this image contains text
m?b R I G H T E O U S F I R E A/R/T/P/A/C/K N/U/M/B/A 10 /A/S/C/I/I P/A/R/T/
Slash, zer0ix, xaos, digi - has left our group and set up
their own project - secular. Mr.byte continues form Chaos Energy
Textmode Division. Kri, Sanches joined to us and now they present
a new textmode pack! Tone Regulator and Valan Acid dissapeared
in the universe.
New Textmode Division is very small and now we looking for
new real ansi/ascii artists.
Infarct with few words from mr.byte.
kri-art.asc only 3 chars
kri-ceg.asc ceg logo
kri-ceg3.asc ceg logo
kri-damg.asc nuclear damage
kri-fido.asc fidonet rules
kri-foot.asc football boom
kri-rand.asc random logo
kri-soul.asc the soul
mr-hate.ans i hate my little sister
mb-icede.ans iced earth bbs logo
mb-irn.ans ceg is not a limonade
mb-lover.ans you love is killing me...
mb-malol.ans maloletka
mb-rinr.ans rocket in the rain
sch-cegj.ans chaos energy group
sch-girl.ans hip-hop girl
sch-logo.ans sanjos bbs logo
Guest works by Crasher//Just-X:
crsjtx.ans just-x
crsmad.ans mad
crsorio.ans orion
AndyBa ab hirez
Bazooka Bob bb hirez
BeatMaster bm musician
Eiichi eii hirez
Ezh ezh hirez
Helios Acidum ha coder
Imitator im hirez
Infarct inf coder
Iz0 iz0 hirez
Kri kri ansi/ascii
Levitator lvt coder
Mad Lizard liz hirez Mr.byte m?b ansi/ascii
Nazgul ng hirez
Sanches sch ansi/ascii
Shaggy Nik sg hirez
Sparky sp hirez
V0land v0 hirez
May be you?! contact with us!
First C.E.G. ArtPack artpack numba 1
Experience artpack numba 2
Passive Attack artpack numba 3
New Generation artpack numba 4
Happy Five artpack numba 5
UnderSea Project Preview artpack numba 5
Born to Drawing artpack numba 6
Holy War artpack numba 7
Wonderful Gluk artpack numba 8
Homophobic Ceg Bug project
Solnzeprinoshenie artpack numba 9
Solnzeprinoshenie artpack numba 9 ascii part
Righteous fire artpack numba 10
Righteous fire artpack numba 10 ascii part
iCEd EaRtH +7 812 559-2o42 23-o7 RHQ Mr.byte
Slash, zer0ix, xaos, digi - has left our group and set up
their own project - secular. Mr.byte continues form Chaos Energy
Textmode Division. Kri, Sanches joined to us and now they present
a new textmode pack! Tone Regulator and Valan Acid dissapeared
in the universe.
New Textmode Division is very small and now we looking for
new real ansi/ascii artists.
Infarct with few words from mr.byte.
kri-art.asc only 3 chars
kri-ceg.asc ceg logo
kri-ceg3.asc ceg logo
kri-damg.asc nuclear damage
kri-fido.asc fidonet rules
kri-foot.asc football boom
kri-rand.asc random logo
kri-soul.asc the soul
mr-hate.ans i hate my little sister
mb-icede.ans iced earth bbs logo
mb-irn.ans ceg is not a limonade
mb-lover.ans you love is killing me...
mb-malol.ans maloletka
mb-rinr.ans rocket in the rain
sch-cegj.ans chaos energy group
sch-girl.ans hip-hop girl
sch-logo.ans sanjos bbs logo
Guest works by Crasher//Just-X:
crsjtx.ans just-x
crsmad.ans mad
crsorio.ans orion
AndyBa ab hirez
Bazooka Bob bb hirez
BeatMaster bm musician
Eiichi eii hirez
Ezh ezh hirez
Helios Acidum ha coder
Imitator im hirez
Infarct inf coder
Iz0 iz0 hirez
Kri kri ansi/ascii
Levitator lvt coder
Mad Lizard liz hirez Mr.byte m?b ansi/ascii
Nazgul ng hirez
Sanches sch ansi/ascii
Shaggy Nik sg hirez
Sparky sp hirez
V0land v0 hirez
May be you?! contact with us!
First C.E.G. ArtPack artpack numba 1
Experience artpack numba 2
Passive Attack artpack numba 3
New Generation artpack numba 4
Happy Five artpack numba 5
UnderSea Project Preview artpack numba 5
Born to Drawing artpack numba 6
Holy War artpack numba 7
Wonderful Gluk artpack numba 8
Homophobic Ceg Bug project
Solnzeprinoshenie artpack numba 9
Solnzeprinoshenie artpack numba 9 ascii part
Righteous fire artpack numba 10
Righteous fire artpack numba 10 ascii part
iCEd EaRtH +7 812 559-2o42 23-o7 RHQ Mr.byte
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