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b A C k t O
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howdi, here are raytrayza and blind enemy typing shit again bout our new paq, future plans, x!ess and whatever.
well, well we gave this lovely package the name blublub. seems
to be very stupid eh ? and why the hell give an ansi pack a name ?
mhhh the idea was in my mind when i took a look at some of these
ridicolous ascii paqs. i recognized that they all had names. a kind
of a headline, a topic. and when you now take a look at ansi paqs ?
there are no names, no topics ! just a compilation of more or less
good ansi and ascii screens.
b2b will try to go new ways! well be creative as hell especially
for your amusement. new ideas, new style, new artists ??
We worked hard to complete this paq. and unfortunately ray had a hd
crash right on friday 13th ! but finally he managed to do all this
organizing stuff and now we present you our 2nd package.
you may ask yourself now what happend to b2b the last months ?!?
did you expect us to release a paq every month ? really ?
have you ever seen our memberlist ? yes ? were not able to release
an ansipaq every month with only 6 artists unfortunally there are
only 4 artists left now. this was the reason we merged with x!ess.
We dont want to write a lot about this chapter. i just want to say
that we and also all the other b2b members are not very happy about
these actions of mikee mouse and drvibe. they finished x!ess from
one day to the other. and we felt like sitting on the street again.
2 months of work with no result. baehh .
but now were over with this and happy again to be in b2b.
lets talk about ... our member stats
we lost more or less 2 members. We really regret that sma one
left the group. he was a good artist. he left in no argument.
the other member which is now a former member is matrix. we had
to kick him. he had a gr8 ansi in the first b2b paq and so
we told him to continue working like this. but the other ansis
he made really sucked.
We know hes a good artist but We dont think people with this
attitude should be in a group . if he only had worked a bit harder.
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about our future plans
well, well. The first point, we want to mention is that we need a
lot of new and of coz talented artists.
With our present memberlist we are not able to release a paq every month so if you are talented enough call our whq or any other board which got a place in our boardlist, apply and pray .
another thing is the ansi mag we want to release. the subject
of this mag will be mainly the european ansi scene. but of course we
wont forget groups like acid, ice, integrity or legend.
in the first issue we will probably have an interview with an ice
senior staffer.
if youre not good in ansi but youve seen a lot of paqs and you
have a good knowledge about ansi and stuff try to apply as a reporter for the ansi mag.
ok then. may the blub be with you and save the whales. signed :
raytrayza and blind enemy
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howdi, here are raytrayza and blind enemy typing shit again bout our new paq, future plans, x!ess and whatever.
well, well we gave this lovely package the name blublub. seems
to be very stupid eh ? and why the hell give an ansi pack a name ?
mhhh the idea was in my mind when i took a look at some of these
ridicolous ascii paqs. i recognized that they all had names. a kind
of a headline, a topic. and when you now take a look at ansi paqs ?
there are no names, no topics ! just a compilation of more or less
good ansi and ascii screens.
b2b will try to go new ways! well be creative as hell especially
for your amusement. new ideas, new style, new artists ??
We worked hard to complete this paq. and unfortunately ray had a hd
crash right on friday 13th ! but finally he managed to do all this
organizing stuff and now we present you our 2nd package.
you may ask yourself now what happend to b2b the last months ?!?
did you expect us to release a paq every month ? really ?
have you ever seen our memberlist ? yes ? were not able to release
an ansipaq every month with only 6 artists unfortunally there are
only 4 artists left now. this was the reason we merged with x!ess.
We dont want to write a lot about this chapter. i just want to say
that we and also all the other b2b members are not very happy about
these actions of mikee mouse and drvibe. they finished x!ess from
one day to the other. and we felt like sitting on the street again.
2 months of work with no result. baehh .
but now were over with this and happy again to be in b2b.
lets talk about ... our member stats
we lost more or less 2 members. We really regret that sma one
left the group. he was a good artist. he left in no argument.
the other member which is now a former member is matrix. we had
to kick him. he had a gr8 ansi in the first b2b paq and so
we told him to continue working like this. but the other ansis
he made really sucked.
We know hes a good artist but We dont think people with this
attitude should be in a group . if he only had worked a bit harder.
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about our future plans
well, well. The first point, we want to mention is that we need a
lot of new and of coz talented artists.
With our present memberlist we are not able to release a paq every month so if you are talented enough call our whq or any other board which got a place in our boardlist, apply and pray .
another thing is the ansi mag we want to release. the subject
of this mag will be mainly the european ansi scene. but of course we
wont forget groups like acid, ice, integrity or legend.
in the first issue we will probably have an interview with an ice
senior staffer.
if youre not good in ansi but youve seen a lot of paqs and you
have a good knowledge about ansi and stuff try to apply as a reporter for the ansi mag.
ok then. may the blub be with you and save the whales. signed :
raytrayza and blind enemy
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