![the information! by staff](/pack/blde9503/x1/BLDE9503.NFO.png)
this image contains text
b l a d e . . .
. . . t h e e d g
m a r c h . . .
. . . o f 1
9 9 5
t h i s i s .
. . t h e
i n f o .
b u c k l e . .
u p .
1 welcome to the blade march 1995 a
nniversary epic! yep, one year ago
this month, the first blade pak was released.
.. blade has progressed
a hell of a lot since that first pak, and we
are all very proud of
what blade productions has come to stand for,
... quality.
2 a few new artists joined blade pr
oductions this month. acidic soap joins
to bring his awesome ansi talents and dis
play some great work. as is also
in the awesome group dark illust
rated. lord fate joins and brings us
his coolio smooth font style. look for some g
reat fonts by him.
3 leaving blade this month is one of
our more recent aquisitions who
displayed some magnificent work for blade but decided to p
ursue his caree
r drawing for cancer ?!?, we bid farewell to
omega red and wish him luck.
and leaving the group due to inactivity yeah, we
kicked em out is
our courier coordinator, chronic fatigue, and his
group of couriers
who really never did a damn thing for us...
white power was also
booted due to a small controversy surrounding
his joining of blade.
we werent exactly fond of his handle, either
5 due to the absence of a courier c
oordinator and an adaquate team of
couriers, blade set out this month to improve this importa
nt department.
joining blade as our new courier coordinator is swindl
er, who is currentl
y also an acid courier. swindler will be as
sembling a team of couriers who
will be announced as he finds them... if you
are interested in couriering
for blade, please call the whq, or t
he new courier hq perpetual motion,
416-267-6139 and leave mail to swindler
6 in promotions this month, two of
blades hardest workers, chromatik and
modeus khahn have been promoted to blade senior st
aff. i know they will
make excellent additions to blades incredible staff me
unfortunatly, to make these promotions, there had to be so
me demotions
involved. the two former senior staff members, soul se
eker and
technophreak have been demoted to ansi a
rtists due to their inactivity.
my deepest apoligies to both of them, but i r
eally needed an active
senior staff.
7 bth!
this month, blade is proud to finally present to you s
omething that
weve been throwing around for a damn long time now. las
t month,
beyond the horizonfinally found a coder,
mutated chia pet, and this
month we finally get to release this sucker. each month
we will bring
you a new and delightfully entertaining issue of bth
, which will include
interviews with blade members, articles from around the
scene, and
information on blade, as well as some great literature f
rom all the
fabulous blade writers. speaking of lit, this months sel
ection of lit
included in bth is a compilation of the best works
of each blade writer
while writing for blade. enjoy the first issue of be
yond the horizon.
8 well, that about does it. this is b
lade productions 13th pak, which
concludes the first year and sends us off into our second
year, which
we know will prove to be even better than the
first. overwhelming thanks
to everyone who helped blade get where it is
today, we couldnt have done
it without you... enjoy the pak!
n o w . .
g o
l o o k a t . . .
. . . t h e p a c k .
b l a d e . . .
. . . t h e e d g
m a r c h . . .
. . . o f 1
9 9 5
t h i s i s .
. . t h e
i n f o .
b u c k l e . .
u p .
1 welcome to the blade march 1995 a
nniversary epic! yep, one year ago
this month, the first blade pak was released.
.. blade has progressed
a hell of a lot since that first pak, and we
are all very proud of
what blade productions has come to stand for,
... quality.
2 a few new artists joined blade pr
oductions this month. acidic soap joins
to bring his awesome ansi talents and dis
play some great work. as is also
in the awesome group dark illust
rated. lord fate joins and brings us
his coolio smooth font style. look for some g
reat fonts by him.
3 leaving blade this month is one of
our more recent aquisitions who
displayed some magnificent work for blade but decided to p
ursue his caree
r drawing for cancer ?!?, we bid farewell to
omega red and wish him luck.
and leaving the group due to inactivity yeah, we
kicked em out is
our courier coordinator, chronic fatigue, and his
group of couriers
who really never did a damn thing for us...
white power was also
booted due to a small controversy surrounding
his joining of blade.
we werent exactly fond of his handle, either
5 due to the absence of a courier c
oordinator and an adaquate team of
couriers, blade set out this month to improve this importa
nt department.
joining blade as our new courier coordinator is swindl
er, who is currentl
y also an acid courier. swindler will be as
sembling a team of couriers who
will be announced as he finds them... if you
are interested in couriering
for blade, please call the whq, or t
he new courier hq perpetual motion,
416-267-6139 and leave mail to swindler
6 in promotions this month, two of
blades hardest workers, chromatik and
modeus khahn have been promoted to blade senior st
aff. i know they will
make excellent additions to blades incredible staff me
unfortunatly, to make these promotions, there had to be so
me demotions
involved. the two former senior staff members, soul se
eker and
technophreak have been demoted to ansi a
rtists due to their inactivity.
my deepest apoligies to both of them, but i r
eally needed an active
senior staff.
7 bth!
this month, blade is proud to finally present to you s
omething that
weve been throwing around for a damn long time now. las
t month,
beyond the horizonfinally found a coder,
mutated chia pet, and this
month we finally get to release this sucker. each month
we will bring
you a new and delightfully entertaining issue of bth
, which will include
interviews with blade members, articles from around the
scene, and
information on blade, as well as some great literature f
rom all the
fabulous blade writers. speaking of lit, this months sel
ection of lit
included in bth is a compilation of the best works
of each blade writer
while writing for blade. enjoy the first issue of be
yond the horizon.
8 well, that about does it. this is b
lade productions 13th pak, which
concludes the first year and sends us off into our second
year, which
we know will prove to be even better than the
first. overwhelming thanks
to everyone who helped blade get where it is
today, we couldnt have done
it without you... enjoy the pak!
n o w . .
g o
l o o k a t . . .
. . . t h e p a c k .
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