this image contains text
yy yyyy .
@@ ,, ,, yy, @y
: : !S@s y@SSSS:y@@@yy
ii Ni : , S@y Ai IP4Lb,l
P SS@@yyyy,yy
,s@S ,d!! ! b !b,
S*I: ,d: S T jer
yy@@ - yyyy i*
*SS@@l ,, l.,db, ,l
::S@y yy@@ ,,, *
ii DU Mb, yyyy@@S*M
,dl P : i,
b,yy@@S*S@yyy! @y i :S! y
l l@ * i: S@yyy i:
:b,- *4 b,S@y ii
: ,, g * / @Q ? come inand burn /S y
: ----,d
i ,,ss@@SS
sometimes there is a time, when i feel there is the end of something.
a former entry for go! 11. says lost city - so use it, sektor.
@@ ,, ,, yy, @y
: : !S@s y@SSSS:y@@@yy
ii Ni : , S@y Ai IP4Lb,l
P SS@@yyyy,yy
,s@S ,d!! ! b !b,
S*I: ,d: S T jer
yy@@ - yyyy i*
*SS@@l ,, l.,db, ,l
::S@y yy@@ ,,, *
ii DU Mb, yyyy@@S*M
,dl P : i,
b,yy@@S*S@yyy! @y i :S! y
l l@ * i: S@yyy i:
:b,- *4 b,S@y ii
: ,, g * / @Q ? come inand burn /S y
: ----,d
i ,,ss@@SS
sometimes there is a time, when i feel there is the end of something.
a former entry for go! 11. says lost city - so use it, sektor.
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