this image contains text
... b l e a c h S E P T E M B E R
1 9 9 5 n e w s f i l e .
introduction ::
Looks like we stuck around long enough to produce the
FIFTH Bleach
Aneurysm, and I would say our BEST pack to date as we
ll. This month was
defently our most active, and sourceful month, and looking
through the
work will prove it. We have come a long way since I revived b
leach, where
we went from a new group with major doubts from the scene, to a
group that
the scene looks forward to seeing each month! I am more than h
appy to see
that we are still around, and picking up new aspiring artists,
as well as
improving the talent we have already.
new members ::
This month we picked up a handfull of new talent, starting
off with
our own bleach co-founder Stone Chapel
. This former Union/Shiver artist
decided to join the ansi department as well as help run the gro
up, and his
choice will DEFINTLY be a huge improvment for the group! I have
worked with
him in some past affiliations, and his arrival is well an
ticipated in
bringing up the look of bleach in packs to come! Secondly
this month,
Moon Man, a new name for the art scene comes over
from Haze bringing
with him a unique ascii style! Another addition to the ascii dep
artment this
month comes Psycoholic, a MORE than qualified artist for
the position, and
we are happy to see his arrival! Lord Havok also decide
s to join up, who
is currently an artist for Toon as well, we should be seeing some
great work
from him in the future packs! Finally for the ascii department,
Point Blank,
has joined up, in a comeback from being out of ths scene for
months! And
for the ansi dept, Devine Styler, previously in groups s
uch as Spastic and
Ice made his way over, showcasing an amazing style, and look t
o his work. Also in the list this month, is SnakeGr
unger an incredible artist who is also a member o
f the group Flatline! His work will be a great help
to bleachs growing ansi division! White Snake
is another addition to our strong
Euro support, who came over this month bringing with him a fresh
new look to
his work, as well as an original style, we are looking forward to
seeing some
excellent work from him in packs to come! And finally, discos l
oss was our
gain this month, as the death of the group lead the way to ble
ach for one
of the scenes newest talents, Deep. his original work r
anges from the ansi
to ascii, and we are glad to have him back in bleach once again!
tide :: coded by shattered link ::
As most people read in last months newsfile, bleach has decid
ed to try
something a little new for the future months, and produce a
emag, called Tide. Production on the mag is close to being f
inished, and
we plan on releasing sometime in November. This of course mean
s, that the
deadline for tide submissions is just about here, so anyone wi
th plans on
releasing something halfway entertaining for the viewing plea
sure of the
scene g, should get to work, and have it in BY September 15
th! Just to
clear up a few questions, we are only taking articles, all artw
ork for the
mag will be done by bleach members, and reviews have already been
a bleach wwwpage ::
Another idea which was brought up this month by
some of the members, is th
e possibility for a www-page for bleach. If plans for thi
s work out,
Flood Myth, creator of the famous SuperUnknown, will
be setting one up within the next two months for out
side access. This would enable people
to access information about the group, download the packs, a
nd view our
work. This will be an easy shortcut in getting the packs eac
h month, as
well as getting information to people interested in the group.
distro requests and memberboards ::
I dont know how many times i have to write up a newsfile
pefully this
will be the last time. As usual, I have been getting MASS mai
l requesting
a distro site or headquarters position for bleach, and im getti
ng tired of
talking to puppet heads out there. I dont care how big your b
oard is, or
where exactly in this universe your board is located, this desi
cion is one
that I AM NOT going to change.
As for new members joining bleach, I want to give a reminder
that ALL
memberboards MUST HAVE a bleach account so that the courier as
signed there
is able to call quickly, and do his thing. Here is the inf
ormation all
accounts need to have:
Handle: bleach
Password: bleach or for RG, bleach1
Phone Number: 000-000-0000 if your board doesnt let
you use this, use 1s
Birthdate: 00/00/00 or 1s if 0s are not allowed
group merging ::
Another question that has become pretty common lately is
the offer
to merge bleach. Im interested in knowing that people like the
group enough
that they would want to take it to another level, but one thing
I promised
never to do with bleach is to make the mistake of merging.
I have been
successful so far in running the group s olo, and thats how I
planned on
keeping it. The idea of merging would only cause problems that I
dont need.
If your members are interested in joining bleach, they can take
that request
up themselves.
in-activity problems ::
Well its been about four months since the NEW bleach has be
en started
and some of our first additions to the group seem to be missing
in action.
In order to keep up the work in bleach, and have a well active
rather then dead weight, bleach will be removing members after
3 months of
inactivity. I hate to be doing this members who helped formed t
he group in
the begining, but in order to keep things organized its the only
And with this months member purge, leaving
the group becuase
of in-
activity are Heedo, Homer, an
d Deetchman, Unfortunalty
this had to be
done, but incase of any accidents with reaching the members,
if there is
any problem with this months absent members, please
contact me so
i can fix the memberlist.
Thats about it for this months news, ugh...watch for next mon
ths pack or
stuff...and if your interested in applying, contact me on irc,
or reach me on huma, 619-485-6741. the end.
-lord jazz
bleach founder
... b l e a c h S E P T E M B E R
1 9 9 5 n e w s f i l e .
introduction ::
Looks like we stuck around long enough to produce the
FIFTH Bleach
Aneurysm, and I would say our BEST pack to date as we
ll. This month was
defently our most active, and sourceful month, and looking
through the
work will prove it. We have come a long way since I revived b
leach, where
we went from a new group with major doubts from the scene, to a
group that
the scene looks forward to seeing each month! I am more than h
appy to see
that we are still around, and picking up new aspiring artists,
as well as
improving the talent we have already.
new members ::
This month we picked up a handfull of new talent, starting
off with
our own bleach co-founder Stone Chapel
. This former Union/Shiver artist
decided to join the ansi department as well as help run the gro
up, and his
choice will DEFINTLY be a huge improvment for the group! I have
worked with
him in some past affiliations, and his arrival is well an
ticipated in
bringing up the look of bleach in packs to come! Secondly
this month,
Moon Man, a new name for the art scene comes over
from Haze bringing
with him a unique ascii style! Another addition to the ascii dep
artment this
month comes Psycoholic, a MORE than qualified artist for
the position, and
we are happy to see his arrival! Lord Havok also decide
s to join up, who
is currently an artist for Toon as well, we should be seeing some
great work
from him in the future packs! Finally for the ascii department,
Point Blank,
has joined up, in a comeback from being out of ths scene for
months! And
for the ansi dept, Devine Styler, previously in groups s
uch as Spastic and
Ice made his way over, showcasing an amazing style, and look t
o his work. Also in the list this month, is SnakeGr
unger an incredible artist who is also a member o
f the group Flatline! His work will be a great help
to bleachs growing ansi division! White Snake
is another addition to our strong
Euro support, who came over this month bringing with him a fresh
new look to
his work, as well as an original style, we are looking forward to
seeing some
excellent work from him in packs to come! And finally, discos l
oss was our
gain this month, as the death of the group lead the way to ble
ach for one
of the scenes newest talents, Deep. his original work r
anges from the ansi
to ascii, and we are glad to have him back in bleach once again!
tide :: coded by shattered link ::
As most people read in last months newsfile, bleach has decid
ed to try
something a little new for the future months, and produce a
emag, called Tide. Production on the mag is close to being f
inished, and
we plan on releasing sometime in November. This of course mean
s, that the
deadline for tide submissions is just about here, so anyone wi
th plans on
releasing something halfway entertaining for the viewing plea
sure of the
scene g, should get to work, and have it in BY September 15
th! Just to
clear up a few questions, we are only taking articles, all artw
ork for the
mag will be done by bleach members, and reviews have already been
a bleach wwwpage ::
Another idea which was brought up this month by
some of the members, is th
e possibility for a www-page for bleach. If plans for thi
s work out,
Flood Myth, creator of the famous SuperUnknown, will
be setting one up within the next two months for out
side access. This would enable people
to access information about the group, download the packs, a
nd view our
work. This will be an easy shortcut in getting the packs eac
h month, as
well as getting information to people interested in the group.
distro requests and memberboards ::
I dont know how many times i have to write up a newsfile
pefully this
will be the last time. As usual, I have been getting MASS mai
l requesting
a distro site or headquarters position for bleach, and im getti
ng tired of
talking to puppet heads out there. I dont care how big your b
oard is, or
where exactly in this universe your board is located, this desi
cion is one
that I AM NOT going to change.
As for new members joining bleach, I want to give a reminder
that ALL
memberboards MUST HAVE a bleach account so that the courier as
signed there
is able to call quickly, and do his thing. Here is the inf
ormation all
accounts need to have:
Handle: bleach
Password: bleach or for RG, bleach1
Phone Number: 000-000-0000 if your board doesnt let
you use this, use 1s
Birthdate: 00/00/00 or 1s if 0s are not allowed
group merging ::
Another question that has become pretty common lately is
the offer
to merge bleach. Im interested in knowing that people like the
group enough
that they would want to take it to another level, but one thing
I promised
never to do with bleach is to make the mistake of merging.
I have been
successful so far in running the group s olo, and thats how I
planned on
keeping it. The idea of merging would only cause problems that I
dont need.
If your members are interested in joining bleach, they can take
that request
up themselves.
in-activity problems ::
Well its been about four months since the NEW bleach has be
en started
and some of our first additions to the group seem to be missing
in action.
In order to keep up the work in bleach, and have a well active
rather then dead weight, bleach will be removing members after
3 months of
inactivity. I hate to be doing this members who helped formed t
he group in
the begining, but in order to keep things organized its the only
And with this months member purge, leaving
the group becuase
of in-
activity are Heedo, Homer, an
d Deetchman, Unfortunalty
this had to be
done, but incase of any accidents with reaching the members,
if there is
any problem with this months absent members, please
contact me so
i can fix the memberlist.
Thats about it for this months news, ugh...watch for next mon
ths pack or
stuff...and if your interested in applying, contact me on irc,
or reach me on huma, 619-485-6741. the end.
-lord jazz
bleach founder
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