![the edge! - may 'ninety five. by staff](/pack/blde9505/x1/BLDE9505.NFO.png)
this image contains text
b l a d e
1 allo folks, and welcome once a
gain to the magnificent blade epic, brough
t to you by none other than blade prod
uctions. this month is looking alot
better for blade, no thanks to me. i must c
onfess that i didnt do jack
this month, but by some miracle, there came
a few new apps and they just
happened to be blade quality applicants. sooo.. on with th
e news..
2? this month, blade re-sparks a few
of the dying divisions with new members
. mr. happy, a former renaissance artist,
joins our vga division, and takes
control as the head of that now re-opened divis
ion. two new members join
to spark some growth in our music divison. mind riot
, now the head of tha
t division, and rephlex both join to brin
g their great composing skills
to blade productions. and last, but most certainly not l
east, mephitopele
s , that omni-present guy you just love, joins
blade again to help regrou
p our ever-so-talented ansi divison. welcome back
, big guy... now stick
around a little longer this time, eh?
3! leaving blade this month are a few
guys who we really didnt need anyways
. im just kidding, damnit. mystic plague
leaves us to try his hand at
getting a tighter grip on reality and straightening out
his life. mp
will be GREATLY missed, as he was one of the original an
d best producing
blade members. his literary talent and musical composing
skills have
always been excellent additions to the blade epics. go
od luck with what
the future holds, scott. also leaving this month is
our second
courier coordinator in two months, critical illusion
. he went off and
joined acid as one of their ever-so-prominant couriers.
jeez, we just
dont have much luck in our courier department, do we?
5 and last, and most certainly least,
i personally would just like to give
a big, fat, wet rasberry to chromatik for going
against everything that
he always told me and joining ice. i hold no personal gr
udges, and still
like ck as a person, but he really has to stop going aga
inst his word
like that.
if i ever join another group, it will be blade-
btw, ck, thanks for this font.. i really like it :
b l a d e
1 allo folks, and welcome once a
gain to the magnificent blade epic, brough
t to you by none other than blade prod
uctions. this month is looking alot
better for blade, no thanks to me. i must c
onfess that i didnt do jack
this month, but by some miracle, there came
a few new apps and they just
happened to be blade quality applicants. sooo.. on with th
e news..
2? this month, blade re-sparks a few
of the dying divisions with new members
. mr. happy, a former renaissance artist,
joins our vga division, and takes
control as the head of that now re-opened divis
ion. two new members join
to spark some growth in our music divison. mind riot
, now the head of tha
t division, and rephlex both join to brin
g their great composing skills
to blade productions. and last, but most certainly not l
east, mephitopele
s , that omni-present guy you just love, joins
blade again to help regrou
p our ever-so-talented ansi divison. welcome back
, big guy... now stick
around a little longer this time, eh?
3! leaving blade this month are a few
guys who we really didnt need anyways
. im just kidding, damnit. mystic plague
leaves us to try his hand at
getting a tighter grip on reality and straightening out
his life. mp
will be GREATLY missed, as he was one of the original an
d best producing
blade members. his literary talent and musical composing
skills have
always been excellent additions to the blade epics. go
od luck with what
the future holds, scott. also leaving this month is
our second
courier coordinator in two months, critical illusion
. he went off and
joined acid as one of their ever-so-prominant couriers.
jeez, we just
dont have much luck in our courier department, do we?
5 and last, and most certainly least,
i personally would just like to give
a big, fat, wet rasberry to chromatik for going
against everything that
he always told me and joining ice. i hold no personal gr
udges, and still
like ck as a person, but he really has to stop going aga
inst his word
like that.
if i ever join another group, it will be blade-
btw, ck, thanks for this font.. i really like it :
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