this image contains text
--@ the edge the edge the edge th e e d g
e the edge th the edge @-
------------------ the edge - the blade informational tex
file - volume 2 , issue 7
1 here we is again.. er, wait... we is
here again... no... hmmm.. here we
are again! ...indeed... english is such a wonder
ful language, youd think
more people would learn to use it properly, espe
cially when writting
informational texts... anyways, on to more impor
tant things.. blade is
back in the ring to get knocked around a little this month..
check it out!
2? in our neverending pursuit of new me
mbers, we came across a few gents who
enjoy calling themselves artists, for some reason or another.
it seems
that we have a couple multi-faceted new members this month...
the atomic
brain joins blade to bring us his talents in both the vga
and coding
departments. we welcome him as a great addition to both divis
ions... also
going the dual-division route, we have the source who
joins us as both a
wonderful ascii artist, and a very talented musi
cian... welcome!
also joining us in our pursuit of happiness this
month is executioner. he
joins us as an exellent addition to an already a
mazing literature dept.
oooo.. ooo.. and another last minute addition,
stigmata has joined us from acid to provide some
much needed couriering for the group.
3! departing blade this month is no one
in particular... at least, i cant
think of anyone that left this month...hmmm... t
hinking... thinking...
guess not... on to more important things!
5@ guess what!? theres nothing more imp
ortant! these info files are getting
pretty fucking boring month after month, arent they?!.. noth
ing ever
happens in blade! fascists... anyways, we all start school th
is month
i suppose... whether that means more productivity or less, no
one really
knows... i for one am starting college, so perhaps that means
less time
to modem... but then again, perhaps it means more time to mod
em.. who the
fuck knows!? as for blade, you may have noticed the fact that
we have
pretty much everything BUT ansi in recent paks..
. well, i doubt anyone
REALLY cares, but if you want to see more ansi i
n the paks, find us some
damn artists! g... anyways, go look at the dam
n pak.. i even did a full
length ansi.. nothing beats that.. ... till next month, e
6 oh, and by the way... in case youre
wondering why we never have a number
4 in The Edge, that number was banned back in november 1994..
. i think.
----------------------@!the edge is published m
onthly as an information text on blade productions?
--@ the edge the edge the edge th e e d g
e the edge th the edge @-
------------------ the edge - the blade informational tex
file - volume 2 , issue 7
1 here we is again.. er, wait... we is
here again... no... hmmm.. here we
are again! ...indeed... english is such a wonder
ful language, youd think
more people would learn to use it properly, espe
cially when writting
informational texts... anyways, on to more impor
tant things.. blade is
back in the ring to get knocked around a little this month..
check it out!
2? in our neverending pursuit of new me
mbers, we came across a few gents who
enjoy calling themselves artists, for some reason or another.
it seems
that we have a couple multi-faceted new members this month...
the atomic
brain joins blade to bring us his talents in both the vga
and coding
departments. we welcome him as a great addition to both divis
ions... also
going the dual-division route, we have the source who
joins us as both a
wonderful ascii artist, and a very talented musi
cian... welcome!
also joining us in our pursuit of happiness this
month is executioner. he
joins us as an exellent addition to an already a
mazing literature dept.
oooo.. ooo.. and another last minute addition,
stigmata has joined us from acid to provide some
much needed couriering for the group.
3! departing blade this month is no one
in particular... at least, i cant
think of anyone that left this month...hmmm... t
hinking... thinking...
guess not... on to more important things!
5@ guess what!? theres nothing more imp
ortant! these info files are getting
pretty fucking boring month after month, arent they?!.. noth
ing ever
happens in blade! fascists... anyways, we all start school th
is month
i suppose... whether that means more productivity or less, no
one really
knows... i for one am starting college, so perhaps that means
less time
to modem... but then again, perhaps it means more time to mod
em.. who the
fuck knows!? as for blade, you may have noticed the fact that
we have
pretty much everything BUT ansi in recent paks..
. well, i doubt anyone
REALLY cares, but if you want to see more ansi i
n the paks, find us some
damn artists! g... anyways, go look at the dam
n pak.. i even did a full
length ansi.. nothing beats that.. ... till next month, e
6 oh, and by the way... in case youre
wondering why we never have a number
4 in The Edge, that number was banned back in november 1994..
. i think.
----------------------@!the edge is published m
onthly as an information text on blade productions?
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