this image contains text
! SS@@yy,, .
,, ,, SS@+
@@* l
: , l F R .. E E S ID
iS@y * ,b,
.y@S commandzgohere
!y@@y, ,y@S commandzgohere
3 commandzgohere
lS@@yyy, commandzgohere
b ,, l .,yy@ jer commandzgohere
yy@@SS* ,,, commandzgohere
S@ b. i commandzgohere
,@,,.. yyy@Si commandzgohere
,l * @y, l commandzgohere
! ! i commandzgohere
*@@@@@ ..,,, commandzgohere
y,,. ,y@S,,,* commandzgohere
, d: . d commandzgohere
l * S@y,. i
---------------// MAINBOARD // 99mins left // command:
its for tha freeside and its not free for you, lamer!
get the fuck out or ill kick you with my mighty feet!...
,, ,, SS@+
@@* l
: , l F R .. E E S ID
iS@y * ,b,
.y@S commandzgohere
!y@@y, ,y@S commandzgohere
3 commandzgohere
lS@@yyy, commandzgohere
b ,, l .,yy@ jer commandzgohere
yy@@SS* ,,, commandzgohere
S@ b. i commandzgohere
,@,,.. yyy@Si commandzgohere
,l * @y, l commandzgohere
! ! i commandzgohere
*@@@@@ ..,,, commandzgohere
y,,. ,y@S,,,* commandzgohere
, d: . d commandzgohere
l * S@y,. i
---------------// MAINBOARD // 99mins left // command:
its for tha freeside and its not free for you, lamer!
get the fuck out or ill kick you with my mighty feet!...
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