this image contains text
. A TechnoPhreaK Pro
duction .
TPs Greetz:
MindCrime: Thanx for the new position...
Soul Seeker: Wassup doode?
Raistlin: Whered you go man?
Stone Angel: Hows BLuR goin man?
FadeD iLLuSioN: Gettin a little HoSTiLE?
Freaky Styley: iNTeGRiTY is sweet...
Lord Jazz: How the hell do you do yer 800 line ANSis??
SCaR: Later.
BLADE: Keep up the great job!
ACiD: Slippin? or rebuilding?
iCE: Cool shit guyz....
CiA: Wanna merge? SikE...
UNiON: Hey guyz..
Vi: Where is yer last pak?
MAD: Are you alive?
Hello to all the rest of the cool groups....
T h e S i x t h S
p h e r e
8 o i . 9 4 4 . 4 8 5 7 / O B V / 2 2 . 2 0
/ NUP: Eternal
SysOp : Ashraf Ghori BL/DE Courier
Affiliations -
ZeROG World Headquarters . GRaViTY Ma
gazine World Headquarters
Weapon-X Utah Headquarters . Nokturnal
Magazine Utah Headquarters
Blade Member Board
Networks -
Criminal Alliance Network World Headquarters
FlameNet Node
eT by TechnoPhreaK c
BL/DE Productions 1994
duction .
TPs Greetz:
MindCrime: Thanx for the new position...
Soul Seeker: Wassup doode?
Raistlin: Whered you go man?
Stone Angel: Hows BLuR goin man?
FadeD iLLuSioN: Gettin a little HoSTiLE?
Freaky Styley: iNTeGRiTY is sweet...
Lord Jazz: How the hell do you do yer 800 line ANSis??
SCaR: Later.
BLADE: Keep up the great job!
ACiD: Slippin? or rebuilding?
iCE: Cool shit guyz....
CiA: Wanna merge? SikE...
UNiON: Hey guyz..
Vi: Where is yer last pak?
MAD: Are you alive?
Hello to all the rest of the cool groups....
T h e S i x t h S
p h e r e
8 o i . 9 4 4 . 4 8 5 7 / O B V / 2 2 . 2 0
/ NUP: Eternal
SysOp : Ashraf Ghori BL/DE Courier
Affiliations -
ZeROG World Headquarters . GRaViTY Ma
gazine World Headquarters
Weapon-X Utah Headquarters . Nokturnal
Magazine Utah Headquarters
Blade Member Board
Networks -
Criminal Alliance Network World Headquarters
FlameNet Node
eT by TechnoPhreaK c
BL/DE Productions 1994
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