this image contains text
blender baybee! /
This story is completely fictional, noone has nothing to do wif the characters
in the story, and if there is any relation, it is completely randomal!!!!
The story is from the sick mind of martz, and its not dissing ANYONE!@
If yew feel yew just cant take it anymore, just look at the fonts and pics and
have phun. enjoy!@
Mr. Wayne r. pUSS woke up, in a beautiful sunday morning, wif a terrible
headache. He rose up in bed, looked around, then drifted back to sleep.
He woke up after an hour wif aye hUGE hARDON!@
He thought, what am I gonna do now? I just HAVE to get rid of these morning
hardons!@ Mr. Puss lived a doll, boring life, or so did it seem to the
outside world. He had completed 8 years of education, he was gay, and had a job
working as an
tG/ /
which was very elite actually, hes been travelling from house to house, using
his mighty selling skills to sell stupid encyclopedias and other boring books.
Yes, he looked like a nerd, he talked like a nerd, hell, if yew met him on the
street, yew wouldve sworn he IS a nerd... Why do we talk about him then?
TO WIN STUPID BLENDER!!@ THATS WHY@!!@!@ -- censor this line tango!
We talk about him coz he had aye sekret life!@ thats right!@ a sekret life!
Our WA. r. puss was a most respectable guest, of the lazarus gOTH lEATHEr cLUB!
OHHHHH YEAHHHH BAYBEE!@!@ WA. R. Puss was partying alright!@
He sold stupid books at day, shagging some old fat housekeepers to convince
them to buy the stupid encyclopedias, but when the sun set down, he started
: ./ /tG
: A / N / D :
bAYBEE!@ and rOCKrOLL he had.
For he was aYE vIP member of the lazarus honorable gOTH lEATHER cLUB@!
tANGO How about the salesman visitting a house and shagging the woman who
lives there rocking and rolling and then all her friends come round
for a goth party???
picture by gdr
And so, w. r. puss finished his boring day, put all his books and stuff back
home, and went out to rocknroll in the gOTH party!@
FQF7FQFQ F5F ,bad F5FF QFQ db bad d F7F db F db QI ., ib b d,a,F d db d,a,b , ,d i F7 b I ..,,aaaa,,..F,adba, ,,, II 7 .aa, F 7i ii i ii b, 7F7 b, ,b I ,i,.,ib I I ,, i F7 7i badbI Q 7 ai ,ibadiiia, ,, iiad ii iiiiiiiiii I F ,aa,7 ii i F i II 7F b QF b,,d bdid,,b, F7,F.b .., ii,i iF d bd bdF, d iib iiiiii 7 Fd b IIIIIiiii didb 7i i IIII b III F 77 db QadiiIi i Q ii LAZKLUB
First, when he came in, the doorman let him in through the vIP entrance,
where he was slapped silly by this big fat chick, wif aye whip and big boobs,
errr..... boots... so like, on he went through that vIP hall, then he bumped
into this leather clad chick, she wh00ped him wif her whip, and he asked her -
WHUSS YER NAME BAYBEE?!?! and she said - ohh, my name? my names hennifer!
Im a leather wearing, sado loving bitch!@ really? cool!@ can eye slap j00
silly wif my large schlong?! Why sure baybee! just lick muh luscious tITZ
TITS ARE ABOUT 70 LINES WIDE!@ well lets just say Im well proportioned
baybee!@ now lICKEM! wh0a, they look tasty!@
Well, they were tasty, and so on he went, banging and spanking and shagging
every piece of female fruit he found in that gothic forest, sex0ring anything
he could see, till he came to this stupid sign, who said:
: ereet lazarus goth club is :
: sponsored by: tango, squish, :
: phonyeye, biogenesis, martz, :
.......... ,XsXs, .............. ,, ,, , ......... s,,s ...... ...,,.... .......xXx....... ........ iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiii iiiiiiXXs XsXxs
wh0a, he snored, this is so cool, eyam aye honor member of this laz goth club!
wif ereet signs and all, eye phear... He was so impressed, that he didnt see
this guy clad in a leather suit, sneaking right behind him, wif aye massive
hardon, and aye sticker saying Hi! Im d2mac!. this guy popped rite behind
him, and plunged his schlong into poor w. r. pusss
a N A L -- -- h O L E
l /
phear the pointless use of asciis
DAMNIT!@!@ but the pervert behind him kept laughing, wif his dick stuck up
pusss ass, wa. r. puss got pissed, shoved the schlong out, and shot the fucker
in the head, pOW! pOW! pOW! the pervert fell down, and brought this story to
its fucking end......... tEEEEEEehEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!@!@@!@
vote for us so that more ppl will read this shit about warpus and lazarus!
im sorry to to let you guys down
but we came to an end.
actually, i dont give a fuck.
In the last minute warpus told us, that the maximum of people per joint is 4.
Well were a one big happy family of seven ppl, so.... fuck winning blender
we know in our hearts that we couldve won it
This story is completely fictional, noone has nothing to do wif the characters
in the story, and if there is any relation, it is completely randomal!!!!
The story is from the sick mind of martz, and its not dissing ANYONE!@
If yew feel yew just cant take it anymore, just look at the fonts and pics and
have phun. enjoy!@
Mr. Wayne r. pUSS woke up, in a beautiful sunday morning, wif a terrible
headache. He rose up in bed, looked around, then drifted back to sleep.
He woke up after an hour wif aye hUGE hARDON!@
He thought, what am I gonna do now? I just HAVE to get rid of these morning
hardons!@ Mr. Puss lived a doll, boring life, or so did it seem to the
outside world. He had completed 8 years of education, he was gay, and had a job
working as an
tG/ /
which was very elite actually, hes been travelling from house to house, using
his mighty selling skills to sell stupid encyclopedias and other boring books.
Yes, he looked like a nerd, he talked like a nerd, hell, if yew met him on the
street, yew wouldve sworn he IS a nerd... Why do we talk about him then?
TO WIN STUPID BLENDER!!@ THATS WHY@!!@!@ -- censor this line tango!
We talk about him coz he had aye sekret life!@ thats right!@ a sekret life!
Our WA. r. puss was a most respectable guest, of the lazarus gOTH lEATHEr cLUB!
OHHHHH YEAHHHH BAYBEE!@!@ WA. R. Puss was partying alright!@
He sold stupid books at day, shagging some old fat housekeepers to convince
them to buy the stupid encyclopedias, but when the sun set down, he started
: ./ /tG
: A / N / D :
bAYBEE!@ and rOCKrOLL he had.
For he was aYE vIP member of the lazarus honorable gOTH lEATHER cLUB@!
tANGO How about the salesman visitting a house and shagging the woman who
lives there rocking and rolling and then all her friends come round
for a goth party???
picture by gdr
And so, w. r. puss finished his boring day, put all his books and stuff back
home, and went out to rocknroll in the gOTH party!@
FQF7FQFQ F5F ,bad F5FF QFQ db bad d F7F db F db QI ., ib b d,a,F d db d,a,b , ,d i F7 b I ..,,aaaa,,..F,adba, ,,, II 7 .aa, F 7i ii i ii b, 7F7 b, ,b I ,i,.,ib I I ,, i F7 7i badbI Q 7 ai ,ibadiiia, ,, iiad ii iiiiiiiiii I F ,aa,7 ii i F i II 7F b QF b,,d bdid,,b, F7,F.b .., ii,i iF d bd bdF, d iib iiiiii 7 Fd b IIIIIiiii didb 7i i IIII b III F 77 db QadiiIi i Q ii LAZKLUB
First, when he came in, the doorman let him in through the vIP entrance,
where he was slapped silly by this big fat chick, wif aye whip and big boobs,
errr..... boots... so like, on he went through that vIP hall, then he bumped
into this leather clad chick, she wh00ped him wif her whip, and he asked her -
WHUSS YER NAME BAYBEE?!?! and she said - ohh, my name? my names hennifer!
Im a leather wearing, sado loving bitch!@ really? cool!@ can eye slap j00
silly wif my large schlong?! Why sure baybee! just lick muh luscious tITZ
TITS ARE ABOUT 70 LINES WIDE!@ well lets just say Im well proportioned
baybee!@ now lICKEM! wh0a, they look tasty!@
Well, they were tasty, and so on he went, banging and spanking and shagging
every piece of female fruit he found in that gothic forest, sex0ring anything
he could see, till he came to this stupid sign, who said:
: ereet lazarus goth club is :
: sponsored by: tango, squish, :
: phonyeye, biogenesis, martz, :
.......... ,XsXs, .............. ,, ,, , ......... s,,s ...... ...,,.... .......xXx....... ........ iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiii iiiiiiXXs XsXxs
wh0a, he snored, this is so cool, eyam aye honor member of this laz goth club!
wif ereet signs and all, eye phear... He was so impressed, that he didnt see
this guy clad in a leather suit, sneaking right behind him, wif aye massive
hardon, and aye sticker saying Hi! Im d2mac!. this guy popped rite behind
him, and plunged his schlong into poor w. r. pusss
a N A L -- -- h O L E
l /
phear the pointless use of asciis
DAMNIT!@!@ but the pervert behind him kept laughing, wif his dick stuck up
pusss ass, wa. r. puss got pissed, shoved the schlong out, and shot the fucker
in the head, pOW! pOW! pOW! the pervert fell down, and brought this story to
its fucking end......... tEEEEEEehEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!@!@@!@
vote for us so that more ppl will read this shit about warpus and lazarus!
im sorry to to let you guys down
but we came to an end.
actually, i dont give a fuck.
In the last minute warpus told us, that the maximum of people per joint is 4.
Well were a one big happy family of seven ppl, so.... fuck winning blender
we know in our hearts that we couldve won it
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