this image contains text
. ...baseeee ee k asskeee e ee bakk tew da baseeekz...
,g?g, . .,,,,
.,g??g,. .,?igggs,.. .. . .,gggg1?l
? 1P ,sggg?P4?,gSSg, j1zm
il ??l l?i / .,,,. li .,ggg1?ll SS .,gggg1? l?1ggggg?P4?4?ggl1g??g?P4?i ?P4?, ,, .., l?i,,,,, i? l?l. i? ... ,, i :: ii ,,.., l?iil : li :: lggll :: il ::,,. .,,,,. llggg?Pi?PP?ggl1i,:, ?l: li.,g?iii???ii?ggg??g,.il4?ggl1i ,g??W?QWW????88?WW???WwWQQQ88?WWW?QQ?S?g,.4?i ?Ig,.ii?gg??Q?E3???WW??QR ?W??WP?g,. P4 4.P.
. ... .. ..... . .,,,,, ,,, ... ,,, ..,sgggi?,.
., P1
Hello kids,, I present to you basic six!back2da basics!.. //
We got a slammin pack for your eyes this month with
: both schools! Its been a good month, we hooked up with
/ newskool artists jizm, kOrpse and kresile iesone, we
oO / welcome them to the basic crew and look forward to dope
// art! We also welcome seismic oldskooler to the crew!
: On the bad side, just after basic 5 was released I
got an email from hOlocaust who had been missing for
........ about a week saying that his free ISP had expired ...............
: so he was without an internet connection. He had :
: attached two of his works and kOrpses colly that was :
: supposed to go in basic 5, unfortunately I got :
: this too late and thats why Im releasing this in 6 :
: instead. hOlocaust is still missing and I can just hope :
:....... he gets his mess straightened out so that he can come ..........:
back with us once again.
This month Cain left for Remorse, at the time I was
pretty pissed at the whole situation but now I look -.-
back and if this is really what you want to do cain then .-.
// its coo, were still bros, good luck. oO---oOo
After a generally good month but still ruff Ive //
decided to appoint another senior staff member to help //
me out since hOlocaust obviously wont be around for
a while. I thought about it for a long time, and I chose
Midnight Judge to the job. Hes been there fore me since
the day he joined up and hes got the right attitude
/ towards the scene too, I have no doubt that hes da man
: for the job.
. Time for some group rules n shit, its been decided that
basic will not release any colored ascii, its just not
the basic way. Also I want to remind everyone of the
. two group rule, it means if you are in basic you may
. only dual with one other group. This rule is to ensure
: that the artists stay committed to the group and
: produce a fair amount of quality art , ofcourse we
still want quality before quantity. I know how it
is like being in more than 2 groups, a few can handle it, /
/ most cant and either quit one or more after a while.
/ Ok now for another thing, we are still taking apps so if
/ you think you have what it takes to make the basic crew
/ go ahead and send an app to blindman@algonet.se, or find
// a senior in basic that can review your app.
....As for distros and HQs we dont have any of them so dont ask.. :
: This got to be one huge ass info file, if you are still reading :
! : then .. gawd go look at the asciis already! .
. greets // miasma, epidemic, holocaust, acidjack, whodini, tinyz, hiro, .
. ack, massmurderer, cain, mjudge, squish, biogen, martz, d2rn i
i : c4nn, creator, lsd, ewheat, enigmatic, mso, polymorph, l
: my basic/kwest saga posse. respect to remorse,,
: live long and stay strong.. peace :
: .. : ............ / - blindman : :/
,g?g, . .,,,,
.,g??g,. .,?igggs,.. .. . .,gggg1?l
? 1P ,sggg?P4?,gSSg, j1zm
il ??l l?i / .,,,. li .,ggg1?ll SS .,gggg1? l?1ggggg?P4?4?ggl1g??g?P4?i ?P4?, ,, .., l?i,,,,, i? l?l. i? ... ,, i :: ii ,,.., l?iil : li :: lggll :: il ::,,. .,,,,. llggg?Pi?PP?ggl1i,:, ?l: li.,g?iii???ii?ggg??g,.il4?ggl1i ,g??W?QWW????88?WW???WwWQQQ88?WWW?QQ?S?g,.4?i ?Ig,.ii?gg??Q?E3???WW??QR ?W??WP?g,. P4 4.P.
. ... .. ..... . .,,,,, ,,, ... ,,, ..,sgggi?,.
., P1
Hello kids,, I present to you basic six!back2da basics!.. //
We got a slammin pack for your eyes this month with
: both schools! Its been a good month, we hooked up with
/ newskool artists jizm, kOrpse and kresile iesone, we
oO / welcome them to the basic crew and look forward to dope
// art! We also welcome seismic oldskooler to the crew!
: On the bad side, just after basic 5 was released I
got an email from hOlocaust who had been missing for
........ about a week saying that his free ISP had expired ...............
: so he was without an internet connection. He had :
: attached two of his works and kOrpses colly that was :
: supposed to go in basic 5, unfortunately I got :
: this too late and thats why Im releasing this in 6 :
: instead. hOlocaust is still missing and I can just hope :
:....... he gets his mess straightened out so that he can come ..........:
back with us once again.
This month Cain left for Remorse, at the time I was
pretty pissed at the whole situation but now I look -.-
back and if this is really what you want to do cain then .-.
// its coo, were still bros, good luck. oO---oOo
After a generally good month but still ruff Ive //
decided to appoint another senior staff member to help //
me out since hOlocaust obviously wont be around for
a while. I thought about it for a long time, and I chose
Midnight Judge to the job. Hes been there fore me since
the day he joined up and hes got the right attitude
/ towards the scene too, I have no doubt that hes da man
: for the job.
. Time for some group rules n shit, its been decided that
basic will not release any colored ascii, its just not
the basic way. Also I want to remind everyone of the
. two group rule, it means if you are in basic you may
. only dual with one other group. This rule is to ensure
: that the artists stay committed to the group and
: produce a fair amount of quality art , ofcourse we
still want quality before quantity. I know how it
is like being in more than 2 groups, a few can handle it, /
/ most cant and either quit one or more after a while.
/ Ok now for another thing, we are still taking apps so if
/ you think you have what it takes to make the basic crew
/ go ahead and send an app to blindman@algonet.se, or find
// a senior in basic that can review your app.
....As for distros and HQs we dont have any of them so dont ask.. :
: This got to be one huge ass info file, if you are still reading :
! : then .. gawd go look at the asciis already! .
. greets // miasma, epidemic, holocaust, acidjack, whodini, tinyz, hiro, .
. ack, massmurderer, cain, mjudge, squish, biogen, martz, d2rn i
i : c4nn, creator, lsd, ewheat, enigmatic, mso, polymorph, l
: my basic/kwest saga posse. respect to remorse,,
: live long and stay strong.. peace :
: .. : ............ / - blindman : :/
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