this image contains text
As if godzilla wasnt enough, in year japan is ravaged by a really
revolting robot... the americans were forced to drop a new type of bomb, this
one more devistating even than those dropped many years ago...
: ??b. .
. db ?.db. b. . .
b ?l :P b. : : :
. .....,db. b. d ..,..
i ?Ss,... db
,. .?P
.sSSs. ,db,.. b ?P
, db ??
?P ,b .
? . b,....d,. aaaAAAAAaAAAaaaaaAARghh
? ,db..d?
eat oldskul, ,/ this bomb of a composition was created by
warpus ,--- /
---/ ./ . leaf eater
. : / for
blender 24
revolting robot... the americans were forced to drop a new type of bomb, this
one more devistating even than those dropped many years ago...
: ??b. .
. db ?.db. b. . .
b ?l :P b. : : :
. .....,db. b. d ..,..
i ?Ss,... db
,. .?P
.sSSs. ,db,.. b ?P
, db ??
?P ,b .
? . b,....d,. aaaAAAAAaAAAaaaaaAARghh
? ,db..d?
eat oldskul, ,/ this bomb of a composition was created by
warpus ,--- /
---/ ./ . leaf eater
. : / for
blender 24
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