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radman.. WE SALUT YOU!
hes been there since the start!, and hes drawn brilliant ansis such as the
ansi below!, and he also formed one of the most elite ansi groups out there
ACID!.. i felt compelled to re-create radmans masterpiece into what you see
right now.. it only took me 30 mins to redo.. but radman, you are, and always
will be that bacteria that started it all.. we all wanted to be like you
and be able to draw like you.. we even wanted our own legal team to write out
a we-will-sue.doc.. you were truly an an innovator, and only a genius mind like
yourself would have been able to create we-will-sue.. because once.. i saw a
radman ansi.. and i was so blown away by it i fell off my chair.. and i was
going to sue acid/radman.. but.. i read we-will-sue.doc. and knew my chances of
compensation were now zero.. but it was all thanks to you radman.. you saved
all of us from being sued by kids.. it was you who made it possible, and had
given us all a safe environment to safely draw ansi art for the masses.
without we-will-sure.doc i wouldnt have considered drawing. i wouldnt have
taken my artistic talents to a higher level either.. i would still be a
professional farmer with cows.. and little chazzlings.
S 2 y 1 s 4 O p 3 4 P 8 h a 1 n -- 0 t 2 o 2 mANSi By
RaD Man
radman.. WE SALUT YOU!
hes been there since the start!, and hes drawn brilliant ansis such as the
ansi below!, and he also formed one of the most elite ansi groups out there
ACID!.. i felt compelled to re-create radmans masterpiece into what you see
right now.. it only took me 30 mins to redo.. but radman, you are, and always
will be that bacteria that started it all.. we all wanted to be like you
and be able to draw like you.. we even wanted our own legal team to write out
a we-will-sue.doc.. you were truly an an innovator, and only a genius mind like
yourself would have been able to create we-will-sue.. because once.. i saw a
radman ansi.. and i was so blown away by it i fell off my chair.. and i was
going to sue acid/radman.. but.. i read we-will-sue.doc. and knew my chances of
compensation were now zero.. but it was all thanks to you radman.. you saved
all of us from being sued by kids.. it was you who made it possible, and had
given us all a safe environment to safely draw ansi art for the masses.
without we-will-sure.doc i wouldnt have considered drawing. i wouldnt have
taken my artistic talents to a higher level either.. i would still be a
professional farmer with cows.. and little chazzlings.
S 2 y 1 s 4 O p 3 4 P 8 h a 1 n -- 0 t 2 o 2 mANSi By
RaD Man
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