this image contains text
b l e a c h J U L Y 1 9 9 5 m e m b e
r l i s t !
founder.. ..abbreviation ..position ----
t e c h n i c o l o r ! ....................
tn ............. ans/asc
--------------- members.. ..abbre
viation ..position ----------------
----------------- burps
...................................... bs
............. ans/asc/rip cel
estian .................................. ce
............. ans/asc/rip
deetchMan .................................. dm
............. ans/asc/rip
inner chaos ..............................
ic ............. ans/asc/r
ip heedo ......................................
hd ............. ans/asc
/rip homer ....................................
.. hm ............. ans/asc
/rip kung lao ..........................
......... ku ............. ans/
asc/rip sir lancelot ...................
............ sl ............. ans/
asc/rip tosh10 .....................
................ t1 ............. ans
/asc/rip undertaker .........
........................ ut .............
veediot! ................................... vt
............. ans/asc/rip
vertigo .................................... vg
............. ans/asc/r
couriers.. ..abbreviation ..position
reaper wildwood ............................
rw ............. courier guy
purple headed warlord division.. ..position
illusion ..................................... gives
head to bleach members :
darklord ..................................... gives
head to illusion .....
color code: abbriviation.: indicates new m
ember .x. indicates old member
........... position.....: indicates pos.
filled .x. indicates un-filled
r l i s t !
founder.. ..abbreviation ..position ----
t e c h n i c o l o r ! ....................
tn ............. ans/asc
--------------- members.. ..abbre
viation ..position ----------------
----------------- burps
...................................... bs
............. ans/asc/rip cel
estian .................................. ce
............. ans/asc/rip
deetchMan .................................. dm
............. ans/asc/rip
inner chaos ..............................
ic ............. ans/asc/r
ip heedo ......................................
hd ............. ans/asc
/rip homer ....................................
.. hm ............. ans/asc
/rip kung lao ..........................
......... ku ............. ans/
asc/rip sir lancelot ...................
............ sl ............. ans/
asc/rip tosh10 .....................
................ t1 ............. ans
/asc/rip undertaker .........
........................ ut .............
veediot! ................................... vt
............. ans/asc/rip
vertigo .................................... vg
............. ans/asc/r
couriers.. ..abbreviation ..position
reaper wildwood ............................
rw ............. courier guy
purple headed warlord division.. ..position
illusion ..................................... gives
head to bleach members :
darklord ..................................... gives
head to illusion .....
color code: abbriviation.: indicates new m
ember .x. indicates old member
........... position.....: indicates pos.
filled .x. indicates un-filled
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