this image contains text
, ,yy@ , ,
aa aaay@ l S@aa QiiP S@aaaa a
S@yy byiS@yaaaa aaa a SSi: y
xxxX iSSy 1i: .a lby d .aSi: i: by d XxxxxXxxx ::.:: ii by d :iS : y@Si: ,: xxXxxxxxx 8: :iby d y@ :iiS@yyyyyyy, aaaaaaa :iSSi @y xxxxXxxx 88888 : :iS :i S : :: .: ,aaaa . :ii : xxXx S.:iiS :iSS . 8: :iiS :::.: ::.: :iS . ::.:: iS. B.8888 iS:,8: 8888 ::iS8::
8888 Q 888
-- frak!@ ----------------- ------ ----- ------- ----- .
wOo bASiC iNFO fILE hOo . . .
well things that hOlocaust shitted out and had to say this..
oK well umm how to start this .. umm well it seems that weve gotten are
selves in a mIx-Up well kaleidas kinda did that but NEwayz some of the pack is
not fully completed but were releasing anyways caUse we dont wanna say were
takin a vacation already soo umm letsee what else.. new members it looks like
weve aquired new members about 7 i think,, after an outstanding 2nd pack ..
i guess that was the response on the artists out there.. shit i dunno
havin a mind blockage on these type a things well i dunno just hope to see a
better pack next month when its all better when we find out where Epidemics
disapperance from the scene and well kaleidass busted keyboard dOh! when
are u gonna buy a better keyboard goddamnit yEsh yeah well just hope u like
this months pack and dont mind some of the missing art.. enough babble go run
and look through the pack already .. later all
o and by the way umm if u wanna email any one well i guess j00 guys gonna have
too look in the last basic pack 2... ok well its gettin late .. fuckin
catholic school
and nothing else came out hOlocausts aSS cause that was the end of it.. sigh
relief ..
aa aaay@ l S@aa QiiP S@aaaa a
S@yy byiS@yaaaa aaa a SSi: y
xxxX iSSy 1i: .a lby d .aSi: i: by d XxxxxXxxx ::.:: ii by d :iS : y@Si: ,: xxXxxxxxx 8: :iby d y@ :iiS@yyyyyyy, aaaaaaa :iSSi @y xxxxXxxx 88888 : :iS :i S : :: .: ,aaaa . :ii : xxXx S.:iiS :iSS . 8: :iiS :::.: ::.: :iS . ::.:: iS. B.8888 iS:,8: 8888 ::iS8::
8888 Q 888
-- frak!@ ----------------- ------ ----- ------- ----- .
wOo bASiC iNFO fILE hOo . . .
well things that hOlocaust shitted out and had to say this..
oK well umm how to start this .. umm well it seems that weve gotten are
selves in a mIx-Up well kaleidas kinda did that but NEwayz some of the pack is
not fully completed but were releasing anyways caUse we dont wanna say were
takin a vacation already soo umm letsee what else.. new members it looks like
weve aquired new members about 7 i think,, after an outstanding 2nd pack ..
i guess that was the response on the artists out there.. shit i dunno
havin a mind blockage on these type a things well i dunno just hope to see a
better pack next month when its all better when we find out where Epidemics
disapperance from the scene and well kaleidass busted keyboard dOh! when
are u gonna buy a better keyboard goddamnit yEsh yeah well just hope u like
this months pack and dont mind some of the missing art.. enough babble go run
and look through the pack already .. later all
o and by the way umm if u wanna email any one well i guess j00 guys gonna have
too look in the last basic pack 2... ok well its gettin late .. fuckin
catholic school
and nothing else came out hOlocausts aSS cause that was the end of it.. sigh
relief ..
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