this image contains text
---- --m--- ----- --- - ----- mP/ ------ -------
:-----/ ------ --- 0km. --- ----------- *--- ---:.
welp, its me,despair. ive been getting a lot of requestslately
so i figured i better let u know whatsgoing on.. first, ive pretty
much stoppeddoing ansi - for the time being anyways. it seems i can
only get myself to spend a month or two with one style - ive gone from
lit to -- oldschool ascii to ansi to rip to ansi to newschool ascii
and back to rip and vga again.. so, if you have a request, drop me
some mail, but dont expect it to necessarily bein the media you req-
uest.. later! oh yeah - this is to my advantage, as every time i
return to a : certain media, i seem to be ten times better than b4
make sure you trip to the bottom fer some last
minute inpho shiznits. bitch.
---- --m--- ----- --- - ----- mP/ ------ ------------/ ----
XXXP..xx. db 4bxxdP XXP db 4XXX
4bxxdbbdP xxdP P 4P
XXXXXP dP4P 4P 4P .db ..dP dXXXX
XXXP xbx.4P. db 4bxdP4bxdP ..dXXXXX
.xdP4b. xxxbdP4b. dP 4P
4 4P.dP4b4b dP4
raw bbs 6O4 - ??? - ????
sysop - fergot heheh
---- /------------ ------ /Pm ----- - --- ----- ---m-- ----
.xxdb. 4bxxdP
4bxx. dP ..xx.
XXXb. 4P X dbb. 4bxdP .db 4XXX
XXXXP dP XxdP4bb.4P.bdb 4XX
XXXP db.x.. ..xx. .bP dXX
dP4b 4xdP4bP4xxP
4 4PdPP 4P
the revival of anarchist bastards
somewhere lost in the 813 area code
---- --m--- ----- --- - ----- mP/ ------ ------------/ ---- Despair of dezign, numb, api, and basic presents a lil promo. If you have a
request, comment, or want a pointer , drop me a line at sore0057@umn.edu !
---- /------------ ------ /Pm ----- - --- ----- ---m-- ----
::.4b .::::::::::::::::::: ..xxxxx. :::::::::::::::::::::::
:..db :.:.:.:.:.: db. .x. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:
.db..xdbx. ... 4P4b dP ..xxxxx. .......
... 4b dbb. dbb. dP.P db. .....
..... 4dP4P4bx4P.b.4P .xP 4P4b
x.x.x dP dP 4P.b4bxxb 4b. dP .x.x
xxx dP.xdP dbbxxxdb 4b. 4P xxxx
x db 4P.bxxdP4b4P db dxxb xx
.. 4P P 4P db4P 4P b4P
............. 4P.P.. 4P 4P.
x !sCISAB eHT oT kCAB xx bASIC aSSKEY! xx dP x
---- --m--- ----- --- - ----- mP/ ------ ------------/ ----
::::::::. 4bx...xdP XX 4bxxdP.:::::::
:::::::::..4P .xdP.XX dP.::::::::
::::::::.4P.P 4 ::::
::.xdbx. d dP..4bxxdP. .db:
:dP4bd 4bdP.bdP4b
db.dP4b 4bdP dP dP
4P db4b4b P
4P dP4bP4b db
dUh 4b
613 - ??? - ????
---- / 4b
613 - ??? - ????
---- /------------ ------ /Pm ----- - --- ----- ---m-- ----
-+ -linOleum- +-
READ THIS - ok, i just now decided im gonna do this - im gonna setup a
100- ascii bbs.. i think im gonna call it linOleum. : if you
do any art for it, please do!!, it can be newskewl, oldskewl, or some-
where in between - ill gladly do u some shit in return.. btw - im
running leet as hell eternity 2.sumthin : get back tew me, lates again
:-----/ ------ --- 0km. --- ----------- *--- ---:.
welp, its me,despair. ive been getting a lot of requestslately
so i figured i better let u know whatsgoing on.. first, ive pretty
much stoppeddoing ansi - for the time being anyways. it seems i can
only get myself to spend a month or two with one style - ive gone from
lit to -- oldschool ascii to ansi to rip to ansi to newschool ascii
and back to rip and vga again.. so, if you have a request, drop me
some mail, but dont expect it to necessarily bein the media you req-
uest.. later! oh yeah - this is to my advantage, as every time i
return to a : certain media, i seem to be ten times better than b4
make sure you trip to the bottom fer some last
minute inpho shiznits. bitch.
---- --m--- ----- --- - ----- mP/ ------ ------------/ ----
XXXP..xx. db 4bxxdP XXP db 4XXX
4bxxdbbdP xxdP P 4P
XXXXXP dP4P 4P 4P .db ..dP dXXXX
XXXP xbx.4P. db 4bxdP4bxdP ..dXXXXX
.xdP4b. xxxbdP4b. dP 4P
4 4P.dP4b4b dP4
raw bbs 6O4 - ??? - ????
sysop - fergot heheh
---- /------------ ------ /Pm ----- - --- ----- ---m-- ----
.xxdb. 4bxxdP
4bxx. dP ..xx.
XXXb. 4P X dbb. 4bxdP .db 4XXX
XXXXP dP XxdP4bb.4P.bdb 4XX
XXXP db.x.. ..xx. .bP dXX
dP4b 4xdP4bP4xxP
4 4PdPP 4P
the revival of anarchist bastards
somewhere lost in the 813 area code
---- --m--- ----- --- - ----- mP/ ------ ------------/ ---- Despair of dezign, numb, api, and basic presents a lil promo. If you have a
request, comment, or want a pointer , drop me a line at sore0057@umn.edu !
---- /------------ ------ /Pm ----- - --- ----- ---m-- ----
::.4b .::::::::::::::::::: ..xxxxx. :::::::::::::::::::::::
:..db :.:.:.:.:.: db. .x. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:
.db..xdbx. ... 4P4b dP ..xxxxx. .......
... 4b dbb. dbb. dP.P db. .....
..... 4dP4P4bx4P.b.4P .xP 4P4b
x.x.x dP dP 4P.b4bxxb 4b. dP .x.x
xxx dP.xdP dbbxxxdb 4b. 4P xxxx
x db 4P.bxxdP4b4P db dxxb xx
.. 4P P 4P db4P 4P b4P
............. 4P.P.. 4P 4P.
x !sCISAB eHT oT kCAB xx bASIC aSSKEY! xx dP x
---- --m--- ----- --- - ----- mP/ ------ ------------/ ----
::::::::. 4bx...xdP XX 4bxxdP.:::::::
:::::::::..4P .xdP.XX dP.::::::::
::::::::.4P.P 4 ::::
::.xdbx. d dP..4bxxdP. .db:
:dP4bd 4bdP.bdP4b
db.dP4b 4bdP dP dP
4P db4b4b P
4P dP4bP4b db
dUh 4b
613 - ??? - ????
---- / 4b
613 - ??? - ????
---- /------------ ------ /Pm ----- - --- ----- ---m-- ----
-+ -linOleum- +-
READ THIS - ok, i just now decided im gonna do this - im gonna setup a
100- ascii bbs.. i think im gonna call it linOleum. : if you
do any art for it, please do!!, it can be newskewl, oldskewl, or some-
where in between - ill gladly do u some shit in return.. btw - im
running leet as hell eternity 2.sumthin : get back tew me, lates again
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