this image contains text
BL/DE 94 Presents - The Edge: The Official B
lade Information File.
This is the Blade Info File. A monthly publi
cation from Blade Productions.
This file outlines the past months happenings of Blade.
This text is written by MindCrime, Blade founder and pr
esident. If there
are any spelling or grammatical errors within this text, please
that MC is only human, as are most other people. Blade
is a group much like
that of iCE or ACiD At least, we like to think so which relea
ses a monthly
pak of the prior months work Or something like that. B
lade paks are released on the first of each month They
can be found at any one of our lovely
distribution sites. If you wish to contact Blade in any way, p
call Eternal Insanity @ 908.224.8780 All blade members can be
on Ei. If you like the work of Blade, let us know.
Leave a message to
MindCrime at his lame ass internet address............MCBLADE@
or call up Eternal Insanity . Enjoy the pack.
1 First off this month, an extremely talented artist b
y the name of Facsimile joins up with Blade. We k
now Fac will be a most excellent addition, as can
be told by his debut work this month. Great job Fac!
2 Still absent from the active member list this month
is Soul Seeker and
Shadow Master Who has changed his handle to Counterpoint
. Mystic Plague
is back around, but so far no work from him. Next month w
e should have
all three back in action to once again complete the blade pow
er force. g
3 With Soul Seekers absence, so went Rave
nhill, the former Blade USHQ..
This void has been nicely filled by Despair 2, the ne
w Blade USHQ.
4 Physical Solution has gone on vacation for t
he end of this month till
the end of august, and so went The Dark Side, the Blade Couri
er HQ.
If you dont see a courier on yer board this month, were sor
ry, shit
happens.. Call Eternal Insanity @ 908.224.8780, the pak is av
ailable for
download through the matrix.
6 Last, but most certainly not least... Blade now has
an official support
network. Speed Network was devised and setup by me mc in ab
out 2 days
and is now fully active. As of right now, it is required by a
ll HQ
boards, offered to all distros, and available though INVITE O
If you are a blade affiliated board, feel free to ask to carr
y the net.
If you are not blade affiliated, dont ask.. Well come to yo
u if we want
you. The WHQ for speed is of course Eternal Insanity @ 908.22
4.8780 g
7 And so wraps up another month of hard work by the bl
ade crew.. Enjoy
the pak and look for upcoming articles about Blade in many ma
jor e-mags.
...Group Greets..........................................
CiA - Hum De Dum Dum... Sup? g
UNiON - You guys are better than us pout g...Good wor
k folks..
EGO - Lit, Lit, Lit.. it better be good Lit g
TEAM - We rock da houzzzz.. 0BV/2 R0C/Z g
EVERYONE ELSE - gggggggggg
...MC Greets.............................................
BiSHOP - Team all da way. We rule :
Somms - Terra Firma is nice, but.. g...TEAM/2!!
Eternal Lie - Evolutions End is nice, but.. g...TEAM/2!
QurAn - OBV/2 was made for HM.. What ever made you choos
e V/2?
White Noise - Itz In the mail, I swear.. :.. Cybercon l
ooking sweeeeet man..
Napalm - If you say w00p one more time, Ill castrate you
. g
Abomination - Your the 3l33+3st of em all.. You make eve
ryone else look 2l22+2
Mass Delusion - Where would you be without the help of Mr
. Dawson?
Morpheus,Beast,MCP,Magnus, etc... - Uh..huh huh huh.. Con
ferences are cool.
Everyone Else - What do ya think, Do i need more greets w
ith gs? g
Ablee blee thats all folks...
EOF - Blade 1994, All this and cream filling too.
lade Information File.
This is the Blade Info File. A monthly publi
cation from Blade Productions.
This file outlines the past months happenings of Blade.
This text is written by MindCrime, Blade founder and pr
esident. If there
are any spelling or grammatical errors within this text, please
that MC is only human, as are most other people. Blade
is a group much like
that of iCE or ACiD At least, we like to think so which relea
ses a monthly
pak of the prior months work Or something like that. B
lade paks are released on the first of each month They
can be found at any one of our lovely
distribution sites. If you wish to contact Blade in any way, p
call Eternal Insanity @ 908.224.8780 All blade members can be
on Ei. If you like the work of Blade, let us know.
Leave a message to
MindCrime at his lame ass internet address............MCBLADE@
or call up Eternal Insanity . Enjoy the pack.
1 First off this month, an extremely talented artist b
y the name of Facsimile joins up with Blade. We k
now Fac will be a most excellent addition, as can
be told by his debut work this month. Great job Fac!
2 Still absent from the active member list this month
is Soul Seeker and
Shadow Master Who has changed his handle to Counterpoint
. Mystic Plague
is back around, but so far no work from him. Next month w
e should have
all three back in action to once again complete the blade pow
er force. g
3 With Soul Seekers absence, so went Rave
nhill, the former Blade USHQ..
This void has been nicely filled by Despair 2, the ne
w Blade USHQ.
4 Physical Solution has gone on vacation for t
he end of this month till
the end of august, and so went The Dark Side, the Blade Couri
er HQ.
If you dont see a courier on yer board this month, were sor
ry, shit
happens.. Call Eternal Insanity @ 908.224.8780, the pak is av
ailable for
download through the matrix.
6 Last, but most certainly not least... Blade now has
an official support
network. Speed Network was devised and setup by me mc in ab
out 2 days
and is now fully active. As of right now, it is required by a
ll HQ
boards, offered to all distros, and available though INVITE O
If you are a blade affiliated board, feel free to ask to carr
y the net.
If you are not blade affiliated, dont ask.. Well come to yo
u if we want
you. The WHQ for speed is of course Eternal Insanity @ 908.22
4.8780 g
7 And so wraps up another month of hard work by the bl
ade crew.. Enjoy
the pak and look for upcoming articles about Blade in many ma
jor e-mags.
...Group Greets..........................................
CiA - Hum De Dum Dum... Sup? g
UNiON - You guys are better than us pout g...Good wor
k folks..
EGO - Lit, Lit, Lit.. it better be good Lit g
TEAM - We rock da houzzzz.. 0BV/2 R0C/Z g
EVERYONE ELSE - gggggggggg
...MC Greets.............................................
BiSHOP - Team all da way. We rule :
Somms - Terra Firma is nice, but.. g...TEAM/2!!
Eternal Lie - Evolutions End is nice, but.. g...TEAM/2!
QurAn - OBV/2 was made for HM.. What ever made you choos
e V/2?
White Noise - Itz In the mail, I swear.. :.. Cybercon l
ooking sweeeeet man..
Napalm - If you say w00p one more time, Ill castrate you
. g
Abomination - Your the 3l33+3st of em all.. You make eve
ryone else look 2l22+2
Mass Delusion - Where would you be without the help of Mr
. Dawson?
Morpheus,Beast,MCP,Magnus, etc... - Uh..huh huh huh.. Con
ferences are cool.
Everyone Else - What do ya think, Do i need more greets w
ith gs? g
Ablee blee thats all folks...
EOF - Blade 1994, All this and cream filling too.
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