this image contains text
M A Y 9 4
Well, Folks, here it is.. Blade pak number 3. Its the biggest pak yet, as
far as bits and bytes go, but as you can probably see by know, the ansi
lacks in quantity. However, I dont think youll be too dissapointed with
the quality.
This month we picked up a few new members. First off, Janzik Darkness
joins us from CiA as an ANSi and Lit Artist. Secondly, Morpheus joins our
lacking code department and livens things up there a bit, as you can see
with our new appgen by him. Mystic Plague joins us in the Lit dept., making
that section the strongest so far we welcome him and his excellent artistic
As I mentioned up there , we now have a new appgen, complete with
musical interludes. Thanks to morpheus for the excellent coding, and StyX
for the entertaining MODs...
A few other little notes: We excepted several new distro sites and member
boards this month, and that about completes that section. Blade is NO LONGER
accepting distro sites within the united states. Other countries are welcome
to apply for hq positions, limit one per country.
That about wraps that shit up... Thanks to all who have helped to support
blade thus far, we hope to kick some serious ass in the coming months.
If ya like our work, let us know.. Im insecure about this shit ...
Write me at internet MCBLADE@DELPHI.COM or call Eternal Insanity
908.224.8780 NUP:SPHERE ....
And as always, if you would like to apply for blade, fill out an app and
send it up to MindCrime at either of those two places above. Well known
artists need not fill out an app, we general know who you are.
Blade welcomes talented artists of all speeds, with no shit and no
hassles. All we ask is that ya work during the month and upload it to
the whq in time for the pak. Besides that, yer free to do what ya want.
BTW - BLADE SS is not a bunch of assholes.. For some reason i thought that
had to be said.
Lastly, Blade would like to bid a fond farewell to Gothic. Their work was
second to none, and theyll be missed. And all leftover Gothic artists
are free to join blade God I hate sounding like were desperate
Wellllllllll.. That wraps that up... Lates until next month.
MindCrime BL/DE Founder
Blade would like to greet:
ACiD: Gothic+ACiD Oh shit, Were all screwed.
iCE: Gothic+ACiD Oh shit, yer screwed!
CiA: Whats up?
Vi: Good work doodes, Keep it up!
Manifest: You guys are too desperate for members I read nets
Blur: Good Mag this month.. Hope to see some more goos shit in the future!
SUN: Great concept! The mag kicks ass.. keep it up!
Paranoia: Get that fucking mag out, Cain!
Tribe: What the FUCK!?! You guys need help. Tribe+TribeTribe?
Nation: Sounds to me like you guysll kick ass...
Ex-Gothic and Tribe Members: Blade is second only to sex...
And all the aspiring artists out there... Keep it up, the world will be
a better place.
And all the fucking druggies out there Ive read too much about this shit
this month, nets, magazines, the news... ... Try life, its a much better
And all the people in the scene with attitude problems: Its only life. Ease
And all the /-rad 3lit3 warez dudez: Stop spreadin lies and stay in yer
own scene, this ones ours.
And all the lamers who spend 25 lines in an .NFO file on greets: Uh... Hi.
MindCrime would like to greet Since he doesnt do ansi, he takes the .NFO
file to greet people
Soul Seeker: Ya died this month, get back in here!
TechnoPhreak: Rape me
STyX: Yer alive! WoAH!
Napalm CiA: Thanks for the ansi, doode.. I owe ya one... Shroom me.
Cain PNA: PNA1?
Special Ed iCE: Need a kb?
Deeply Disturbed: Is SS still our CHQ? Call my board once in a while.
HOOPTiE DLC: Thanks for the site.. Wheres 4?
Jabberwocky: Nice job on SUN1... Sorry to see ParaLost go down...
Devils Spawn: Thanks for the offer, but no one seemed to care
Jason Litt 908 Lamer: FUCK YOU!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------BLADE 94! Cream filling, what a concept!
M A Y 9 4
Well, Folks, here it is.. Blade pak number 3. Its the biggest pak yet, as
far as bits and bytes go, but as you can probably see by know, the ansi
lacks in quantity. However, I dont think youll be too dissapointed with
the quality.
This month we picked up a few new members. First off, Janzik Darkness
joins us from CiA as an ANSi and Lit Artist. Secondly, Morpheus joins our
lacking code department and livens things up there a bit, as you can see
with our new appgen by him. Mystic Plague joins us in the Lit dept., making
that section the strongest so far we welcome him and his excellent artistic
As I mentioned up there , we now have a new appgen, complete with
musical interludes. Thanks to morpheus for the excellent coding, and StyX
for the entertaining MODs...
A few other little notes: We excepted several new distro sites and member
boards this month, and that about completes that section. Blade is NO LONGER
accepting distro sites within the united states. Other countries are welcome
to apply for hq positions, limit one per country.
That about wraps that shit up... Thanks to all who have helped to support
blade thus far, we hope to kick some serious ass in the coming months.
If ya like our work, let us know.. Im insecure about this shit ...
Write me at internet MCBLADE@DELPHI.COM or call Eternal Insanity
908.224.8780 NUP:SPHERE ....
And as always, if you would like to apply for blade, fill out an app and
send it up to MindCrime at either of those two places above. Well known
artists need not fill out an app, we general know who you are.
Blade welcomes talented artists of all speeds, with no shit and no
hassles. All we ask is that ya work during the month and upload it to
the whq in time for the pak. Besides that, yer free to do what ya want.
BTW - BLADE SS is not a bunch of assholes.. For some reason i thought that
had to be said.
Lastly, Blade would like to bid a fond farewell to Gothic. Their work was
second to none, and theyll be missed. And all leftover Gothic artists
are free to join blade God I hate sounding like were desperate
Wellllllllll.. That wraps that up... Lates until next month.
MindCrime BL/DE Founder
Blade would like to greet:
ACiD: Gothic+ACiD Oh shit, Were all screwed.
iCE: Gothic+ACiD Oh shit, yer screwed!
CiA: Whats up?
Vi: Good work doodes, Keep it up!
Manifest: You guys are too desperate for members I read nets
Blur: Good Mag this month.. Hope to see some more goos shit in the future!
SUN: Great concept! The mag kicks ass.. keep it up!
Paranoia: Get that fucking mag out, Cain!
Tribe: What the FUCK!?! You guys need help. Tribe+TribeTribe?
Nation: Sounds to me like you guysll kick ass...
Ex-Gothic and Tribe Members: Blade is second only to sex...
And all the aspiring artists out there... Keep it up, the world will be
a better place.
And all the fucking druggies out there Ive read too much about this shit
this month, nets, magazines, the news... ... Try life, its a much better
And all the people in the scene with attitude problems: Its only life. Ease
And all the /-rad 3lit3 warez dudez: Stop spreadin lies and stay in yer
own scene, this ones ours.
And all the lamers who spend 25 lines in an .NFO file on greets: Uh... Hi.
MindCrime would like to greet Since he doesnt do ansi, he takes the .NFO
file to greet people
Soul Seeker: Ya died this month, get back in here!
TechnoPhreak: Rape me
STyX: Yer alive! WoAH!
Napalm CiA: Thanks for the ansi, doode.. I owe ya one... Shroom me.
Cain PNA: PNA1?
Special Ed iCE: Need a kb?
Deeply Disturbed: Is SS still our CHQ? Call my board once in a while.
HOOPTiE DLC: Thanks for the site.. Wheres 4?
Jabberwocky: Nice job on SUN1... Sorry to see ParaLost go down...
Devils Spawn: Thanks for the offer, but no one seemed to care
Jason Litt 908 Lamer: FUCK YOU!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------BLADE 94! Cream filling, what a concept!
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