorpik . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Scorpik/Absolute! 96 / / /
...da new one... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
!shp ---
SCORPik/AbSOlUtE! ---
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Anadune . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...diz is diz... fileid.diz : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / / //?shp/ // / //
- -- --- presents ---
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO AND . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
.....short and.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Anadune . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
....and long.... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/?shp/.....:/ /:....
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO AND . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...diz iz an old diz : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO AND . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...and diz iz a new diz.. diz time.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
: ANAdUNE gives Ya today :
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO AND . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
... yet another diz... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/nadune / /!shp/ presents---.
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Anadune . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...diz iz not a diz???? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
Y Y Y Y : Y Y Y Y
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Anadune . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
....why not??? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Anadune . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...total crazy spiral chaos style : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/ / n a d u n e /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Azure BBS . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Andy/Anadune 96 / / /
... have U been there? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ /nadune WHQ ...... .:.....:. :
/:::::::: :: NEMESiS II.::::::::::::::. : :
/ / :: / ::: /: :: :: :::::: SYSOP: ANdY
/ / : :: /:: :::::: :::::: StAff: ShARP, LOsiU
/ /: :::::::::::: ubs! ::::::
Y / a z u r e b b s ::::::::: // ::?shp::
Y : :
NODE: +48-77-555654 Runnin on A1200/6MB/850HD/CD-ROM 12000bps Open 22-15
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Anadunes Boombastic . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...here comes da boss... nearly : !shp : -non-
- toxic
Y Y : Y Y Y Y /
: : Y :
Anadune pReSents fiRst iSsUe of BoOmbaStic tHe Addy PaCk !
Y Y Y : Y Y Y / Y Y Y
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Boombastic . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...boom ...boom ... shake da room!! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:... :::. :shp.
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Boombastic . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
....fun-tastic.... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
.: . // .: bOOMbAStiC ...........:
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Charts . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...whos hot whos not! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
.- -----.- /.- /- !shp
// C h A R t S
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Bulletines . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Andy/Anadune 96 / / /
read and spread : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Conferences . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Andy/Anadune 96 / / /
...da real thing : !shp : -non-
- toxic
: / : :/shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Foundation . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...yep... we were on the party V.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ .--- o
L.... ::L ..: shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Nemesis 2 . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Andy/Anadune 96 / / /
...and a half : !shp : -non-
- toxic
: ./: ./shp :
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Nemesis 2 . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Andy/Anadune 96 / / /
.... :2 : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Vaccine . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...the first name of boombastic... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/. : : : shp
V a c c i n e iSsUe 001
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Amiga . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
...roolz 4 ever.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Animations . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
...especially from lightwave : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/. -- .!shp
-/ A N i M A t i O N S /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Azk2 Zone . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...or rather.... free fire zone... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/ Z O N E /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Azkiz Heaven . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
...all ascii goes to heaven... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/ h E A V E N /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Demos . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
....hiper superb..... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Elite . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
....how good R ya???? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Files . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
files... files... girls... files... viruses : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/------ !shp
-/ f O R S Y S O P S /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Free . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
...files want to be free!!! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/ f i l E S /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO MadBart . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
....mad on max... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
//. .!shp
-/ O f A P P E N d i X /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Mags . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
...things worth reading... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Misc . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
...all together.... mixed up... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/ N E W U P l O A d S /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Modules . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
....do Ya like psycho?? I do.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
. !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO pC . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
pErsonal cAlculator ...or cLoset ??? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Pictures . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
girls.. graffitti.. girls.. pixeled.. girls.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Stuff . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
...pywaa kaczka po staffie... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
//----- -!shp-/
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Text . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
...its somethin Ya R reading now... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/ f i l E S /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Vote . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
..dont forget to fill boombastic vote-sheet!: !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/ S h E E t S /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Info . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
....c-vitae.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
first some personal - -- --- /
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Letta . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...write to me... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
stAMps : / / / / / / / / / / : bACk!
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO AND . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
....and... what?? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
: :----?shp : :
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO News . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
..at night : !shp : -non-
- toxic
// Y
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Stuff . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...a lots of GBytes : !shp : -non-
- toxic
l a t e s t / / / / .-.
which I already got...
Its seems to be end... for now... Next
ascii colly comming after my final exams
that mean soon...
Oke poke...
Greets to all my friends and people who
keep scene alive.
If Ya are intrested in my ascii write at
this addy:
Spychalskiego 10/9
45-716 Opole
tel. +48-77-746016
See Ya...
-/ / n a d u n e /-
ANADUNE is looking for skilled active second CODER musician... so
if You think that You are good enough get in touch with us at...
ShaRp/AnadUnE SpyChalSkieGo 1o/9 45-716 OpOle POlaNd!
AddY also 4 da friendly, crazy mailtrading, joining, aSc2, gfX sWappin
-/ BTW: Im lookin 4 aN aZkiI gRoUp tO jOiN -/-
t h e e n d
: ANAdUNE gives Ya today :
C h A O S
da first aZk2 colly from Sharp/Anadune
/ C h A O S . // :
!shp -----
d A f i R S t
a Z k 2 c O l l E C t i O n
c O M M i N
f R O M
:::::::::::/ iT i iT
/ /::: i::i ::::/ l// l// i
/ /:::: .:::: i::i .:::. : / /::: / /:::::-+-.
i/::::/ .:::: .-::i ::: i:::::: //::::::::: //::::::::i ---
i::::i :::: i::::i .::::: i:::::::/:::::::::::::/:::::::::::i
--------- ii:: i
i i A n a d u n e
Chaos... everything started then..
Today Im proud to present my first
ascii collection. Its a result of a
couple of months less or more hard work.
I never surpose that Ill be doing this
because Im mainly a swapper neither
fast nor hot stuffer or even friendly...
just quality swapper as Im calling
this. Also Im a graphician, but Im
not makeing such a beautiful things like
Lazur, Kazik, FadeOne, Cougar... and
many more... Im rather interesting on
doing logos, sometimes fonts...
Especially Graffitti is my favourite
style for now so Im concentrating on
Ascii... I started makeing this because
it was nearly always better looking that
similar of my close friends...
Whole work Ive done its made rather
for fun not for status or something like
that... I hope Ill continue this job
and Ill learn something new with all
these days comming...
Its all for fun!
By the way... Dont take comments to the
ascii for serious...
Oh.. One more thing.. Im looking for
ascii colletions of the greatest ascii
makers on the scene... Now Ive only
about 10 mb of this stuff from latest
few months...
Im looking for an ascii-group to
Enjoy the ascii!
signed: Sharp/Anadune
l E t S d O i t !
.OOO: :o8+
O00008. ::::O+.
OO -+
8+oo80@@0ooO@0o.:OOO. .-O8++8@O++ooO80@O+.
+o@@008Ooo@8+...8O08. -OO+o88-++oOO0@@8.
.o0OOOoo+-+8O-. :@@@: :OO+o8----ooOO@8
:o8oo+------O+: :000: o8o++-----ooOOO.
:o@O--------+0+: :+@O-+------+oOO0O.
:0o----------o@O-:. .:-o8-------oOO@@o.
.o0-::-+800880@088OOOOO +o0: 0@o------+---o88Oo8o8o:.
:8o: :+0O88OO-:. 80 . o8---------+O8000OO+:.
:88: +0O-. .. . :0--------O@O+..
.o@. .o- . . +8o----------o@-.
:O0O+:::::-. ::: :--: .:oO----------+8@-
.-o88@@0O-: ..:8@O::-00@-:o0--------o8O
.:-. :@8OO8O8888888OOOOO8@o--+o
:+00@@@0Oo: :@88880@@@000888OO00+--+
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Megapoint . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
Its my first ascii! Dont laugh! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Megapoint . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
Its my second ascii! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Megapoint . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...and the 3th one : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Megapoint . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
oops.. propabaly it was my first azk2, wasnt it? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Megapoint . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...one of da first ones... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Megapoint . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...again... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Sharp . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY hmm... 96 / / /
really hard work.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Sharp . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Ya know... 96 / / /
tita tita tu kosmita.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
i i i i i T
: F : E : A : O I :
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Sharp/MGP . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
smOken!!! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
l l
l //l //l //
/ // / / l/
// // l / l / /
/ / l /l /!
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Sharp/MGP . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
second version.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
// / l/
l l
l //l //l //
/ l / / / l/
l / / /
/ l / l / /
l /l /!
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Sharp/MGP . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
third version boring?? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
l l
l //l //l //
/ l / / / l/
l / / /
/ l / l / /
l /l /!
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Sharp . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
melon style.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @ @@ @@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@
@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Sharp . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
second melon.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@ @@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Sharp . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
10936353535359 version..... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
.::::::::::::: i:: ::::::::::::::::::::::: i:::::::::::: i::::::::::::
::::::::::::. i::::::::::::. .::::::::::::: i:: i:: i:: i::
:::: :::i::: i::i::: ::: ::: ::: :::
i::: i:: ::: ::: i::: i:: i:: i:: i::
:::: ::: i:: i:: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
i::: i:: ::: ::: i::: i:: i:: i:: i::
:::: ::: i:: i:: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
i::: i:: ::: ::: i::: i:: i:: i:: i::
:::: ::: i:: i:: ::: ::: :::: ::: :::
i::: i:: ::: ::: i::: i::i:: i::i:::
i:: :::: ::: i:: i:: ::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::
:::i:::: i:: ::: :::i::: i:::i:: i:::
i::::::::::: ::: i:: ::::::::::: ::: ::: :::
::: i:: i:::
i:: :::
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Anadune . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
something different, something cool : !shp : -non-
- toxic
--- - --- -- - --- --- -- !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO AND . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
fixed to smaller addy... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ .?shp:---..
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO UBS! . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Andy/Anadune 96 / / /
first request ...?! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:::::: //: //: // //::::?shp:
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Anadune . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
bla.. bla.. bla.. its just so so : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/?shp/.....:/ /:....
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Megapoint . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
first design... ?! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
T // /T
fReeStYle...../..... / hOt.stUff.oNlY..... :::: :
Ul.SPYChAlSKiEGO 10/9 :::::::: Ul.WROCAWSKA 2b/33 :::: :
45-716 OPOLE ::::::::: 45-707 OPOLE
POLAND ........ POLAND :::: :
little mORE pOWER?!.........wRitE nOW! 1oO aNSWER! nO jOKE
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO MGP . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
another khewl : MGP ascii... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
T/ / /
sHp / /
...addy censored
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Mr.Acryl . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Mr.Acryl/Anadune 96 / / /
its one of da newest azk2, do Ya like it?? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
----. MR.ACRYl Of ANAdUNE o
/.// -/!shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Action . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
uueeeggh.... lets see next.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / /: : :: ::T?shp?
---------Y ----Y ----------dAMAGe ------Y
PRZEMEk WOZNY, h.SAWiCkiEJ 37/27, 62-8oo KAliSZ, POlANd
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Action . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
what da..?? something really different... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / a / / c / / / t / i / o / / n / /
/ / / d / a / m / a / g / e
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Action . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
like it... buy it... spread it... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / / // . Przemek Wozny
/ / / / / / / / H.Sawickiej 37/27
/ / / / 62-8oo Kalisz :
/ / Poland :
/ : /?shp
Y damage .........: Y
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Action . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
halny??? czy jaki... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
::::/:::::/:::::/:::::::::/:::::::::::: !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Action . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
foggy? snowy? rainy? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! p!
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Action . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
...zzzzaaaapp : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:::: / / //:::shp /:
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Action . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
...having a good eye : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ .----. shp / / /
.- / - /---. .----. / Y
----- Y Y Y Y
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Action . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
...destruction derby... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
A c t i o n
----/ Y ------ / /
/,//!shp---- /
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO DMG . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
R U a swappa..? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
: // ::shp:
h.SAWiCkiEJ 37/27 :
. 62-8oo kAliSZ :
POlANd ----
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO ActionDamage . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
ActionDamage : !shp : -non-
- toxic
Y Y Y Y Y Y Y !
: : h
::::::: p
Przemek Wozny H.Sawickiej 37/27
62-8oo Kalisz Poland
Y :
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Damage . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
yeeaahh... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Damage . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
...real damage : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Damage . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
fiu... fiu... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO DMG . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
...getting smaller.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO DMG . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
...and smaller : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO DMG . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
needed microscope??? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO DMG . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Action/Damage 96 / / /
...outstanding.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
D a M a G e ! /
:// /!shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Carson . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Carson/Genetic 96 / / /
...being drunk... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/: ---/:/ carsOn/!shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Carson . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Carson/Genetic 96 / / /
Barraka barber ??? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Genetic . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Carson/Genetic 96 / / /
strong thing.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
: shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Genetic . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Carson/Genetic 96 / / /
...and even strongest... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
: / shp / :
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Genetic . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Carson/Genetic 96 / / /
goood shaving... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
----- / ----: / ----: / shp/
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Genetic . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Carson/Genetic 96 / / /
...d-formed style : !shp : -non-
- toxic
G e N e t i C
------ Y ------/ / / ------
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Dave . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Dave/Freezers 96 / / /
...welcome my friend.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
. !shp
-/ O f f R E E Z E R S /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Dave . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Dave/Freezers 96 / / /
...how are you? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
. !shp
-/ O f f R E E Z E R S /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Freezers . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Dave/Freezers 96 / / /
let the summer be 4 ever!! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO FRS . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Dave/Freezers 96 / / /
endless summer.... endless summer... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
//--!shp-- //
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Depth . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Draw/DepthAzkiness 96 / / /
how deep??? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Depth . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Draw/AzkinessDepth 96 / / /
Have U ever seen a SeaQuest???! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ ::::shp *-- :
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Depth . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Draw/DepthAzkiness 96 / / /
LightWave, Toaster, NewTek..... Amiga Roolz : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/-- D e P t h --/-
/ / ---Y /-
// -/-!shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Exolon . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Exolon/Old BullsRektum Pl 96 / / /
...brothas in arms... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
!shp/ /
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Old Buls . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Exolon/Old BullsRektum Pl 96 / / /
too much complicated??? I dont think so... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Rektum . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Exolon/Old BullsRektum Pl 96 / / /
never trust a smilin cat... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / !shp-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Kazik . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Kazik/Anadune 96 / / /
da huge power of amazing pixels... try it : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ . !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Losiu . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Losiu/Anadune 96 / / /
he always likes crunched things.... so... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-- LOSiU --
/ -------- !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Manga . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Losiu/Anadune 96 / / /
Manga rulez!!! especially movies... girls : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/- MaNGa -/-
.//!shp/ ./
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO The Sect BBS . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
Da land of neverending files... files... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / / / / / shp
: Friendly Sysop: MadBart/Appendix Open mon-fri 22.00 - 13.00 :
: Co-Sysop: Vip/Appendix Open weekend 22.00 - 10.00 :
: 2400-19200 BPS, NOW SUPPORTS CALLERS AT 19200, V32TER :
-- Node 1: +48 91 879493 --------------- Node 2: +48 91 Private --
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO The Sect BBS . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
files...files...girls...files : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / !shp
: Friendly Sysop: MadBart/Appendix Open mon-fri 22.00 - 13.00 :
: Co-Sysop: Vip/Appendix Open weekend 22.00 - 10.00 :
: 2400-19200 BPS, NOW SUPPORTS CALLERS AT 19200, V32TER :
-- Node 1: +48 91 879493 --------------- Node 2: +48 91 Private --
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Credits . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Norman/Anadune 96 / / /
when Ull be da bezt??? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ !shp//
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Delayers . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Norman/Anadune 96 / / /
...or fucked by p.o.s.t .... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Greets . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Norman/Anadune 96 / / /
...here comes da.... main part... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/-/ -/!shp//
:--:. .:oO+:-+OOoo:
::-: .-oo-..-+OOOo+:
.:-. .o+-..-oOoOo+:
:-. :+++-::+oOOOo.
:: .-++-:-oOOOOo:
:- ::-o:-oO808O-
:+ .-++OO8oO-
-o- ..::::.... ...:+++ooO-:OO-
oo: .:--+o+--:::... . ..::-+ooOoooooo:
8+++o---------++--:..::::-++o0OOOo+ -.
..: :+O8888888OOOOo+++------+++++ooooOOOOOOOOOoo++++++++
.. :.........::::--++o+o+-::........::::----++ooOOO80@@0Oo+++++
+00000080808080000000000000000000000000000000000000000@@@@@@00000000@O. +
.o000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000@@@@@@0000000000- .
880000000000000000888888888000000000000000@@@@@@@@@@@0000000000o. .
:+OO80000@@00008888888888888800000@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@00000000000o. .:--
Surprise! Its a small preview of my second ascii collection.. Itll be not
a normal one... Itll be an ascii-gfx collection.. So... be patient! ...and
stay khewl... ...
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Info . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Norman/Anadune 96 / / /
...informer... info.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
//-!shp-// /
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Letter . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Norman/Anadune 96 / / /
...everybody likes this... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO News . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Norman/Anadune 96 / / /
files... files... viruses... files.. oops! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Norman . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Norman/Anadune 96 / / /
...normal Norman??? Its a norm? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Scene . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Norman/Anadune 96 / / /
...rooolz man!! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
//- //!shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Stuff . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Norman/Anadune 96 / / /
Happy New Year 96 sic! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
----//----/ !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Convex . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...my head is empty... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
------- ---- /shp----- ----
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Convex . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
....massive attack.... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / : / !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Convex . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...bannanarama... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
// // !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Convex . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...yeah... crazy spiral style... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-- CoNVeX --
/./!shp/ -
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Jacool . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...ja te cool... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/- Jacool -/-
/ / .//. !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Neuromancer . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...gettin betta... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/- Neuromancer -/-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Pila . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...duzo??? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Pila . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...bardzo duzo?? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Pila . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
.... oh no!.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ // shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Pila . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...a ta to ju wogle przegia : !shp : -non-
- toxic
// shp
Y Y//
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Psychol . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...hmm... have U ever seen a Dizne-Land by Abyss? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/: / : / / !shp
pSychol/ /: issue01/
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Skulls . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...czacha dymi... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / .:/ !shp /
Y - -- ------------------ -----: -----:--- -- -
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Skulls . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...dymi.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ : !shp/
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Skulls . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
....rzdzi... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
./ !shp/ ./
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Skulls . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Pila/SkullsConvex 96 / / /
...style d-generator : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/- S K U L L S -/-
------------------- --------!shp-/-/----------
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Mystic . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Sagrael/Mystic 96 / / /
...al places... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Octagon . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Sagrael/Mystic 96 / / /
....when I see him??? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
//!shp/. /
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO SAF . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Sagrael/SAF 96 / / /
....alive or dead? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Sagrael . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Sagrael/Mystic 96 / / /
....my best greets m8! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
./!shp .
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Scorpik . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Scorpik/Absolute! 96 / / /
...music 4 da jilted geneneration : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ : Y /
/ / /: !shp......
A B S O L U t E !
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Scorpik . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Scorpik/Absolute! 96 / / /
....yeaaahh.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / / : :Y /
:: / / / !shp /:. / / : :....:
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Scorpik . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Scorpik/Absolute! 96 / / /
...da new one... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
!shp ---
SCORPik/AbSOlUtE! ---
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Anadune . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...diz is diz... fileid.diz : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ / / //?shp/ // / //
- -- --- presents ---
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO AND . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
.....short and.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Anadune . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
....and long.... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/?shp/.....:/ /:....
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO AND . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...diz iz an old diz : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO AND . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...and diz iz a new diz.. diz time.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
: ANAdUNE gives Ya today :
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO AND . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
... yet another diz... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/nadune / /!shp/ presents---.
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Anadune . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...diz iz not a diz???? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
Y Y Y Y : Y Y Y Y
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Anadune . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
....why not??? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Anadune . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...total crazy spiral chaos style : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/ / n a d u n e /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Azure BBS . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Andy/Anadune 96 / / /
... have U been there? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ /nadune WHQ ...... .:.....:. :
/:::::::: :: NEMESiS II.::::::::::::::. : :
/ / :: / ::: /: :: :: :::::: SYSOP: ANdY
/ / : :: /:: :::::: :::::: StAff: ShARP, LOsiU
/ /: :::::::::::: ubs! ::::::
Y / a z u r e b b s ::::::::: // ::?shp::
Y : :
NODE: +48-77-555654 Runnin on A1200/6MB/850HD/CD-ROM 12000bps Open 22-15
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Anadunes Boombastic . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...here comes da boss... nearly : !shp : -non-
- toxic
Y Y : Y Y Y Y /
: : Y :
Anadune pReSents fiRst iSsUe of BoOmbaStic tHe Addy PaCk !
Y Y Y : Y Y Y / Y Y Y
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Boombastic . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...boom ...boom ... shake da room!! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:... :::. :shp.
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Boombastic . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
....fun-tastic.... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
.: . // .: bOOMbAStiC ...........:
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Charts . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...whos hot whos not! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
.- -----.- /.- /- !shp
// C h A R t S
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Bulletines . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Andy/Anadune 96 / / /
read and spread : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Conferences . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Andy/Anadune 96 / / /
...da real thing : !shp : -non-
- toxic
: / : :/shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Foundation . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...yep... we were on the party V.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/ .--- o
L.... ::L ..: shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Nemesis 2 . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Andy/Anadune 96 / / /
...and a half : !shp : -non-
- toxic
: ./: ./shp :
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Nemesis 2 . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY Andy/Anadune 96 / / /
.... :2 : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Vaccine . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...the first name of boombastic... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/. : : : shp
V a c c i n e iSsUe 001
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Amiga . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
...roolz 4 ever.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Animations . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
...especially from lightwave : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/. -- .!shp
-/ A N i M A t i O N S /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Azk2 Zone . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...or rather.... free fire zone... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/ Z O N E /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Azkiz Heaven . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
...all ascii goes to heaven... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/ h E A V E N /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Demos . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
....hiper superb..... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Elite . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
....how good R ya???? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Files . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
files... files... girls... files... viruses : !shp : -non-
- toxic
/------ !shp
-/ f O R S Y S O P S /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Free . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
...files want to be free!!! : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/ f i l E S /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO MadBart . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
....mad on max... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
//. .!shp
-/ O f A P P E N d i X /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Mags . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
...things worth reading... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Misc . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
...all together.... mixed up... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/ N E W U P l O A d S /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Modules . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
....do Ya like psycho?? I do.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
. !shp
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO pC . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
pErsonal cAlculator ...or cLoset ??? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Pictures . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
girls.. graffitti.. girls.. pixeled.. girls.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Stuff . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
...pywaa kaczka po staffie... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
//----- -!shp-/
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Text . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
...its somethin Ya R reading now... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/ f i l E S /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Vote . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY MadBart/Appendix 96 / / /
..dont forget to fill boombastic vote-sheet!: !shp : -non-
- toxic
-/ S h E E t S /-
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Info . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
....c-vitae.. : !shp : -non-
- toxic
first some personal - -- --- /
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Letta . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...write to me... : !shp : -non-
- toxic
stAMps : / / / / / / / / / / : bACk!
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO AND . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
....and... what?? : !shp : -non-
- toxic
: :----?shp : :
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO News . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
..at night : !shp : -non-
- toxic
// Y
:.. da azkii colly .:.. / /
---,oGO Stuff . :------/ / /
------------- aZk2 / / /
rEqUEStEd bY 96 / / /
...a lots of GBytes : !shp : -non-
- toxic
l a t e s t / / / / .-.
which I already got...
Its seems to be end... for now... Next
ascii colly comming after my final exams
that mean soon...
Oke poke...
Greets to all my friends and people who
keep scene alive.
If Ya are intrested in my ascii write at
this addy:
Spychalskiego 10/9
45-716 Opole
tel. +48-77-746016
See Ya...
-/ / n a d u n e /-
ANADUNE is looking for skilled active second CODER musician... so
if You think that You are good enough get in touch with us at...
ShaRp/AnadUnE SpyChalSkieGo 1o/9 45-716 OpOle POlaNd!
AddY also 4 da friendly, crazy mailtrading, joining, aSc2, gfX sWappin
-/ BTW: Im lookin 4 aN aZkiI gRoUp tO jOiN -/-
t h e e n d
: ANAdUNE gives Ya today :
C h A O S
da first aZk2 colly from Sharp/Anadune
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