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black maiden.. we are major!
b l a c k m a i d e n
t w e n t y t w o -
welcome again!
im sure a lot of you and even some bm people did not expect this
book would come ever out but here it is! its not as good as in the golden times of ansi, but nowadays every
released pack is a great pack :
seriously, only with the help of some old friends like nail, nitrifik,
noize, vilaz and fastjack and jerusalem of boil, a great german group
we were successful making the pack look good once again.
fastjack and jerusalem donated all of their artwork originally drawn
for boil-07 and its really welcome. also big thanks to nail for his
ansis and the vga released at evoke 2000 and to nitrifik formerly known
as crayon i am saying this for my old black maiden comrades who might
not be up-to-date hehe for his cool picture!
vilaz and keen donated this sweet teddy bear, and noize gave us three
amazing vga graphics.. i like especially the wiedereintritt one :
i cant say enough thanks to you guys!
alot of more and less important things happened since the last pack:
lets start by naming our new members:
welcome mool, dipswitch, sarlacc and faxe!
all four of them got invited to bm at pandurs birthday party with a
bottle of champagne or something like that, unfortunately i couldnt
attend pandurs party since i had to work.
we decided to invite those four nice guys mainly, because they are
long time friends faxe was a friend of poti even before both of them
got into the scene and i met him about 5 years ago too :
faxe also co-sysopped the wellknown artboard kaoz in the past, and
was responsible for the technical aspects of evoke.
mool is a good friend of dipswitch and he has been member of the bm party
posse before so it was a little step to invite him officially :
many of you surely know dipswitch of dream theatre, bad karma and a lot
of other amiga groups : he is drawing ascii and tracking music for us
now.. he has been a good friend to the crew the last two years and is
the perfect addition to the team.
sarlacc finally is a good friend of pandur and he joined black maiden
to help us out with coding when we are in need. WELCOME all of you!
uh, what else.. ah right: spear changed his handle to firehead :
faxe dip pandur me and sometimes mool have been going to several dancehall
reggae bashments in the last time and now black maiden has even its own
reggae soundsystem called black maiden hifi which is run by selector faxe :
evoke 2000 was a great success again and besides some minor problems like
annoying drunken little fucking stupid kids it was a lot of fun too :
the ansi competition was ruled by black maiden as usual, zippy and me
made the first place with us-hero.ans, pandur got second with pn-ev2k.ans
and shine placed fourth with shn-tiny.ans we dont have a clue why he
didnt rank 3rd place. lord chaos won the ascii compo sponsored by
dipswitchs the ascii charts and i ranked 2nd. zippy entered with
h0us meister and got 7th i think. get his tune at www.alienpub.com
poti together with guilty of design and netpoet/park made a demo for
takeover 2000 and they ranked 4rd! get phospor at
if you want to meet several chaotic black maiden members visit
mekkasymposium2k+1, poti, faxe, zippy, dipswitch, pandur, potzkoten,
me and probably even more will be there. expect some surprises and take
some beer with you!
sometime in the next weeks www.blackmaiden.de will be relaunched, so
better check out the result of poti working hours and hours on it!
the sad news at last: dont expect another book, this time it took more
than a year to get at least a little artwork and without the help of our
friends this pack would have looked quite bad.
but black maiden will live on, there might come ansi releases too but not
in the book format anymore. thanks for all your support and
i remember a lot of people saying insertgroupname4life but NO ONE except
black maiden and glue : has made it. HA! :
heres a quote from the bmbook16s infofile:
milkmang has been invited to legion, maestros huh new group,
we all hope he will return sometime. bm will last longer than legion anyway
as final comment let me quote again myself from black maiden book 12:
we lost several members and got two new doods. there even were
rumours sayin black maiden is dead. this is not true and wont be true
until the last bm-member stops drawing on the computer and i promise you
therell be at least one or two years of black maiden inthe scene.
well, nothing to add here :
- ave avenger@blackmaiden.de
black males.... err.. maiden..
m e m b e r s
if you see some of the following people somewhere better
give them a beer:
avenger deviate dipswitch faxe firehead gomorrha junk
junk kyp leo lordchaos mother mool pandur
potzkoten poti sarlacc seltorn shine shiva smoke
tex toot voice zippy
if you are bored, load up www.blackmaiden.de in
your browser uh.. better wait a few weeks please
thanks to avenging angel for that sweet logo!
..and draw for WICKED MINORITY !!
b l a c k m a i d e n
t w e n t y t w o -
welcome again!
im sure a lot of you and even some bm people did not expect this
book would come ever out but here it is! its not as good as in the golden times of ansi, but nowadays every
released pack is a great pack :
seriously, only with the help of some old friends like nail, nitrifik,
noize, vilaz and fastjack and jerusalem of boil, a great german group
we were successful making the pack look good once again.
fastjack and jerusalem donated all of their artwork originally drawn
for boil-07 and its really welcome. also big thanks to nail for his
ansis and the vga released at evoke 2000 and to nitrifik formerly known
as crayon i am saying this for my old black maiden comrades who might
not be up-to-date hehe for his cool picture!
vilaz and keen donated this sweet teddy bear, and noize gave us three
amazing vga graphics.. i like especially the wiedereintritt one :
i cant say enough thanks to you guys!
alot of more and less important things happened since the last pack:
lets start by naming our new members:
welcome mool, dipswitch, sarlacc and faxe!
all four of them got invited to bm at pandurs birthday party with a
bottle of champagne or something like that, unfortunately i couldnt
attend pandurs party since i had to work.
we decided to invite those four nice guys mainly, because they are
long time friends faxe was a friend of poti even before both of them
got into the scene and i met him about 5 years ago too :
faxe also co-sysopped the wellknown artboard kaoz in the past, and
was responsible for the technical aspects of evoke.
mool is a good friend of dipswitch and he has been member of the bm party
posse before so it was a little step to invite him officially :
many of you surely know dipswitch of dream theatre, bad karma and a lot
of other amiga groups : he is drawing ascii and tracking music for us
now.. he has been a good friend to the crew the last two years and is
the perfect addition to the team.
sarlacc finally is a good friend of pandur and he joined black maiden
to help us out with coding when we are in need. WELCOME all of you!
uh, what else.. ah right: spear changed his handle to firehead :
faxe dip pandur me and sometimes mool have been going to several dancehall
reggae bashments in the last time and now black maiden has even its own
reggae soundsystem called black maiden hifi which is run by selector faxe :
evoke 2000 was a great success again and besides some minor problems like
annoying drunken little fucking stupid kids it was a lot of fun too :
the ansi competition was ruled by black maiden as usual, zippy and me
made the first place with us-hero.ans, pandur got second with pn-ev2k.ans
and shine placed fourth with shn-tiny.ans we dont have a clue why he
didnt rank 3rd place. lord chaos won the ascii compo sponsored by
dipswitchs the ascii charts and i ranked 2nd. zippy entered with
h0us meister and got 7th i think. get his tune at www.alienpub.com
poti together with guilty of design and netpoet/park made a demo for
takeover 2000 and they ranked 4rd! get phospor at
if you want to meet several chaotic black maiden members visit
mekkasymposium2k+1, poti, faxe, zippy, dipswitch, pandur, potzkoten,
me and probably even more will be there. expect some surprises and take
some beer with you!
sometime in the next weeks www.blackmaiden.de will be relaunched, so
better check out the result of poti working hours and hours on it!
the sad news at last: dont expect another book, this time it took more
than a year to get at least a little artwork and without the help of our
friends this pack would have looked quite bad.
but black maiden will live on, there might come ansi releases too but not
in the book format anymore. thanks for all your support and
i remember a lot of people saying insertgroupname4life but NO ONE except
black maiden and glue : has made it. HA! :
heres a quote from the bmbook16s infofile:
milkmang has been invited to legion, maestros huh new group,
we all hope he will return sometime. bm will last longer than legion anyway
as final comment let me quote again myself from black maiden book 12:
we lost several members and got two new doods. there even were
rumours sayin black maiden is dead. this is not true and wont be true
until the last bm-member stops drawing on the computer and i promise you
therell be at least one or two years of black maiden inthe scene.
well, nothing to add here :
- ave avenger@blackmaiden.de
black males.... err.. maiden..
m e m b e r s
if you see some of the following people somewhere better
give them a beer:
avenger deviate dipswitch faxe firehead gomorrha junk
junk kyp leo lordchaos mother mool pandur
potzkoten poti sarlacc seltorn shine shiva smoke
tex toot voice zippy
if you are bored, load up www.blackmaiden.de in
your browser uh.. better wait a few weeks please
thanks to avenging angel for that sweet logo!
..and draw for WICKED MINORITY !!
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