![Rival Promo by Spear](/pack/cancer01/x1/SP-RVL01.ASC.png)
this image contains text
, ,a.
,YY. ,888. ,a.
,a. YY ,8888. ,888. ,
,888. ,YYaYY. ,88rival. dont you wish you were88. ,YY. ,8888. YYYY ,88THIS happy in YOUR group? hahah88. YY
,88 88. ,88 88. ,88 88.YYaYY. ,88 8. ,88 88. ,88 8YYYY Y@s. Y@s. Y@s. 88
,Y 4 Y ,s@Y@s,sY Y 4 88.
,8. , ,Y Y 4 Y 4 Y 4 . , Y@s.
,88YsY 88.. , . , . , YsY !
,88 88YsY YsY:,.Y YsY:,. :,.Y
88 8 spear 88.
4444444Y,iiiY Yiii,Y44444444444444444Y,Yii8 8iiY,Y444444444444444Y! !ii88 put what you want in this box :P 88ii! !444444444444444Y,Yii8, ,8iiY,Y44444444444444444Y,iii8,. .,8iii,Y44444444444444444444saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasY4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444YY
this was going to be for the rival 0396 member list, but I think I went
,YY. ,888. ,a.
,a. YY ,8888. ,888. ,
,888. ,YYaYY. ,88rival. dont you wish you were88. ,YY. ,8888. YYYY ,88THIS happy in YOUR group? hahah88. YY
,88 88. ,88 88. ,88 88.YYaYY. ,88 8. ,88 88. ,88 8YYYY Y@s. Y@s. Y@s. 88
,Y 4 Y ,s@Y@s,sY Y 4 88.
,8. , ,Y Y 4 Y 4 Y 4 . , Y@s.
,88YsY 88.. , . , . , YsY !
,88 88YsY YsY:,.Y YsY:,. :,.Y
88 8 spear 88.
4444444Y,iiiY Yiii,Y44444444444444444Y,Yii8 8iiY,Y444444444444444Y! !ii88 put what you want in this box :P 88ii! !444444444444444Y,Yii8, ,8iiY,Y44444444444444444Y,iii8,. .,8iii,Y44444444444444444444saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasY4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444YY
this was going to be for the rival 0396 member list, but I think I went
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