this image contains text
even scarier than remixing or jointing on someone elses shit, digging up
something from your ancient past!
--- the original, from a colly in cia pack 42 in early 1997.
/ / / / / / / / / : ::d4rk h0r1z0n5:: :
jp/ / / / / / / / /
--- snip! remixed in 2013...
/ / / / / / ::: D4RK H0R1Z0N5 :::
// // // //jp!
something from your ancient past!
--- the original, from a colly in cia pack 42 in early 1997.
/ / / / / / / / / : ::d4rk h0r1z0n5:: :
jp/ / / / / / / / /
--- snip! remixed in 2013...
/ / / / / / ::: D4RK H0R1Z0N5 :::
// // // //jp!
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