this image contains text
---------------* FastEr tHaN LiGhT - fAsTeR ThAn y0u *-------------
/ / ! AmigA ConFeRenCe -- PC ConFeRenCe ! / /
/ / /! Amiexpress tool SuPPort oVer 1000 fiLes ! / / /
/ / ! L0cAted On -2.6 GiGABytes- oF HD SpaCe ! / /
/ ON A G-FORCE 040 33 MHZ /
0-1 daywarez*---------:Who:is:faster:?!?!:----------*0-1 daywarez
node 1 +49-XXX-ELiTE! Dual 16.8
node 2 +49-XXX-ELiTE! Dual 14.4
Reg./X 3.X node 3 +49-XXX-ELiTE! Zyxel 19.2
node 4 +49-ELiTE!!Dual 14.4
node 5 +49-ELiTE!! ISDN /
Sysop: SPEEDLOCK node 6 ...+49-ELiTE!! ISDN /
/ / ! AmigA ConFeRenCe -- PC ConFeRenCe ! / /
/ / /! Amiexpress tool SuPPort oVer 1000 fiLes ! / / /
/ / ! L0cAted On -2.6 GiGABytes- oF HD SpaCe ! / /
/ ON A G-FORCE 040 33 MHZ /
0-1 daywarez*---------:Who:is:faster:?!?!:----------*0-1 daywarez
node 1 +49-XXX-ELiTE! Dual 16.8
node 2 +49-XXX-ELiTE! Dual 14.4
Reg./X 3.X node 3 +49-XXX-ELiTE! Zyxel 19.2
node 4 +49-ELiTE!!Dual 14.4
node 5 +49-ELiTE!! ISDN /
Sysop: SPEEDLOCK node 6 ...+49-ELiTE!! ISDN /
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