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u n g e n a n n t
The wait was over.
The expedition was secure,
and so the Nautilus took leave
at once under a guiding moon.
The sea would be our only
home over the coming years.
We would go further than
any before us...
...into the heart of the Pacific.
We made the journey
under the ever vigilant
eye of our figurehead.
She remained steadfast,
holding in one hand a
torch to lead our way.
In the other a lance,
the tool of our industry.
Not long after crossing
the Equator the men became
agitated by delusions.
Spirits began to
appear to them in
the fog...
...begging them to commit
themselves to the deep.
However, Salem was the first to
notice our omen of good fortune.
St. Elmos Fire
appeared at the height
of the mainmast.
The Heavens were in
our ships favor.
And so the men
became restored in
the mission, and
the spirits never
again appeared.
As we ventured around Cape Horn we sailed between towering walls of ice and strange landscapes...
.. toward colliding
..and into the most
currents as the Atlantic
ravenous of storms.
met the Pacific...
We would survive this
in tact and soon reach
calm and distant waters.
...the hunting...
...would begin.
We searched for
weeks without a
trace of the
great beast...
...until he...
...found us.
Get to the
One thrust of the lance
sent the beast into a
thrashing frenzy.
The Leviathan raised its
great wounded mass from
the water throwing one
of the whale boats into
the air.
It dove back into the water
with such force that a
whirlpool in its wake
devoured the whale boat
and its men, and forced them
to the bottom of the sea.
Only one
whaleboat and
the ship were
left now.
...weve lost
a boat.
Whatever may come of us
in this distant sea, I have
committed it all to writing
for the sake of posterity.
May the Nautilus and its
men be remembered for their
daring confrontation of
this great Leviathan.
Captain, we have no trace of the Leviathan!
He is below us!
With one whip of the tail
the beast sent the Nautilus
to the dark of the
sea in pieces...
- ...where the Captain had
made company with the spirits
of the deep.
At last, the figurehead of
this mighty ship could close
her eyes in peace...
...and there at the bottom she would
rest quietly with the crew of the
Nautilus for all of time.
The Nautilus and its crew
met their watery grave, but their voices would not be silenced. By a stroke of good fortune and devotion, the words of its Captain would make their way across hundreds of miles of ocean and reach...
telnet: haciend.bbs.fl + port: 23 + sysop: H7
C A P T . W M . R O G E R S
They have no grave but the cruel sea,
No flower lay at their heads,
A rusting hulk is their tombstone,
Afast on the ocean bed.
We will remember them.
There amongs the oak trees that long ago
gave their wood to build the Nautilus,
would the memory live on forever.
u n g e n a n n t
The wait was over.
The expedition was secure,
and so the Nautilus took leave
at once under a guiding moon.
The sea would be our only
home over the coming years.
We would go further than
any before us...
...into the heart of the Pacific.
We made the journey
under the ever vigilant
eye of our figurehead.
She remained steadfast,
holding in one hand a
torch to lead our way.
In the other a lance,
the tool of our industry.
Not long after crossing
the Equator the men became
agitated by delusions.
Spirits began to
appear to them in
the fog...
...begging them to commit
themselves to the deep.
However, Salem was the first to
notice our omen of good fortune.
St. Elmos Fire
appeared at the height
of the mainmast.
The Heavens were in
our ships favor.
And so the men
became restored in
the mission, and
the spirits never
again appeared.
As we ventured around Cape Horn we sailed between towering walls of ice and strange landscapes...
.. toward colliding
..and into the most
currents as the Atlantic
ravenous of storms.
met the Pacific...
We would survive this
in tact and soon reach
calm and distant waters.
...the hunting...
...would begin.
We searched for
weeks without a
trace of the
great beast...
...until he...
...found us.
Get to the
One thrust of the lance
sent the beast into a
thrashing frenzy.
The Leviathan raised its
great wounded mass from
the water throwing one
of the whale boats into
the air.
It dove back into the water
with such force that a
whirlpool in its wake
devoured the whale boat
and its men, and forced them
to the bottom of the sea.
Only one
whaleboat and
the ship were
left now.
...weve lost
a boat.
Whatever may come of us
in this distant sea, I have
committed it all to writing
for the sake of posterity.
May the Nautilus and its
men be remembered for their
daring confrontation of
this great Leviathan.
Captain, we have no trace of the Leviathan!
He is below us!
With one whip of the tail
the beast sent the Nautilus
to the dark of the
sea in pieces...
- ...where the Captain had
made company with the spirits
of the deep.
At last, the figurehead of
this mighty ship could close
her eyes in peace...
...and there at the bottom she would
rest quietly with the crew of the
Nautilus for all of time.
The Nautilus and its crew
met their watery grave, but their voices would not be silenced. By a stroke of good fortune and devotion, the words of its Captain would make their way across hundreds of miles of ocean and reach...
telnet: haciend.bbs.fl + port: 23 + sysop: H7
C A P T . W M . R O G E R S
They have no grave but the cruel sea,
No flower lay at their heads,
A rusting hulk is their tombstone,
Afast on the ocean bed.
We will remember them.
There amongs the oak trees that long ago
gave their wood to build the Nautilus,
would the memory live on forever.
u n g e n a n n t
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