this image contains text
t h e t e x t m o d e e x o r c i s t
f e a r t h e i l l u s i o n.
the most comprehensive collection of ansi artwork anywhere in
the world. packs as far back as the stone age. lordjazz, dieznyik,
somms, and every other artist to ever grace the electric 80 column
canvas. never before has anyone collected and presented ansi art
as throughly as doug moore lord scarlet. the site has created an
official historical record of the ansi and ascii art scenes. there
is a timeline featuring artists, packs, emags, and events. no one
can boast as many packs, currently totaling over 3,800 packs from
every group known to man. artists can claim their work and create
their own viewable gallery for the world to see. you can also edit
metadata on groups and artists and events to help keep the site up
to date and accurate. any packs missing from the site or any packs
that have just been released can be uploaded by anyone. load your
browser up and point it at www.sixteencolors.net and get ready to
experience ansi artwork as you have never experienced it before.
ansi artwork by: the textmode exorcist of blocktronics ansi crew 09
f e a r t h e i l l u s i o n.
the most comprehensive collection of ansi artwork anywhere in
the world. packs as far back as the stone age. lordjazz, dieznyik,
somms, and every other artist to ever grace the electric 80 column
canvas. never before has anyone collected and presented ansi art
as throughly as doug moore lord scarlet. the site has created an
official historical record of the ansi and ascii art scenes. there
is a timeline featuring artists, packs, emags, and events. no one
can boast as many packs, currently totaling over 3,800 packs from
every group known to man. artists can claim their work and create
their own viewable gallery for the world to see. you can also edit
metadata on groups and artists and events to help keep the site up
to date and accurate. any packs missing from the site or any packs
that have just been released can be uploaded by anyone. load your
browser up and point it at www.sixteencolors.net and get ready to
experience ansi artwork as you have never experienced it before.
ansi artwork by: the textmode exorcist of blocktronics ansi crew 09
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