![[XMS] news by blend staff](/pack/blendxms/x1/NEWS-XMS.ANS.png)
this image contains text
d is back for mo
i... its
me, Mice
speaking. Welco
me to our ch
I hope that you en
joy it. We have
had new members
since last
pack, but im too
lazy to write e
m here... well I
must say
that Flame
left as quick a
s he joined,
Spear a
nd Necrolyte
joined, but I have
nt heard about
em since. C
rayon joined
and im happy, bec
ause im big fan
of his... and t
hat shit.
Oh.. and we got
too.. and o
thers.. but
you can check
others fro
m our memberlist
. Also we got
some new si
tes, and
decided, t
hat from now on,
we dont list m
emberboards at a
So.. i dont wanna
stick here to t
ell you lame
jokes.. Il
let the ot
hers do that.. s
o just saying
merry chris
tmas for YOU!
P.S. check me
rry.jpg.. Its L
inus, our new ma
reporter: Liit
hn blend
Late re
ports indicate
that Tankgirl i
s actually an e
alien with the i
ntention to conq
uer the entire a
nsi scene.
tly he was seen
ripping anothe
r Lord Jazz pic
to be worshipp
ed and given
ops just the way
Jazz had.
A local spokesma
n says:
- After invest
igating the issu
e a little bit f
urther we
discovered that
TankGirl put h
imself as mast
er on the
blend bot and is
now planning a m
assive takeover.
He is about
to infiltrate th
e ansi bot and
make everybody i
n ansi talk in
an agg-
resive way with capsl
ock on. This wou
ld be terrifying
to the entire s
Also on tonight news.
Drew Barrimore
was seen running
naked around Mi
ces ap-
artment. Mice hims
elf is most unli
ke to be involve
d in this accid
ent due
to his lack of attrac
ting the opposi
te sex. While
trying to make a
move on
pHLOMe he said:
- Boy, do I wish I
was a normal hea
lthy boy. Right
now, all I can d
o is to
run this stupid group
Blend trying to
be cool.
This statement made
every Blend memb
er realize how
idiotic it is tr
ying to
have organized fun. T
hus, Blend ended
up with only on
e member causing
a huge
uncoolness spreading
around the scene
making every mo
ron say eY3 4M
Tomorrow we will cove
- Radman. 6 years i
n making the ans
i scene, and sti
ll he cant rele
a pack on date. Has
he grown tired?
- The biggest ansi
group Acid relea
ses late this mo
nth. Yes, its t
This overwhelming s
uprise came to u
s when seeing th
e topic Submiss
to the pack should
be in the 13:th
. Wow, they sure
know how to org
- More ansi news. A
cid, the all lea
ding ansi group
with more than 1
members releases la
te this month. J
ohn Doe has seen
all of the pack
but are now wonderi
ng where its al
l heading:
- I always enjoyed
viewing the pac
ks but one start
s to wonder when
they release the m
onth after they
should released.
Perhaps its
something wrong wi
th the organizat
ion.. who knows?
But Ill support A
cid, yes sir, I
ll do.
tankgirls part go
es here.. well..
tankgirl is com
peletly lost.
so.. no tankgirls
part this christ
mas. im sorry.
d is back for mo
i... its
me, Mice
speaking. Welco
me to our ch
I hope that you en
joy it. We have
had new members
since last
pack, but im too
lazy to write e
m here... well I
must say
that Flame
left as quick a
s he joined,
Spear a
nd Necrolyte
joined, but I have
nt heard about
em since. C
rayon joined
and im happy, bec
ause im big fan
of his... and t
hat shit.
Oh.. and we got
too.. and o
thers.. but
you can check
others fro
m our memberlist
. Also we got
some new si
tes, and
decided, t
hat from now on,
we dont list m
emberboards at a
So.. i dont wanna
stick here to t
ell you lame
jokes.. Il
let the ot
hers do that.. s
o just saying
merry chris
tmas for YOU!
P.S. check me
rry.jpg.. Its L
inus, our new ma
reporter: Liit
hn blend
Late re
ports indicate
that Tankgirl i
s actually an e
alien with the i
ntention to conq
uer the entire a
nsi scene.
tly he was seen
ripping anothe
r Lord Jazz pic
to be worshipp
ed and given
ops just the way
Jazz had.
A local spokesma
n says:
- After invest
igating the issu
e a little bit f
urther we
discovered that
TankGirl put h
imself as mast
er on the
blend bot and is
now planning a m
assive takeover.
He is about
to infiltrate th
e ansi bot and
make everybody i
n ansi talk in
an agg-
resive way with capsl
ock on. This wou
ld be terrifying
to the entire s
Also on tonight news.
Drew Barrimore
was seen running
naked around Mi
ces ap-
artment. Mice hims
elf is most unli
ke to be involve
d in this accid
ent due
to his lack of attrac
ting the opposi
te sex. While
trying to make a
move on
pHLOMe he said:
- Boy, do I wish I
was a normal hea
lthy boy. Right
now, all I can d
o is to
run this stupid group
Blend trying to
be cool.
This statement made
every Blend memb
er realize how
idiotic it is tr
ying to
have organized fun. T
hus, Blend ended
up with only on
e member causing
a huge
uncoolness spreading
around the scene
making every mo
ron say eY3 4M
Tomorrow we will cove
- Radman. 6 years i
n making the ans
i scene, and sti
ll he cant rele
a pack on date. Has
he grown tired?
- The biggest ansi
group Acid relea
ses late this mo
nth. Yes, its t
This overwhelming s
uprise came to u
s when seeing th
e topic Submiss
to the pack should
be in the 13:th
. Wow, they sure
know how to org
- More ansi news. A
cid, the all lea
ding ansi group
with more than 1
members releases la
te this month. J
ohn Doe has seen
all of the pack
but are now wonderi
ng where its al
l heading:
- I always enjoyed
viewing the pac
ks but one start
s to wonder when
they release the m
onth after they
should released.
Perhaps its
something wrong wi
th the organizat
ion.. who knows?
But Ill support A
cid, yes sir, I
ll do.
tankgirls part go
es here.. well..
tankgirl is com
peletly lost.
so.. no tankgirls
part this christ
mas. im sorry.
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