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auRora boRealis - tHe bbs for the oriGinal seRious aMiga lovers!
aMiga aScii/aNsi mOdules cnet mAnga cOconet 1oo whq
aMiga aRchive since 1993 - wE have what yOu sEarch
one of tHe bEst sorted modUles area + sAmples fOr muSic lovers
5oo+ aScii/aNsi collections 5oo+ CNet dOors/gAmes/tRicks!
2ndz +49-8621-xxxxx v.34+ ISDN x.75 ringdOwn
CNet bbs a4ooo/o4o 2o mb 2.5 gig hd
aCcepting new uSers anytime!
l l / / / l /
--- - l// / --/-
/ l /yop //
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l l
auRora boRealis - tHe bbs for the oriGinal seRious aMiga lovers!
aMiga aScii/aNsi mOdules cnet mAnga cOconet 1oo whq
aMiga aRchive since 1993 - wE have what yOu sEarch
one of tHe bEst sorted modUles area + sAmples fOr muSic lovers
5oo+ aScii/aNsi collections 5oo+ CNet dOors/gAmes/tRicks!
2ndz +49-8621-xxxxx v.34+ ISDN x.75 ringdOwn
CNet bbs a4ooo/o4o 2o mb 2.5 gig hd
aCcepting new uSers anytime!
l l / / / l /
--- - l// / --/-
/ l /yop //
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