this image contains text
--@ the edge the edge the edge th e e d g
e the edge th the edge @-
------------------ the edge - the blade informational tex
file - volume 2 , issue 9
1 hi. welcome to the november issue of
the edge. this month was a rather
eventfull one for blade. we gained some great ne
w members, we had some
delays, and most of all we had fun... yeah, righ
t. anyways, like ive
mentioned so many times before, it gets harder a
nd harder to write stuff
for this file every month... so on with the news.
2? in our neverending pursuit of new me
mbers, we happened across a quite lot
this month. in our ever expanding vga division, we picked up
a great new
artist and one hell of a guy, torgo. check out his ab
undance of work in
this months pak. adding to our lovely ansi division, we gaine
d a few new
guys who seem to be quite addept at placing those little bloc
ks in the
right places hey! get yer mind outta the guttah!. from the
decieced sp!? group pharts, we gain pushead and
subconciousness. also
from pharts, blade gains shivan bastard as a miracle
worker coder and
spirit walker as a funky vga artist. we look forward
to seeing work
from all these guys in the months to come. also
adding to our ansi
department is a guy whos bugged me for a lONG t
ime now, constantly
trying to join blade. i finally said yes, and th
ats a decision i know i
wont regret. killa hertz makes a great
addition to our team and hes
a pretty nice guy as well ...
3! in this space i tend to talk about p
eople who have left blade. but this
month well just fuckem. im sure a few people
left, and i vaguely
remember deleting some people who havent shown
their faces in months,
but its been a long month and i cant remember a
damned thing about these
people. sorry guys, but good luck with what the future holds.
5 this space intentionally left blank.
6@ and now for the brand spankin new p
art of the edge. this months
addendum as been written by a long standing blad
e member, and possibly
my favorite writer in the scene: tron powerh
ouse. heed his words, my
friends hes a vewy vewy wise man.
7 Ahh yes, another opportunity to spout
off! : Ive been with BL/DE for
over a year now, and I MUST say its by far the best group from a
n artists
point of view! I cant remember how many times REALITY left me w
ith too
little time to produce any work, often months at a time. Never h
as mindcrime
complained or threatned deleting me. He has ALWAYS been 110 sup
portive of
my work, or the lack-there-of!: My style of lit as well as pres
entation is
a bit different than the norm, and yet hes stood by my work thro
BL/DE is going through an identity change of sorts, but I hav
e no doubt
that the group will come out on top! Its the dedication to art
that makes
a group resilient, and mindcrime takes the lead in that departmen
t. Too often
the affiliation to a Big group leaves artists frustrated and bo
red with art
simply to have some virtual recognition. But in the reality of
things, its
the ability to freely produce whatever form of art you do, withou
t restraints,
that satisfies the artistic mind. The art scene of today can be
very annoying
to many, but through the channels groups like BL/DE provide, tru
e artists can
find gratification in their work.
If your an artist without a group, or an artist simply fed up
with the
Collective Ignorance of the group your in, let me suggest givin
g BL/DE a
try. All you have to lose is the politics of the scene while re-
gaining your
inspiration and love of your art!
Greetz to BL/DE members, Mindcrime, Bad Influence, Nivek Ogr
e, Janos,
Wolfman, Patriot, Rage, Cpt. Riker, HOOPTiE and Basement Man.
8* leave it to tron to put greets in the
blade info file... some people g.
until next month, my friends... enjoy the pak.
----------------------@!the edge is published m
onthly as an information text on blade productions?
--@ the edge the edge the edge th e e d g
e the edge th the edge @-
------------------ the edge - the blade informational tex
file - volume 2 , issue 9
1 hi. welcome to the november issue of
the edge. this month was a rather
eventfull one for blade. we gained some great ne
w members, we had some
delays, and most of all we had fun... yeah, righ
t. anyways, like ive
mentioned so many times before, it gets harder a
nd harder to write stuff
for this file every month... so on with the news.
2? in our neverending pursuit of new me
mbers, we happened across a quite lot
this month. in our ever expanding vga division, we picked up
a great new
artist and one hell of a guy, torgo. check out his ab
undance of work in
this months pak. adding to our lovely ansi division, we gaine
d a few new
guys who seem to be quite addept at placing those little bloc
ks in the
right places hey! get yer mind outta the guttah!. from the
decieced sp!? group pharts, we gain pushead and
subconciousness. also
from pharts, blade gains shivan bastard as a miracle
worker coder and
spirit walker as a funky vga artist. we look forward
to seeing work
from all these guys in the months to come. also
adding to our ansi
department is a guy whos bugged me for a lONG t
ime now, constantly
trying to join blade. i finally said yes, and th
ats a decision i know i
wont regret. killa hertz makes a great
addition to our team and hes
a pretty nice guy as well ...
3! in this space i tend to talk about p
eople who have left blade. but this
month well just fuckem. im sure a few people
left, and i vaguely
remember deleting some people who havent shown
their faces in months,
but its been a long month and i cant remember a
damned thing about these
people. sorry guys, but good luck with what the future holds.
5 this space intentionally left blank.
6@ and now for the brand spankin new p
art of the edge. this months
addendum as been written by a long standing blad
e member, and possibly
my favorite writer in the scene: tron powerh
ouse. heed his words, my
friends hes a vewy vewy wise man.
7 Ahh yes, another opportunity to spout
off! : Ive been with BL/DE for
over a year now, and I MUST say its by far the best group from a
n artists
point of view! I cant remember how many times REALITY left me w
ith too
little time to produce any work, often months at a time. Never h
as mindcrime
complained or threatned deleting me. He has ALWAYS been 110 sup
portive of
my work, or the lack-there-of!: My style of lit as well as pres
entation is
a bit different than the norm, and yet hes stood by my work thro
BL/DE is going through an identity change of sorts, but I hav
e no doubt
that the group will come out on top! Its the dedication to art
that makes
a group resilient, and mindcrime takes the lead in that departmen
t. Too often
the affiliation to a Big group leaves artists frustrated and bo
red with art
simply to have some virtual recognition. But in the reality of
things, its
the ability to freely produce whatever form of art you do, withou
t restraints,
that satisfies the artistic mind. The art scene of today can be
very annoying
to many, but through the channels groups like BL/DE provide, tru
e artists can
find gratification in their work.
If your an artist without a group, or an artist simply fed up
with the
Collective Ignorance of the group your in, let me suggest givin
g BL/DE a
try. All you have to lose is the politics of the scene while re-
gaining your
inspiration and love of your art!
Greetz to BL/DE members, Mindcrime, Bad Influence, Nivek Ogr
e, Janos,
Wolfman, Patriot, Rage, Cpt. Riker, HOOPTiE and Basement Man.
8* leave it to tron to put greets in the
blade info file... some people g.
until next month, my friends... enjoy the pak.
----------------------@!the edge is published m
onthly as an information text on blade productions?
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