this image contains text
-------- the special holiday addition of...
c---- --------------
-@ the edg
e the edg
e the edg
e th e e d ge the e
dge th t
he edge
- the edge - the blade informational texfile - volu
me 2 , issue 10
1 well people, its that time of the
year again: the ever so special holiday
season. this happens to be the only
time of the year when hideously ugly
combinations of colors are appreciated. in ho
nor of this strange happenin
g we have changed the colors of t
he edge to reflec
t our respect for the
holiday season. on with the news...
2? blades recent stretch of great
member aquisitions continues this month
with some great talent. joining our ansi division is r
ai, a really cool
toon artist with a great style.. check out his two pics in
this epic, som
e great stuff! also joining the revolution is k
uma, a rad ascii artist who
talents are quite welcome in blade. Hes got some cool fon
ts in this epic
, and we look forward to seeing some great stuff in
the future from him.
in other new member news, i embarrisingly forgot to includ
e someone on
last months long list of new members: nemesis. ass
ide from the rumors of
a monster .fli coming soon, he has released three very coo
l vga works wit
h us this month. check them out, this
guys a great artist. also joining us
this month is an outstanding poet by the name
of sparc. check out his
writing, hes got a most excellent style...
in other, unrelated member news, the artist f
ormerly known as scribble
has decided that he will change handles just about eve
ry month g. this
month we have the pleasure of calling him creative
3! leaving blade this month are a
few members who I am greatful to for
helping blade in its ultimate time of trouble
. Back to their old group,
Orbit, go veediot, mouse,
and riptide. Also taken off the memberlist due
to inactivity and the looming feeling that he
will probably join his
above stated friends in Orbit is the atomic brain.
Good luck to all of
you guys!
5 dateline: december, 1995. Blad
e productions is proud to present the
second installment of their official electronic magazine,
beyond the
horizon. bth2 has been looming close to th
e point of actually coming
alive for quite some time, and with last mont
hs aquisition of a great
coder by the name of shivan bastard,
it has finally become a reality.
check it out, its got some cool features and content...
6@ now let us turn our attention o
ver to errant angel, who has contributed
his thoughts to this months issue of t
he edge. in this
most excellent
piece of writing, ea tells us his thoughts on
poetry and literature, one
of blades strongest points...
7 Hannah Arendt once said The t
ask and potential greatness of
mortals resides in their ability to produce things which a
re at home
in everlastingness. To me, that statement defines everyt
hing Ive
tried to do for the past 15 months that Ive been with Bla
de, through
my poetry. Ive tried to create works that I could look b
ack upon at
any time and feel an energy and stiring of emotions.
Since the very dawn of time, poetry has been with us, as
release or exploration of our inner self. Poetry has alwa
ys held with
it though, a large sense of risk. When you look deep enou
gh into
yourself and tell the world what you find, there is a dang
er that youll
not like what you find. Still, to create what I would ter
m as great
poetry, you absolutely must delve as far into your psyche
as possible,
to really touch the most dynamic of your emotions. You mu
st throw them
out of you, and in turn, create the most dazzling display
of sound and
resonance possible. For example..
No more violets,
And the year
Broken into smokey panels.
What woods remember now
Her calls, her enthusiasms? Hart Crane, Pastorale
It is my personal belief that poetry is eighty percent in
and only twenty percent persperation. You really have to
give yourself
to your work, open yourself up to it totally, or no amount
of work is
going to give you something worth your time. William Word
sworth once
wrote: For all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of
feelings... it takes its origin from emotion recollected i
n tranquility.
I guess you could say that this was my contribution to th
e scene.
My helpful hints to other poets struggling with their work
, those too
devoted to simply give up. Just remember guys and gals,
the world of
poetry will allow you to express yourself in a endless voi
d of
possibilities. Dont let the egos and opinions of others
turn you away
from poetry, for I doubt youll find something so fulfilli
ng elsewhere.
Errant Angel
8+Well, thats about it folks.. Go
check out the pak, its one of blades
best efforts in a long time. And be sure to read BTH2, it
s quite cool.
until next month...
-@!the edge is published monthly
as an information text on blade productions
c---- --------------
-@ the edg
e the edg
e the edg
e th e e d ge the e
dge th t
he edge
- the edge - the blade informational texfile - volu
me 2 , issue 10
1 well people, its that time of the
year again: the ever so special holiday
season. this happens to be the only
time of the year when hideously ugly
combinations of colors are appreciated. in ho
nor of this strange happenin
g we have changed the colors of t
he edge to reflec
t our respect for the
holiday season. on with the news...
2? blades recent stretch of great
member aquisitions continues this month
with some great talent. joining our ansi division is r
ai, a really cool
toon artist with a great style.. check out his two pics in
this epic, som
e great stuff! also joining the revolution is k
uma, a rad ascii artist who
talents are quite welcome in blade. Hes got some cool fon
ts in this epic
, and we look forward to seeing some great stuff in
the future from him.
in other new member news, i embarrisingly forgot to includ
e someone on
last months long list of new members: nemesis. ass
ide from the rumors of
a monster .fli coming soon, he has released three very coo
l vga works wit
h us this month. check them out, this
guys a great artist. also joining us
this month is an outstanding poet by the name
of sparc. check out his
writing, hes got a most excellent style...
in other, unrelated member news, the artist f
ormerly known as scribble
has decided that he will change handles just about eve
ry month g. this
month we have the pleasure of calling him creative
3! leaving blade this month are a
few members who I am greatful to for
helping blade in its ultimate time of trouble
. Back to their old group,
Orbit, go veediot, mouse,
and riptide. Also taken off the memberlist due
to inactivity and the looming feeling that he
will probably join his
above stated friends in Orbit is the atomic brain.
Good luck to all of
you guys!
5 dateline: december, 1995. Blad
e productions is proud to present the
second installment of their official electronic magazine,
beyond the
horizon. bth2 has been looming close to th
e point of actually coming
alive for quite some time, and with last mont
hs aquisition of a great
coder by the name of shivan bastard,
it has finally become a reality.
check it out, its got some cool features and content...
6@ now let us turn our attention o
ver to errant angel, who has contributed
his thoughts to this months issue of t
he edge. in this
most excellent
piece of writing, ea tells us his thoughts on
poetry and literature, one
of blades strongest points...
7 Hannah Arendt once said The t
ask and potential greatness of
mortals resides in their ability to produce things which a
re at home
in everlastingness. To me, that statement defines everyt
hing Ive
tried to do for the past 15 months that Ive been with Bla
de, through
my poetry. Ive tried to create works that I could look b
ack upon at
any time and feel an energy and stiring of emotions.
Since the very dawn of time, poetry has been with us, as
release or exploration of our inner self. Poetry has alwa
ys held with
it though, a large sense of risk. When you look deep enou
gh into
yourself and tell the world what you find, there is a dang
er that youll
not like what you find. Still, to create what I would ter
m as great
poetry, you absolutely must delve as far into your psyche
as possible,
to really touch the most dynamic of your emotions. You mu
st throw them
out of you, and in turn, create the most dazzling display
of sound and
resonance possible. For example..
No more violets,
And the year
Broken into smokey panels.
What woods remember now
Her calls, her enthusiasms? Hart Crane, Pastorale
It is my personal belief that poetry is eighty percent in
and only twenty percent persperation. You really have to
give yourself
to your work, open yourself up to it totally, or no amount
of work is
going to give you something worth your time. William Word
sworth once
wrote: For all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of
feelings... it takes its origin from emotion recollected i
n tranquility.
I guess you could say that this was my contribution to th
e scene.
My helpful hints to other poets struggling with their work
, those too
devoted to simply give up. Just remember guys and gals,
the world of
poetry will allow you to express yourself in a endless voi
d of
possibilities. Dont let the egos and opinions of others
turn you away
from poetry, for I doubt youll find something so fulfilli
ng elsewhere.
Errant Angel
8+Well, thats about it folks.. Go
check out the pak, its one of blades
best efforts in a long time. And be sure to read BTH2, it
s quite cool.
until next month...
-@!the edge is published monthly
as an information text on blade productions
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