this image contains text
. ..aaa ,,, . .aa .
a. .s a. Sa. a .a.
a. .a a. . .a a.
--- - . -- .- - .a. . .aS- .--- -
bASIC . . . . . aa aSkii
.S . . . . s S. .aaa. gza
.. ..sasa a S. . .a. .S a a.. .
- basic ascii - information for march/april, 1996 -
kaleidas has some shit to tell yall so listen up:
...So sorry...
Some of you may not have noticed, but last months pack was definatly not up
to standards standards of what? i dunno. Plain and simple, it was fucked up,
and you can blame it on me.. see, I spilled a milkshake on my keyboard and it
sorta broke. I had about 100k of ascii ready to be zipped up and released, but
you sure cant do much without some sort of typing utensil, so holocaust used
what ascii he had recieved about half of what I had and we put the pack out.
It was a mistake. I panicked, and I fear nothing more than late packs so I made
a decision, and looking back, Ive realized a late pack is better than a shitty
one. This month, however, was more on-track.
...Where was Epidemic?...
Epidemic has been on a break since the middle of February, so Ive decided
to put my superb group-running skills to the test. From now on, all apps
and other senior stuff will be handled by Holocaust and I. Speaking of apps, we
had way too many for two people to keep track of, so unless youve already
gotten an answer from us, youve been forgotten. re-apply.
...New/Leaving members...
Apologies to the new members who werent introduced in the last pack. Joiningus these past two months: Blatz bz, Cain cn, Cannibal c4, Exulted ex,
Ironman im, Jaded aka Nero jd, Kolorless kls, Mass Murderer mm, muhhomie Prime pr, shoony sy, and spinsane sp.
Leaving? Our group whore, Cidica, ditched us to marry a large Croatian grand-mother. Replacing him will be Prime. Best wishes from the basic crew, dude..
well miss ya. Also leaving, to worship the ansi gods, is defiant. Come back
anytime dude.
Im gonna take this useless space and Im gonna put some greets in it: fah,
holo, epi, chex, jaded, prime, daize, spin, whod who was recently resurrected,hiro, enig, cain, and maestro.
kaleidas had some shit to tell, and know hes done, and now he shut up:
. ..now hOlocaust has some shit to tell yall so listen up.. .
Yeah well i dunno i guess kaleidas explained it all so whats their to say..
weve recruited new members to the group explained above and lost members
But weve acquired new talent to the group explained in above i was
amazed with some of the members work. So this pack will be pretty impressive
but theirs nothing new their cause we always create wicked packs. Well i dunno
this time i think ive learned from my mistakes.
...Thats it, now go fry up a piece of spam and enjoy the pack...
a. .s a. Sa. a .a.
a. .a a. . .a a.
--- - . -- .- - .a. . .aS- .--- -
bASIC . . . . . aa aSkii
.S . . . . s S. .aaa. gza
.. ..sasa a S. . .a. .S a a.. .
- basic ascii - information for march/april, 1996 -
kaleidas has some shit to tell yall so listen up:
...So sorry...
Some of you may not have noticed, but last months pack was definatly not up
to standards standards of what? i dunno. Plain and simple, it was fucked up,
and you can blame it on me.. see, I spilled a milkshake on my keyboard and it
sorta broke. I had about 100k of ascii ready to be zipped up and released, but
you sure cant do much without some sort of typing utensil, so holocaust used
what ascii he had recieved about half of what I had and we put the pack out.
It was a mistake. I panicked, and I fear nothing more than late packs so I made
a decision, and looking back, Ive realized a late pack is better than a shitty
one. This month, however, was more on-track.
...Where was Epidemic?...
Epidemic has been on a break since the middle of February, so Ive decided
to put my superb group-running skills to the test. From now on, all apps
and other senior stuff will be handled by Holocaust and I. Speaking of apps, we
had way too many for two people to keep track of, so unless youve already
gotten an answer from us, youve been forgotten. re-apply.
...New/Leaving members...
Apologies to the new members who werent introduced in the last pack. Joiningus these past two months: Blatz bz, Cain cn, Cannibal c4, Exulted ex,
Ironman im, Jaded aka Nero jd, Kolorless kls, Mass Murderer mm, muhhomie Prime pr, shoony sy, and spinsane sp.
Leaving? Our group whore, Cidica, ditched us to marry a large Croatian grand-mother. Replacing him will be Prime. Best wishes from the basic crew, dude..
well miss ya. Also leaving, to worship the ansi gods, is defiant. Come back
anytime dude.
Im gonna take this useless space and Im gonna put some greets in it: fah,
holo, epi, chex, jaded, prime, daize, spin, whod who was recently resurrected,hiro, enig, cain, and maestro.
kaleidas had some shit to tell, and know hes done, and now he shut up:
. ..now hOlocaust has some shit to tell yall so listen up.. .
Yeah well i dunno i guess kaleidas explained it all so whats their to say..
weve recruited new members to the group explained above and lost members
But weve acquired new talent to the group explained in above i was
amazed with some of the members work. So this pack will be pretty impressive
but theirs nothing new their cause we always create wicked packs. Well i dunno
this time i think ive learned from my mistakes.
...Thats it, now go fry up a piece of spam and enjoy the pack...
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