this image contains text
t h e
e r
the blender.
welcome one and all to yet another HENNIFER-
BRANDtM infofile.
with additions and changes by the eve
r so silly warpus the electron
g e n e r a l c
r a p
in the tradition of the very successful
joint and swaptM irc a
ctivities, comesa third, ultimate idea. y
es, if you can read ?! youve guessed by now..
THE BLENDER!!!!!!!!!
p r o c e d u r
e s
quickly! before time runs out, this how a
blendertM event will be run:
1 - everyone will gather in
blender on EFnet
2 - at whatever time, we will e
xplain how the blender works.
3 - each person will come up wit
h ONE idea. it can be in one of three
categories: thing ie. horse, acti
on ie. fishing, and place ie. wh
4 - everyone will submit
their ONE idea to the organizer,
who will make a
list. this organizer currently is warpus
. /msg your words to him.
writing down of the words might take up to 5 mi
nutes, so please be patient.
5 - the organizer will rando
mly pick THREE of the ideas one
thing, one action,
and one place. these three ideas will be announce
d, and put in the topic.
6 - your mission is to creat
e a masterpiece about the three picked ideas.
there are a couple restrictions:
- no submission may be bigger than 150k zipped
- no more than four people may work on o
ne joint.
- a person may submit no more than three
entries solo or joint.
your masterpiece may be pretty much anything
. ansi/ascii/music/lit/vga/etc.
everything is allowed, as long as the r
ules are followed.
7 - at the end of the funpo, all
the work is collected. you will usually
submit to hennifer or
warpus. check the topic line to see
who is
collecting, just to be sure. you *ma
y* submit early if you wish.
8 - first, second and
third place winners are picked. 1st plac
e winners
get three points for their group, 2nd pl
ace gets two points, 3rd gets one
. all winners are placed in th
e hall of fame artists of the week lis
all other participants are placed on the main list
of blender participants.
9 - the pack is then released so that it
can be downloaded by hordes of eager
blenderers, blender supporters, fans, fanatics,
dentists, and communists.
a d v a n t a g
e s
hopefully you get an idea of the fun involved here. bu
t along with that,
blendertM has numerous advantages
over the other irc events.
INFINITE PLAYERS - yes, this mea
ns never having to turn eager blendeners a
PREFAB INSPIRATION - for those of you tha
t cant think of anything to draw, here
other people will do most of the work
for you!
ORIGINALITY - finally something
other to draw than breasts just imagin
e a
pack with 20 different interpretations of a horse
matter how well you do, how silly or serious you
are, because you wont be messing up anyone
s work except
your own
EASY TO RUN - no messy file exch
anges + no hard-to-enforce rules a sm
running operation with no annoying delays
COOL ORGANIZERS - yes, finally a compo th
at is ran by really cool people.
- hennifer
t h e
e r
the blender.
welcome one and all to yet another HENNIFER-
BRANDtM infofile.
with additions and changes by the eve
r so silly warpus the electron
g e n e r a l c
r a p
in the tradition of the very successful
joint and swaptM irc a
ctivities, comesa third, ultimate idea. y
es, if you can read ?! youve guessed by now..
THE BLENDER!!!!!!!!!
p r o c e d u r
e s
quickly! before time runs out, this how a
blendertM event will be run:
1 - everyone will gather in
blender on EFnet
2 - at whatever time, we will e
xplain how the blender works.
3 - each person will come up wit
h ONE idea. it can be in one of three
categories: thing ie. horse, acti
on ie. fishing, and place ie. wh
4 - everyone will submit
their ONE idea to the organizer,
who will make a
list. this organizer currently is warpus
. /msg your words to him.
writing down of the words might take up to 5 mi
nutes, so please be patient.
5 - the organizer will rando
mly pick THREE of the ideas one
thing, one action,
and one place. these three ideas will be announce
d, and put in the topic.
6 - your mission is to creat
e a masterpiece about the three picked ideas.
there are a couple restrictions:
- no submission may be bigger than 150k zipped
- no more than four people may work on o
ne joint.
- a person may submit no more than three
entries solo or joint.
your masterpiece may be pretty much anything
. ansi/ascii/music/lit/vga/etc.
everything is allowed, as long as the r
ules are followed.
7 - at the end of the funpo, all
the work is collected. you will usually
submit to hennifer or
warpus. check the topic line to see
who is
collecting, just to be sure. you *ma
y* submit early if you wish.
8 - first, second and
third place winners are picked. 1st plac
e winners
get three points for their group, 2nd pl
ace gets two points, 3rd gets one
. all winners are placed in th
e hall of fame artists of the week lis
all other participants are placed on the main list
of blender participants.
9 - the pack is then released so that it
can be downloaded by hordes of eager
blenderers, blender supporters, fans, fanatics,
dentists, and communists.
a d v a n t a g
e s
hopefully you get an idea of the fun involved here. bu
t along with that,
blendertM has numerous advantages
over the other irc events.
INFINITE PLAYERS - yes, this mea
ns never having to turn eager blendeners a
PREFAB INSPIRATION - for those of you tha
t cant think of anything to draw, here
other people will do most of the work
for you!
ORIGINALITY - finally something
other to draw than breasts just imagin
e a
pack with 20 different interpretations of a horse
matter how well you do, how silly or serious you
are, because you wont be messing up anyone
s work except
your own
EASY TO RUN - no messy file exch
anges + no hard-to-enforce rules a sm
running operation with no annoying delays
COOL ORGANIZERS - yes, finally a compo th
at is ran by really cool people.
- hennifer
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