this image contains text
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-@ the edge the edge the edge th e
e d ge the edge th the edge
- the edge - the blade informational texfile - volu
me 2 , issue 5
1 well, here it is. the july blade
epic. it should be around the 15th or so
, so i guess were on schedule this mo
nth. wooptygoddamndoo. anyways... im
sure youve heard this a thousand ti
mes from groups all over the scene,
but this month was indeed a restructuring mon
th for blade productions.
cleaning out the old, freshening up the stale, and bringin
g in the new...
2? realizing that several of our dep
artments were growing thin, i started
scouting for new recruits this month. bringing our ascii d
ivision back
from the dead are four new artists who definitly make some
nice additions
to that department: ironman, broken m
achine, meltdown and lucifer becom
the newest additions to blade. joining our ev
er-depleting ansi department
comes a great artist that likes to c
all himself veediot! he wasnt able
to get anything in the months pak, but we loo
k forward to his work next
month. and rounding out the new recruits come
s a writer who brings to
blade a really cool style of literature. we welcome be
lial to blade lit!
3! departing from the ranks of blade
this month are a few great artists who
will be missed, as well as a bunch of dead weight that i f
inally got
to whipping off the memberlist. mephitopeles has i
nformed me that he is
sick of the scene, and wont be drawing for blade any long
er. i thank
him for sticking with us for two months in times that we r
eally needed
the boost. if he hadnt joined when he did, blade might no
t have made
it through that month. as for the dead weight, i cleaned o
ut our ascii
department, as well as ansi department, and took a name or
two off the
other lists as well.. from memory, heres a l
ist of the names:
technophreak, twelfth knight,
mutated chia pet, point blank, evi
l current
, and mass destruction. al
l of these guys are welcome back into blade if
they choose to enter the scene again.
5@ that about wraps up another fun f
illed information textfile. this pak
is definitly sub-par from what blade has done and will do
again. alot
of groups have died as of late, and weve been trying our
best not to
let blade fall into that statistic. times are certainly ha
rd for the
smaller groups of the scene, but we will pull through it a
s we always
have done in the past. good luck to all the other groups o
ut there in
their struggles to the top. i like at least a little compe
tition some
times, and its quite obvious that blade doesn
t compete with acid or
ice, or integrity, or dark... anyways, before
i fill up this dubious
number five with a bunch of bullshit, ill le
ave you to go check out
the pak itll only take all of 2-3 minutes or so...
-@!the edge is published monthly as an in
formation text on blade productions
c---- -------------- ------
-@ the edge the edge the edge th e
e d ge the edge th the edge
- the edge - the blade informational texfile - volu
me 2 , issue 5
1 well, here it is. the july blade
epic. it should be around the 15th or so
, so i guess were on schedule this mo
nth. wooptygoddamndoo. anyways... im
sure youve heard this a thousand ti
mes from groups all over the scene,
but this month was indeed a restructuring mon
th for blade productions.
cleaning out the old, freshening up the stale, and bringin
g in the new...
2? realizing that several of our dep
artments were growing thin, i started
scouting for new recruits this month. bringing our ascii d
ivision back
from the dead are four new artists who definitly make some
nice additions
to that department: ironman, broken m
achine, meltdown and lucifer becom
the newest additions to blade. joining our ev
er-depleting ansi department
comes a great artist that likes to c
all himself veediot! he wasnt able
to get anything in the months pak, but we loo
k forward to his work next
month. and rounding out the new recruits come
s a writer who brings to
blade a really cool style of literature. we welcome be
lial to blade lit!
3! departing from the ranks of blade
this month are a few great artists who
will be missed, as well as a bunch of dead weight that i f
inally got
to whipping off the memberlist. mephitopeles has i
nformed me that he is
sick of the scene, and wont be drawing for blade any long
er. i thank
him for sticking with us for two months in times that we r
eally needed
the boost. if he hadnt joined when he did, blade might no
t have made
it through that month. as for the dead weight, i cleaned o
ut our ascii
department, as well as ansi department, and took a name or
two off the
other lists as well.. from memory, heres a l
ist of the names:
technophreak, twelfth knight,
mutated chia pet, point blank, evi
l current
, and mass destruction. al
l of these guys are welcome back into blade if
they choose to enter the scene again.
5@ that about wraps up another fun f
illed information textfile. this pak
is definitly sub-par from what blade has done and will do
again. alot
of groups have died as of late, and weve been trying our
best not to
let blade fall into that statistic. times are certainly ha
rd for the
smaller groups of the scene, but we will pull through it a
s we always
have done in the past. good luck to all the other groups o
ut there in
their struggles to the top. i like at least a little compe
tition some
times, and its quite obvious that blade doesn
t compete with acid or
ice, or integrity, or dark... anyways, before
i fill up this dubious
number five with a bunch of bullshit, ill le
ave you to go check out
the pak itll only take all of 2-3 minutes or so...
-@!the edge is published monthly as an in
formation text on blade productions
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