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We are sorry about the poor quality of this pack. Morbid the president
went to Rome last night without telling anybody and I was left with putting
together the whole pack. Thanks to Cannabis, I was able to get what Morbid had
so far. Which was about 100k. I did my best to bring it up all the way to 600k
in six hours.
In the works:
BLiTZVieW 1.0 - will support Rip, VGA, ANSi, Mod, and S3M
BLiTZaPP 1.0 - Our Application Generator
A demo that includes ray-traced graphics
We have aquired two musicians this month, but unfortunately, I do not know
who they are or when they will release something. Hunter is dealing with these
guys. We now have a full coding team and a Rip artist. Hopefully next months
pack will be a little better.
Greets this month go out to Cannabis who saved the pack, Lithium-7,
Halaster who can be really annoying, all those guys in Rome Ga who Morbid
visited while at the same time forgot totally about the pack, and all those guys
in the other ansi groups.
If youd like to request a work of art, contact CRiSiS, or Morbid at
either Edens Reincarnation, or Nihilistic Order. Or E-Mail Morbid on the I-Net
at morbid@america.net
If youd like to become a member or distro site for blitz, fill out the
application found in this pack and upload it to Nihilistic Order. Just type
upload at the matrix. 4o4.642.2434 Or call Edens Reincarnation at
4o4.633.27o7 and login under the handle Blitz with password Blitz and last four
digits of the phone 0000. Then fill out the app on-line.
-CRiSiS- BLiTZ Sr Mem / S: Nihilistic Order
went to Rome last night without telling anybody and I was left with putting
together the whole pack. Thanks to Cannabis, I was able to get what Morbid had
so far. Which was about 100k. I did my best to bring it up all the way to 600k
in six hours.
In the works:
BLiTZVieW 1.0 - will support Rip, VGA, ANSi, Mod, and S3M
BLiTZaPP 1.0 - Our Application Generator
A demo that includes ray-traced graphics
We have aquired two musicians this month, but unfortunately, I do not know
who they are or when they will release something. Hunter is dealing with these
guys. We now have a full coding team and a Rip artist. Hopefully next months
pack will be a little better.
Greets this month go out to Cannabis who saved the pack, Lithium-7,
Halaster who can be really annoying, all those guys in Rome Ga who Morbid
visited while at the same time forgot totally about the pack, and all those guys
in the other ansi groups.
If youd like to request a work of art, contact CRiSiS, or Morbid at
either Edens Reincarnation, or Nihilistic Order. Or E-Mail Morbid on the I-Net
at morbid@america.net
If youd like to become a member or distro site for blitz, fill out the
application found in this pack and upload it to Nihilistic Order. Just type
upload at the matrix. 4o4.642.2434 Or call Edens Reincarnation at
4o4.633.27o7 and login under the handle Blitz with password Blitz and last four
digits of the phone 0000. Then fill out the app on-line.
-CRiSiS- BLiTZ Sr Mem / S: Nihilistic Order
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