this image contains text
ok heres the deal. this is a remix of a noot ascii that i found god knows where
i thought it was cool, but that it was a little rough on the edges and curving
could have been done better just my humble opinion. dare i color it? i dare!
*ss,, y
.yS Sss sSS. .y
*.y.sSSy. 7.y ,S* ,
SS y. S ,S y.
l* *S, .y , y.
.ySS , , ..ySSy. .yS
. , s * . /y.
y. .sS* .
ly. ,S s .y +
.sS Sy
l . y. .t
. ,yy. *
S lS .s .y/.*
S*l, l .. ty.
sySS . y
lS* ,,ss . .sSSSs 4. ** . *y s , S ,SSyy S ,. s , .S y.*** S S . S .yy. .y l, s .y. sSs l
j ,S* .
- --//---//-/------- original ascii by noot diez
made-day-before-da-pack-ascii! , ,s .
,,ssssSS marshmellows dont melt. ,ss, .sss,
,SSS uh yes they do. ,S S S,
SsSSSSss, oh well. sSS ,. SSs
sssSSSS nOOtropic
sSs s s S earth!
,s s, ds s s .
d ,Ss
4 .
ssss r o g a s h i a n e m p i r e ssss
yum yum ssss nice fries, no gravy, and ascii face meal by nootropicsaga/trank
sysop!: the argoth revolt/anxiety
cosysops!: tsk fire/bleach/haze mindmage
revolt.anxiety member board
tdd distro.punc distro.leper society distro.creed distro
i thought it was cool, but that it was a little rough on the edges and curving
could have been done better just my humble opinion. dare i color it? i dare!
*ss,, y
.yS Sss sSS. .y
*.y.sSSy. 7.y ,S* ,
SS y. S ,S y.
l* *S, .y , y.
.ySS , , ..ySSy. .yS
. , s * . /y.
y. .sS* .
ly. ,S s .y +
.sS Sy
l . y. .t
. ,yy. *
S lS .s .y/.*
S*l, l .. ty.
sySS . y
lS* ,,ss . .sSSSs 4. ** . *y s , S ,SSyy S ,. s , .S y.*** S S . S .yy. .y l, s .y. sSs l
j ,S* .
- --//---//-/------- original ascii by noot diez
made-day-before-da-pack-ascii! , ,s .
,,ssssSS marshmellows dont melt. ,ss, .sss,
,SSS uh yes they do. ,S S S,
SsSSSSss, oh well. sSS ,. SSs
sssSSSS nOOtropic
sSs s s S earth!
,s s, ds s s .
d ,Ss
4 .
ssss r o g a s h i a n e m p i r e ssss
yum yum ssss nice fries, no gravy, and ascii face meal by nootropicsaga/trank
sysop!: the argoth revolt/anxiety
cosysops!: tsk fire/bleach/haze mindmage
revolt.anxiety member board
tdd distro.punc distro.leper society distro.creed distro
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