this image contains text
huh ?
huhu ?
you REALLY mean me ?
you REALLY want to see an ...
/ ... ascii accumulation by ... / .
: :/ :./: Oo / :
under the protecting name of
:: / //---/ -/---/ black
: / //??????!??/ / maiden
in loving memory: zenith!design
then be prepared for
// gEBRAUCHS : :
dONT wASH oVER /40C .db.
fasten seat belt
stop smoking
get a blunt
/ / / prefix OO /
/ / / /o
::: -----.// /:. :/ / / .--?-
. Danket Dem Herrn,
Euer Elend Geht Zu Ende.
Das Warten Ist Vorbei,
Jetzt Wackeln Die Waende.
Ja Hoert Genau auf,
Eure Stimme Aus Der Gosse.
Der Wandelnde Wahnsinn,
Mit Worten Wie Geschosse.
Ja Wir Bringens Auf Den Punkt,
Sagen Was Sich Keiner Traut.
Gegen Alle Regeln,
Es Wird Zeit, Dass Ihr Das Glaubt.
Wir Sind Der Stachel,
Im Arsch Der Nation.
Glohreiche Halunken,
Nichts Bleibt Von Uns Verschont.
- lyrics by bOEHSE oNKELZ
- modified by myself
still wondering where the pictures are?
first youll get an overview
!::::::.//.:. / // / .:::::?
nO nAME fOR rEQ?
.1 bRAIN dAMAGE ............ wARHAWK ........... yEP.
.2 b-SIDE .................. gO-cOMPO 3 ....... nAH.
.3 dREAMHOLD ............... dEMOLUX ........... yEP.
.4 dREAMLAND ............... gO-cOMPO 5 ....... nAH.
.5 fREESIDE ................ fASTJACK .......... yEP. /
: .6 hACKERS iNN ............ rITZELMUT ......... yEP.
.7 iCED eARTH .............. hANDO ............. yEP.
.8 pHOS4 ................... dEMOLUX ........... yEP.
.9 rANDOM wORLD ............ rANDOMIZER ........ yEP. .
1o dEEP .................... tHE dEEP cREW ..... nAH.
11 dEMOLUX ................. dEMOLUX ........... yEP. :
12 fASTJACK ................ fASTJACK .......... yEP.
13 fREESIDE gRAFFITY cOLL... fASTJACK .......... yEP.
14 dPS ...............dIZ. unfinished ...... nAH.
15 fORMAT C: .........dIZ. mASH .............. yEP. ?
/ 16 xPEDICION pROJECT .dIZ. dEMOLUX ........... yEP.
/ 17 aPPLY ................... eVERY sYSOP ....... nAH.
18 pROT .................... eVERY sYSOP ....... nAH. :
19 uL rEWARD ............... fASTJACK .......... yEP. :
2o uPLOAD .................. eVERY sYSOP ....... nAH.
... .n.o.w. .i.t. .s.e.e.m.s. .t.o. .s.t.a.r.t. ...
.------..-- ----- title: bRAIN dAMAGE / /
.-- / : --. for: wARHAWK .../ .1 /
req: yes : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
. .. ...... .:....... / / +op wARHAWK .. .:..
/ .db :.: :..: :... : /
d:b. / / /:.:
/ / d : db. / / /
/scLSssssssbs / / / / /
.d ...:/ / /
.dP /?P /
.------..-- ----- title: b-SIDE / /
.-- / : --. for: gO-cOMPO 3 .../ .2 /
req: no : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
y o u h a v e j u s t c o n n e c t ed t o ....
oO / /
/.-- -cE/
-!----// -+-// --------------?-
- -----l--------// -------------
.------..-- ----- title: dREAMHOLD / /
.-- / : --. for: dEMOLUX old but ... .../ .3 /
req: yes : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
.- dREAMHOLD bbS --.
/ : C!:
.------..-- ----- title: dREAMLAND / /
.-- / : --. for: gO-cOMPO 5 .../ .4 /
req: no : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
wir sind zu nah an der wahrheit
/ : Oo / : // /
---:----. / /o // / / /
. :/ // //.-cLS /
: -----./l / / /:.----------------./
:.-./ / .:--------. -- dREAMLAND . /
.------..-- ----- title: fREESIDE / /
.-- / : --. for: fASTJACK .../ .5 /
req: yes : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
: / -cLS/ / :
.------..-- ----- title: hACKERS iNN / /
.-- / : --. for: rITZELMUT .../ .6 /
req: yes : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
!/ / / / ?
/l // ../ / /
l:::: l/-cLS
h ackers inn bbs :::::::::b
+49-o3o-insert-no. ?::::::::P h/p/a/c/v only
::::::: / no novices
/ l
.------..-- ----- title: iCED eARTH / /
.-- / : --. for: hANDO .../ .7 /
req: yes : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
::::: / / / I/: .....:
:: / i c e d / oO / ..: :
// e a r th // . :
: / / / / I :
: / / I / / -- :
. / /-cLS//
/ .-------?-
.------..-- ----- title: pHOS4 / /
.-- / : --. for: dEMOLUX .../ .8 /
req: yes : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
: / : Oo / / :.:
-+------- -cLS ---/----+-
.------..-- ----- title: rANDOM wORLD / /
.-- / : --. for: rANDOMIZER ... NOT !! .../ .9 /
req: we had a deal ... : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
// / / -cLS
:... .. . / random world / ...
:. / - +op randomize oo / ..:.: :
.------..-- ----- title: dEEP / /
.-- / : --. for: dEEP cREW .../ 1o /
req: i loved them anyway : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
cLS :.: // / .............:/
: ------------ dRINKING eVIL eLITE pHREAKERS 97 //
.------..-- ----- title: dEMOLUX / /
.-- / : --. for: dEMOLUX .../ 11 /
req: yes i wont make a new!: / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
:: d E M O L U X / nC!-xPD-aOD-dMN-dREAMHOLD / . ..::
.------..-- ----- title: fASTJACK / /
.-- / : --. for: fASTJACK .../ 12 /
req: yes : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
------- fASTJACK -fdn-boil-fgc-freeside bbs- / .:::::::::::cLS::
.------..-- ----- title: fGC / /
.-- / : --. for: fASTJACK .../ 13 /
req: yes : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
./ l -cLS
.------..-- ----- title: dPS / /
.-- / : --. for: unfinished experiment .../ 14 /
req: no : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
:: -cLS/:.:
: dPS iN 97 sHOWS :
.------..-- ----- title: fORMAT c: / /
.-- / : --. for: mASH .../ 15 /
req: yes, but its soooo old : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
::/ / / fORMAT C /::
oo/oo/oo bRINGS yA oo/oo
anything else u need add here
.------..-- ----- title: xPEDICION pROJECT / /
.-- / : --. for: dEMOLUX .../ 16 /
req: yes/no/dunno : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
:. / . cLS?:
: add blah here :
-- nO. XXX -- XXMAY97 ---
.------..-- ----- title: aPPLY / /
.-- / : --. for: its free .../ 17 /
req: nah : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
// / -cLS
.------..-- ----- title: pROT / /
.-- / : --. for: its free .../ 18 /
req: no : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
./ / /-cLS
.------..-- ----- title: uL rEWARD / /
.-- / : --. for: fASTJACK .../ 19 /
req: yes : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
/ // // / / / -cLS
.------..-- ----- title: uPLOAD / /
.-- / : --. for: its free .../ 2o /
req: n... : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
/ / /-cLS
/ // l
uh... thats it, but dont stop now
.--/ // / cREDITS
Artwork / Design Music Support
Celsius /Black Maiden Boehse Onkelz
/ / hI mOM !
Greetings And Hellos To These Guys And Groups
no order
Avenger, Lord Chaos, Sik, Rezine, Warhawk, Fastjack, Demolux, Hasi,
Delay, Universe, Nail ... Zenith!Design, Dps, Xpd, Voodoo, Shoot,
Boil, Infinite ...
oO /
/ o
nah... still lines there...
huhu ?
you REALLY mean me ?
you REALLY want to see an ...
/ ... ascii accumulation by ... / .
: :/ :./: Oo / :
under the protecting name of
:: / //---/ -/---/ black
: / //??????!??/ / maiden
in loving memory: zenith!design
then be prepared for
// gEBRAUCHS : :
dONT wASH oVER /40C .db.
fasten seat belt
stop smoking
get a blunt
/ / / prefix OO /
/ / / /o
::: -----.// /:. :/ / / .--?-
. Danket Dem Herrn,
Euer Elend Geht Zu Ende.
Das Warten Ist Vorbei,
Jetzt Wackeln Die Waende.
Ja Hoert Genau auf,
Eure Stimme Aus Der Gosse.
Der Wandelnde Wahnsinn,
Mit Worten Wie Geschosse.
Ja Wir Bringens Auf Den Punkt,
Sagen Was Sich Keiner Traut.
Gegen Alle Regeln,
Es Wird Zeit, Dass Ihr Das Glaubt.
Wir Sind Der Stachel,
Im Arsch Der Nation.
Glohreiche Halunken,
Nichts Bleibt Von Uns Verschont.
- lyrics by bOEHSE oNKELZ
- modified by myself
still wondering where the pictures are?
first youll get an overview
!::::::.//.:. / // / .:::::?
nO nAME fOR rEQ?
.1 bRAIN dAMAGE ............ wARHAWK ........... yEP.
.2 b-SIDE .................. gO-cOMPO 3 ....... nAH.
.3 dREAMHOLD ............... dEMOLUX ........... yEP.
.4 dREAMLAND ............... gO-cOMPO 5 ....... nAH.
.5 fREESIDE ................ fASTJACK .......... yEP. /
: .6 hACKERS iNN ............ rITZELMUT ......... yEP.
.7 iCED eARTH .............. hANDO ............. yEP.
.8 pHOS4 ................... dEMOLUX ........... yEP.
.9 rANDOM wORLD ............ rANDOMIZER ........ yEP. .
1o dEEP .................... tHE dEEP cREW ..... nAH.
11 dEMOLUX ................. dEMOLUX ........... yEP. :
12 fASTJACK ................ fASTJACK .......... yEP.
13 fREESIDE gRAFFITY cOLL... fASTJACK .......... yEP.
14 dPS ...............dIZ. unfinished ...... nAH.
15 fORMAT C: .........dIZ. mASH .............. yEP. ?
/ 16 xPEDICION pROJECT .dIZ. dEMOLUX ........... yEP.
/ 17 aPPLY ................... eVERY sYSOP ....... nAH.
18 pROT .................... eVERY sYSOP ....... nAH. :
19 uL rEWARD ............... fASTJACK .......... yEP. :
2o uPLOAD .................. eVERY sYSOP ....... nAH.
... .n.o.w. .i.t. .s.e.e.m.s. .t.o. .s.t.a.r.t. ...
.------..-- ----- title: bRAIN dAMAGE / /
.-- / : --. for: wARHAWK .../ .1 /
req: yes : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
. .. ...... .:....... / / +op wARHAWK .. .:..
/ .db :.: :..: :... : /
d:b. / / /:.:
/ / d : db. / / /
/scLSssssssbs / / / / /
.d ...:/ / /
.dP /?P /
.------..-- ----- title: b-SIDE / /
.-- / : --. for: gO-cOMPO 3 .../ .2 /
req: no : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
y o u h a v e j u s t c o n n e c t ed t o ....
oO / /
/.-- -cE/
-!----// -+-// --------------?-
- -----l--------// -------------
.------..-- ----- title: dREAMHOLD / /
.-- / : --. for: dEMOLUX old but ... .../ .3 /
req: yes : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
.- dREAMHOLD bbS --.
/ : C!:
.------..-- ----- title: dREAMLAND / /
.-- / : --. for: gO-cOMPO 5 .../ .4 /
req: no : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
wir sind zu nah an der wahrheit
/ : Oo / : // /
---:----. / /o // / / /
. :/ // //.-cLS /
: -----./l / / /:.----------------./
:.-./ / .:--------. -- dREAMLAND . /
.------..-- ----- title: fREESIDE / /
.-- / : --. for: fASTJACK .../ .5 /
req: yes : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
: / -cLS/ / :
.------..-- ----- title: hACKERS iNN / /
.-- / : --. for: rITZELMUT .../ .6 /
req: yes : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
!/ / / / ?
/l // ../ / /
l:::: l/-cLS
h ackers inn bbs :::::::::b
+49-o3o-insert-no. ?::::::::P h/p/a/c/v only
::::::: / no novices
/ l
.------..-- ----- title: iCED eARTH / /
.-- / : --. for: hANDO .../ .7 /
req: yes : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
::::: / / / I/: .....:
:: / i c e d / oO / ..: :
// e a r th // . :
: / / / / I :
: / / I / / -- :
. / /-cLS//
/ .-------?-
.------..-- ----- title: pHOS4 / /
.-- / : --. for: dEMOLUX .../ .8 /
req: yes : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
: / : Oo / / :.:
-+------- -cLS ---/----+-
.------..-- ----- title: rANDOM wORLD / /
.-- / : --. for: rANDOMIZER ... NOT !! .../ .9 /
req: we had a deal ... : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
// / / -cLS
:... .. . / random world / ...
:. / - +op randomize oo / ..:.: :
.------..-- ----- title: dEEP / /
.-- / : --. for: dEEP cREW .../ 1o /
req: i loved them anyway : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
cLS :.: // / .............:/
: ------------ dRINKING eVIL eLITE pHREAKERS 97 //
.------..-- ----- title: dEMOLUX / /
.-- / : --. for: dEMOLUX .../ 11 /
req: yes i wont make a new!: / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
:: d E M O L U X / nC!-xPD-aOD-dMN-dREAMHOLD / . ..::
.------..-- ----- title: fASTJACK / /
.-- / : --. for: fASTJACK .../ 12 /
req: yes : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
------- fASTJACK -fdn-boil-fgc-freeside bbs- / .:::::::::::cLS::
.------..-- ----- title: fGC / /
.-- / : --. for: fASTJACK .../ 13 /
req: yes : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
./ l -cLS
.------..-- ----- title: dPS / /
.-- / : --. for: unfinished experiment .../ 14 /
req: no : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
:: -cLS/:.:
: dPS iN 97 sHOWS :
.------..-- ----- title: fORMAT c: / /
.-- / : --. for: mASH .../ 15 /
req: yes, but its soooo old : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
::/ / / fORMAT C /::
oo/oo/oo bRINGS yA oo/oo
anything else u need add here
.------..-- ----- title: xPEDICION pROJECT / /
.-- / : --. for: dEMOLUX .../ 16 /
req: yes/no/dunno : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
:. / . cLS?:
: add blah here :
-- nO. XXX -- XXMAY97 ---
.------..-- ----- title: aPPLY / /
.-- / : --. for: its free .../ 17 /
req: nah : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
// / -cLS
.------..-- ----- title: pROT / /
.-- / : --. for: its free .../ 18 /
req: no : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
./ / /-cLS
.------..-- ----- title: uL rEWARD / /
.-- / : --. for: fASTJACK .../ 19 /
req: yes : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
/ // // / / / -cLS
.------..-- ----- title: uPLOAD / /
.-- / : --. for: its free .../ 2o /
req: n... : / /
r.r.g.a. :./...//
/ / /-cLS
/ // l
uh... thats it, but dont stop now
.--/ // / cREDITS
Artwork / Design Music Support
Celsius /Black Maiden Boehse Onkelz
/ / hI mOM !
Greetings And Hellos To These Guys And Groups
no order
Avenger, Lord Chaos, Sik, Rezine, Warhawk, Fastjack, Demolux, Hasi,
Delay, Universe, Nail ... Zenith!Design, Dps, Xpd, Voodoo, Shoot,
Boil, Infinite ...
oO /
/ o
nah... still lines there...
log in to add a comment.