this image contains text
. ::: : .o@IIIIiZZZZZZIIi@o
. :::.:::.. :: : iiiIIIIIZZZZZZZWWWWZ
:: :iii::::::i.:.:: :IIIIIIIZZZZZZZWIIiiIIZWW
iii:.:::iii::i:::ii:: . jiiiIIIIZZZZZZZWWWWZZZIXZZZWWZZZ
.... jb j. . **77777**
P jo. ?. .
? j:..dS . . *
... V j:@@SSS. ?D. .
: . ?b
: : ?L . ,:::iiIIIIII
: : ?j.oSSo. . .::iiiiiIIIIZZW
: : ?j?. :::iiiiIIIIIZZWW
:... : * .b *??.o88888b .:::iiiIIIIiiiZWW
: : ?b .d888888L :::iiiiIIIIiiiiZW
: : . . ?jSo.888WWWW88. :::iiiiiIIIIIIZZ
:...: . j 88888WWWWW888 :::::iiiiiiiIIIW
: ?8888888 ::::::iiiiIIIZ
a large :...........................*?jL ........:::::iiiiiI
spaceship full of passengers was *?j.
coming to the orbit of a usual planet.
but the captain announced, that the planet was
an unfriendly one. he told a long and beautiful story about some old times,
when people ran out of place in the earth and needed to fly over the space
to find a good and earth-like planet to found some colonies there... they
explored and explored the universe, and finally one ship with farmers landed
on a great planet... planet of the apes... they thought, the apes were to
understand peoples superiority and dont miss people to base on the planet.
to found out great farms with sheep and cows and live and be happy.
but no ape was found to understand any earth language and so on. they didnt
even understand sign language. people tried to kill them all, but.. you know,
green peace lives always. and they were not allowed to. and... what the
apes did? heh.. they started to hunt people. yeah! it was amazing. but...
they really did. and... they had a civilization there. everything was like
on earth in 17th-18th centuries. they had kings, feudals, iron fireams and
liked to dance... the most preferable foods were meat and fish. and they
killed one of the earth peoples after the last tried to use his lazergun.
and the most unfortunate thing for earth people was that the killer started
eating the man. ohh.. it was the worst. after the incident, the apes realized
that people from the earth are amazing delicios. and they started to hunt
them. after one farmer was cought, they brought him to a store and placed
a table with a price on his neck. so... he was to be sold or to be eaten.
the apes caought all farmers, because those couldnt leave : after landing
the ship was broken... and, finished the captain, now we cant kill all
those foul apes, bacause of stupid green peace of the earth...
he showed some pictures made by a super-mega-strong lens from the orbit of
the planet.. one picture showed some kind of following things....
: . . fd s ::::::::
: ....,,,,ooooooooSSSSSS
:SIIi777777i SSSP oSSb.
: SI i i . . . . . i P I
: SI ? i . . . . . iySSo i i
: SI : I ?P ................IL : ??
: Si . . i: oP : IS?*..*?? .
: i .. iW : sdfsdgfhfj Isy@oo
: i L j : sdfsdf erb I .oo.
: i i . . . : werwe te I ..
: i . : P : werrr wer I ??
: i i . : wrwer wer ew Io. ??
: . ii . : werewr ew I .b??d.
: . :...............I .?oo?.
: : :i ii .ob do.
: : . .i JL . 4 .SooS.
: : . i: ?.
: iiPYi 4 ::
: ?? jjj . i ?/?
: . ?? .?j/j? .
: i . . . I.
:. . . ..o. 4 I :SSSSS:
: ?????? . .
:........................................... ? ?
thats terrific! cried out all the :............................
people on the spaceship. but... what does the plate on the building :
say? did you translate it? did you finally understand language of :
those awful animals?? yes, answered the captain, this plate says... :......
it... duh... argh... it says, that theres 50 discount for farmers. :
- silly apes! they dont know the terms of selling... shouted people... :
oh yes, captain said, they dont know it yet... foolish creatures... :
: ,i
: ......................o...........
: .,yy. ?: blender:2000
.oSb .oS.: :
. .??L :. ii :
?. .?i ...
?? ? .. .oSL
. Lyy ,Sjj.
?b . iJ*:
. i : l ? :
I :......?.......oS.:
: S. ? .o.*? ?.
. So.Soi .
: ?j. ?L.
: ? .JL.
:: little story about the animals on the planet of
:: the apes are selling some cought farmers...
:: made by slash //ceg...
:: slashhere@unomail.com
. :::.:::.. :: : iiiIIIIIZZZZZZZWWWWZ
:: :iii::::::i.:.:: :IIIIIIIZZZZZZZWIIiiIIZWW
iii:.:::iii::i:::ii:: . jiiiIIIIZZZZZZZWWWWZZZIXZZZWWZZZ
.... jb j. . **77777**
P jo. ?. .
? j:..dS . . *
... V j:@@SSS. ?D. .
: . ?b
: : ?L . ,:::iiIIIIII
: : ?j.oSSo. . .::iiiiiIIIIZZW
: : ?j?. :::iiiiIIIIIZZWW
:... : * .b *??.o88888b .:::iiiIIIIiiiZWW
: : ?b .d888888L :::iiiiIIIIiiiiZW
: : . . ?jSo.888WWWW88. :::iiiiiIIIIIIZZ
:...: . j 88888WWWWW888 :::::iiiiiiiIIIW
: ?8888888 ::::::iiiiIIIZ
a large :...........................*?jL ........:::::iiiiiI
spaceship full of passengers was *?j.
coming to the orbit of a usual planet.
but the captain announced, that the planet was
an unfriendly one. he told a long and beautiful story about some old times,
when people ran out of place in the earth and needed to fly over the space
to find a good and earth-like planet to found some colonies there... they
explored and explored the universe, and finally one ship with farmers landed
on a great planet... planet of the apes... they thought, the apes were to
understand peoples superiority and dont miss people to base on the planet.
to found out great farms with sheep and cows and live and be happy.
but no ape was found to understand any earth language and so on. they didnt
even understand sign language. people tried to kill them all, but.. you know,
green peace lives always. and they were not allowed to. and... what the
apes did? heh.. they started to hunt people. yeah! it was amazing. but...
they really did. and... they had a civilization there. everything was like
on earth in 17th-18th centuries. they had kings, feudals, iron fireams and
liked to dance... the most preferable foods were meat and fish. and they
killed one of the earth peoples after the last tried to use his lazergun.
and the most unfortunate thing for earth people was that the killer started
eating the man. ohh.. it was the worst. after the incident, the apes realized
that people from the earth are amazing delicios. and they started to hunt
them. after one farmer was cought, they brought him to a store and placed
a table with a price on his neck. so... he was to be sold or to be eaten.
the apes caought all farmers, because those couldnt leave : after landing
the ship was broken... and, finished the captain, now we cant kill all
those foul apes, bacause of stupid green peace of the earth...
he showed some pictures made by a super-mega-strong lens from the orbit of
the planet.. one picture showed some kind of following things....
: . . fd s ::::::::
: ....,,,,ooooooooSSSSSS
:SIIi777777i SSSP oSSb.
: SI i i . . . . . i P I
: SI ? i . . . . . iySSo i i
: SI : I ?P ................IL : ??
: Si . . i: oP : IS?*..*?? .
: i .. iW : sdfsdgfhfj Isy@oo
: i L j : sdfsdf erb I .oo.
: i i . . . : werwe te I ..
: i . : P : werrr wer I ??
: i i . : wrwer wer ew Io. ??
: . ii . : werewr ew I .b??d.
: . :...............I .?oo?.
: : :i ii .ob do.
: : . .i JL . 4 .SooS.
: : . i: ?.
: iiPYi 4 ::
: ?? jjj . i ?/?
: . ?? .?j/j? .
: i . . . I.
:. . . ..o. 4 I :SSSSS:
: ?????? . .
:........................................... ? ?
thats terrific! cried out all the :............................
people on the spaceship. but... what does the plate on the building :
say? did you translate it? did you finally understand language of :
those awful animals?? yes, answered the captain, this plate says... :......
it... duh... argh... it says, that theres 50 discount for farmers. :
- silly apes! they dont know the terms of selling... shouted people... :
oh yes, captain said, they dont know it yet... foolish creatures... :
: ,i
: ......................o...........
: .,yy. ?: blender:2000
.oSb .oS.: :
. .??L :. ii :
?. .?i ...
?? ? .. .oSL
. Lyy ,Sjj.
?b . iJ*:
. i : l ? :
I :......?.......oS.:
: S. ? .o.*? ?.
. So.Soi .
: ?j. ?L.
: ? .JL.
:: little story about the animals on the planet of
:: the apes are selling some cought farmers...
:: made by slash //ceg...
:: slashhere@unomail.com
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