this image contains text
. .,as, .. .
,Sa,. . d .
d .. ,.: a ,.
.:i ,a@Sa,. . ,a aa@Sa. ,sSa,
:@aaaa,.:l b @ ,l
aS1.li:.,@i:.d.@ll aP Sa l . , Ili:.l.lli:..l2bl: sSEX --Ilis.bSIlis.-ll:i---- PssP@sdd:il news cast update!
.. a aa aab,. . P :ilI
. . ,a i s s u e 3
yay! its another issue of the blur newsletter! time to celebrate. ok, to get
down to business. blur is growing and getting strong, were still here and WE
ARE NOT dying. i seem to be taking over much of the groups responsibilities now,considering that mr.sandman isnt really around as much. but atleast exulted is
still around helping me. this pack is gonna be much better than the first and
second pack. although its incredibly large for a group like us, we have a kick
ass pack this month. we have two zips for this month since that our music is so
large, we have seperated the art and music in two zips. if you want to get all
of this months pack, download the music pack also! so if you would like to join
this upcoming and growing group, check out the blur irc channel blur! sadly weare not usually there, but check ansi too! and look for us in the area code
408. ok, if youve read this far, good for you, so on with the rest of the shit.
ok, lemme see, theres was a lot to do with the new members this month. we are
sad to announce that cynical, who stayed with us during the first two months of
blur, is leaving not really blur to catch up with academic skillsschool. Buthe will be back during the summer to once again help out blur. now, to good newsof our new members. anubis not the one in acid joins us to kick off the music
division, he is still getting the hang of doing some s3ms, but he is improving.
claywar from blind joins the coding department to start off our loaders for blurand do some stuff for blur also. endotoxin, a new comer to the scene comes to
blur to kick off his vga skills. he is a great vga artist, even with his nice
anime pics. enzyme from humidformerly known as rile joins the vga department
to show off some of his vgas. halo, a truly excellent and brilliant s3m creatorjoins blur to release some of his best s3ms. his joins up with anubis once in
awhile and together, they produce incredible s3ms. since their s3ms were so big,we had to make a seperate zip for them. mack 10, another newbie to the art scenejoins us under the train of bloodlore to join up in the ansi department. phallicfrom punc and ash joins the ascii department to help out blur. and last but not
least, we are proud to announce that prime has joined blur to help out with his
ansis, who was in acid, fire and odium. the new members of this month are
filling up all our positions in our group, and starting up the divisions that
have remain dormant for awhile. so if youre interested in joining blur, join
now, and run the app, it tell everything you need to know. oh yeah, you need to
turn on your ansi first.
ok, blur was a bit late this month not really, it was supposed to be released
this morning cuz of the old and new members not turning in their work on time,
we were delaying the pack to try and get work from all the members and new
members that are in blur. i am not very happy about this, because i hate doing
last minute stuff like i am doing right now. so i want to make sure that if you
are planning on joining blur, you must assert you self to turn in your work at
the right time, i am not in the mood to beg you for work. i expect work from youand whoever you are, i want it now. you are the one who wanted to join in the
first place, so if you are not turning in your work on time, you should have
told me in advance and give me a reason WHY you are not releasing this month.
blur is NOT a kick back group, so if you thought it was, its not, so get me
your work on time and lets get this group going.
if you are interested in joining blur, please take the time to fill out the
application given and follow it word for word. please also note that you need
to turn on your ansi driver in order to see the ansis itself. if you send us
just the textfile from the app with nothing but that text. you probably will noteven be considered or we wont even look at it, so remember to give us your workwith your app. to turn in your app, just look for one of the blur staff on the
irc exulted, cerebus or mr.sandman, nicks are exulted, cs-blur and ms-blur
and you can always check our irc channel blur! the exclamation is part of the
channel name also, check your email often and that is probably how we would
most likely contact you. call the board if you want to upload it personally, usethe blur account l: blur p: blur and you can upload your app and download ourreleases. so go and apply now!
since there is already a blur channel, we had to compromise with blur!, most
of the members complained of the long name of blurproductionz, so we decided tochange the irc channel. also, we have been thinking about having weekly meetingsin this channel to catch up with everyone and get work from people. all members
give us your opinion about this.
ok, most people have applied to blur as a distro. there are NO DISTROS for any
board, i dont give a shit who you are, how many times must i say it? must i
right NO DISTROS NO DISTROS NO DISTROS a thousand times till you guys get it!?
dont even bother asking me to be a distro, hqs are what we are looking for,
but we are necessairly looking for any, if you think your board has what it
takes to be a blur something hqs, apply. i will probably personally call your
board myself to check it out if it is good enough links with the art scene in
that area.
ok, weve managed to pull it off, even though 3 or 4 of our members did not evenat first attempt to add something to this months pack, we have a good pack thatsout. so i wanna keep this short cuz im bored and tired of writing this shit. ifyou want to contact me, email is cerebus@easyaccess.com, call my board stone
chapel, 408-453-3114, catch me on the irc on ansi, blur! or ice. so there, i
am actually finished, fuck me already.
ack, im tired so, hi to everyone i know.. .
Who me? Never here? What are you talking about?! I did the diz didnt I?!
Hehe, yeah, yeah. Due to the overwhelming amount of work for schooland a bit
of MUD doesnt really help, I havent the time to run blur. Most of the
responsibilities of running blur has unofficially transferred to Cerebussince
he has no life. Im not saying that I have NO part in the make up of the pack,I am merely stating that since blur does have a senior staff, I might as well
give them some work. P Blah, blah, blah. And so and. The pack looks real
good, and I hope you make this a part of your complete breakfast. Alright?!
Good. Remember, we may not compare to the likes of ICE or ACID, but blur is
really moving up in the scene. Anyway, have fun with this funky shit. Later.
People Id like to say hi to:
Everyone. Even all you lame people out there that constantly ask people to do
art for your lame ass boardz... haha. Late.
this is the end
stop going further
theres nothin else to read faggot
!hctib neht stun eseht ffo kcuf
,Sa,. . d .
d .. ,.: a ,.
.:i ,a@Sa,. . ,a aa@Sa. ,sSa,
:@aaaa,.:l b @ ,l
aS1.li:.,@i:.d.@ll aP Sa l . , Ili:.l.lli:..l2bl: sSEX --Ilis.bSIlis.-ll:i---- PssP@sdd:il news cast update!
.. a aa aab,. . P :ilI
. . ,a i s s u e 3
yay! its another issue of the blur newsletter! time to celebrate. ok, to get
down to business. blur is growing and getting strong, were still here and WE
ARE NOT dying. i seem to be taking over much of the groups responsibilities now,considering that mr.sandman isnt really around as much. but atleast exulted is
still around helping me. this pack is gonna be much better than the first and
second pack. although its incredibly large for a group like us, we have a kick
ass pack this month. we have two zips for this month since that our music is so
large, we have seperated the art and music in two zips. if you want to get all
of this months pack, download the music pack also! so if you would like to join
this upcoming and growing group, check out the blur irc channel blur! sadly weare not usually there, but check ansi too! and look for us in the area code
408. ok, if youve read this far, good for you, so on with the rest of the shit.
ok, lemme see, theres was a lot to do with the new members this month. we are
sad to announce that cynical, who stayed with us during the first two months of
blur, is leaving not really blur to catch up with academic skillsschool. Buthe will be back during the summer to once again help out blur. now, to good newsof our new members. anubis not the one in acid joins us to kick off the music
division, he is still getting the hang of doing some s3ms, but he is improving.
claywar from blind joins the coding department to start off our loaders for blurand do some stuff for blur also. endotoxin, a new comer to the scene comes to
blur to kick off his vga skills. he is a great vga artist, even with his nice
anime pics. enzyme from humidformerly known as rile joins the vga department
to show off some of his vgas. halo, a truly excellent and brilliant s3m creatorjoins blur to release some of his best s3ms. his joins up with anubis once in
awhile and together, they produce incredible s3ms. since their s3ms were so big,we had to make a seperate zip for them. mack 10, another newbie to the art scenejoins us under the train of bloodlore to join up in the ansi department. phallicfrom punc and ash joins the ascii department to help out blur. and last but not
least, we are proud to announce that prime has joined blur to help out with his
ansis, who was in acid, fire and odium. the new members of this month are
filling up all our positions in our group, and starting up the divisions that
have remain dormant for awhile. so if youre interested in joining blur, join
now, and run the app, it tell everything you need to know. oh yeah, you need to
turn on your ansi first.
ok, blur was a bit late this month not really, it was supposed to be released
this morning cuz of the old and new members not turning in their work on time,
we were delaying the pack to try and get work from all the members and new
members that are in blur. i am not very happy about this, because i hate doing
last minute stuff like i am doing right now. so i want to make sure that if you
are planning on joining blur, you must assert you self to turn in your work at
the right time, i am not in the mood to beg you for work. i expect work from youand whoever you are, i want it now. you are the one who wanted to join in the
first place, so if you are not turning in your work on time, you should have
told me in advance and give me a reason WHY you are not releasing this month.
blur is NOT a kick back group, so if you thought it was, its not, so get me
your work on time and lets get this group going.
if you are interested in joining blur, please take the time to fill out the
application given and follow it word for word. please also note that you need
to turn on your ansi driver in order to see the ansis itself. if you send us
just the textfile from the app with nothing but that text. you probably will noteven be considered or we wont even look at it, so remember to give us your workwith your app. to turn in your app, just look for one of the blur staff on the
irc exulted, cerebus or mr.sandman, nicks are exulted, cs-blur and ms-blur
and you can always check our irc channel blur! the exclamation is part of the
channel name also, check your email often and that is probably how we would
most likely contact you. call the board if you want to upload it personally, usethe blur account l: blur p: blur and you can upload your app and download ourreleases. so go and apply now!
since there is already a blur channel, we had to compromise with blur!, most
of the members complained of the long name of blurproductionz, so we decided tochange the irc channel. also, we have been thinking about having weekly meetingsin this channel to catch up with everyone and get work from people. all members
give us your opinion about this.
ok, most people have applied to blur as a distro. there are NO DISTROS for any
board, i dont give a shit who you are, how many times must i say it? must i
right NO DISTROS NO DISTROS NO DISTROS a thousand times till you guys get it!?
dont even bother asking me to be a distro, hqs are what we are looking for,
but we are necessairly looking for any, if you think your board has what it
takes to be a blur something hqs, apply. i will probably personally call your
board myself to check it out if it is good enough links with the art scene in
that area.
ok, weve managed to pull it off, even though 3 or 4 of our members did not evenat first attempt to add something to this months pack, we have a good pack thatsout. so i wanna keep this short cuz im bored and tired of writing this shit. ifyou want to contact me, email is cerebus@easyaccess.com, call my board stone
chapel, 408-453-3114, catch me on the irc on ansi, blur! or ice. so there, i
am actually finished, fuck me already.
ack, im tired so, hi to everyone i know.. .
Who me? Never here? What are you talking about?! I did the diz didnt I?!
Hehe, yeah, yeah. Due to the overwhelming amount of work for schooland a bit
of MUD doesnt really help, I havent the time to run blur. Most of the
responsibilities of running blur has unofficially transferred to Cerebussince
he has no life. Im not saying that I have NO part in the make up of the pack,I am merely stating that since blur does have a senior staff, I might as well
give them some work. P Blah, blah, blah. And so and. The pack looks real
good, and I hope you make this a part of your complete breakfast. Alright?!
Good. Remember, we may not compare to the likes of ICE or ACID, but blur is
really moving up in the scene. Anyway, have fun with this funky shit. Later.
People Id like to say hi to:
Everyone. Even all you lame people out there that constantly ask people to do
art for your lame ass boardz... haha. Late.
this is the end
stop going further
theres nothin else to read faggot
!hctib neht stun eseht ffo kcuf
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