this image contains text
.,ss,. According to legend, The Mahabharta -
jS the story of the human race was
.,s@Sb. written down by Ganesha, the god of
Sj .. writing and beginnings...
.sZbYY Ganesha was born while his father
.sS@s. .dZZ ll b. Shiva was away on a hunting trip.
j? j :: b. As in many stories from the
d.d SSjjj? ll ?b heroic or mythical age, Ganesha
d..SS@@ss..s@b was born full-grown, was
l ll b protecting his mother when
:.l ZZZl lZb his father returned. Finding
? ?l ZZZ Z: this stranger near his
?b ? :l ll wifes bath, Shiva promptly
?b ?b ?SjjSSj. .S beheaded him. When Shiva
?b ?b @ss@SS@sSS@S discovered that he in fact
:SSSjjS beheaded his own son, Shiva
.s@S lS@ .s@SS@s,..s@SS promised Pravati to restore
.dl : :jj his head with the first
d: lZl l?.,,.?j? : head he encountered.
dSS.: Ss. ?? .qb Unfortunately the first
,, : S? S . creature Shiva beheld
l l lZ .b..ds. ?.d ?l was an elephant.
. .l l :Sl s@b..d ..,
SS d: l. .,s@S
? dZ b.?? .,s@
.d .S@ss@S
.Z L?
Ss.j b.? ,.SS?j
S.? Sb. ,j?S@ss.j
.sb.ds,Sjb, ?.dj
?.s@d? b
? jZz ljl lSs.
jjZl ?.d zZb .d
j.s.: ?.d Zb .
SS.,s@b. ? .d l. .db.
ss@@Sb ? ? .s.l ?.sb. .d
b ? :? .s j?.db.d
b ? lj .sl j.d
? .s: ?j? j
j.,s@ d? d
jjS., d
: In addition to his elephants
head, Ganesha is depicted with
? four hands in which he carries
? ,s: a rope to carry devotess to
? ,sl the truth, an axe to cut
j? ,s: devotees attachments to
,. Sj? ,sl wordly things, and a sweet
S@s,. Sj? ,sZ: dessert ball - laddoo - to
ZZS@s,. *SjjjSi reward devotees for
ZS@s,,..,s@SZZ spiritual activity. His
Z: fourth hands palm is
ZZZl always extended to bless
ZZZ people. his elephant-like
ZZZZ: head and the quick moving
ZZZZl tiny mouse vehicle
?jZZZZl suggest his tremendous
?.dZZZ wisdom, intelligence, and
?. SZZZZ? acumen...
.ds, SZZZZ?
dZ @s. S?
: s. S? ht.
Z l :@s. SS ,db.
i l S@s,..,s@
Zl :: lZZ
l :ZZ.
S : lZZZl
YZ: ll :
l ZZ
Zl : lZZl
: l :Z:
Z :: lZZ
.l l Z?
SZ ll ZZ?
Y :
ll . ?Z?.js.
:Z l. ?Z?.d
: jS .d?.s.
l b ? sj?,dZjb
l. .,sZj.
lZl b. jS,s
l : b. .s@j?
Sj lb .?
l :jS .d?
.,ss,. According to legend, The Mahabharta -
jS the story of the human race was
.,s@Sb. written down by Ganesha, the god of
Sj .. writing and beginnings...
.sZbYY Ganesha was born while his father
.sS@s. .dZZ ll b. Shiva was away on a hunting trip.
j? j :: b. As in many stories from the
d.d SSjjj? ll ?b heroic or mythical age, Ganesha
d..SS@@ss..s@b was born full-grown, was
l ll b protecting his mother when
:.l ZZZl lZb his father returned. Finding
? ?l ZZZ Z: this stranger near his
?b ? :l ll wifes bath, Shiva promptly
?b ?b ?SjjSSj. .S beheaded him. When Shiva
?b ?b @ss@SS@sSS@S discovered that he in fact
:SSSjjS beheaded his own son, Shiva
.s@S lS@ .s@SS@s,..s@SS promised Pravati to restore
.dl : :jj his head with the first
d: lZl l?.,,.?j? : head he encountered.
dSS.: Ss. ?? .qb Unfortunately the first
,, : S? S . creature Shiva beheld
l l lZ .b..ds. ?.d ?l was an elephant.
. .l l :Sl s@b..d ..,
SS d: l. .,s@S
? dZ b.?? .,s@
.d .S@ss@S
.Z L?
Ss.j b.? ,.SS?j
S.? Sb. ,j?S@ss.j
.sb.ds,Sjb, ?.dj
?.s@d? b
? jZz ljl lSs.
jjZl ?.d zZb .d
j.s.: ?.d Zb .
SS.,s@b. ? .d l. .db.
ss@@Sb ? ? .s.l ?.sb. .d
b ? :? .s j?.db.d
b ? lj .sl j.d
? .s: ?j? j
j.,s@ d? d
jjS., d
: In addition to his elephants
head, Ganesha is depicted with
? four hands in which he carries
? ,s: a rope to carry devotess to
? ,sl the truth, an axe to cut
j? ,s: devotees attachments to
,. Sj? ,sl wordly things, and a sweet
S@s,. Sj? ,sZ: dessert ball - laddoo - to
ZZS@s,. *SjjjSi reward devotees for
ZS@s,,..,s@SZZ spiritual activity. His
Z: fourth hands palm is
ZZZl always extended to bless
ZZZ people. his elephant-like
ZZZZ: head and the quick moving
ZZZZl tiny mouse vehicle
?jZZZZl suggest his tremendous
?.dZZZ wisdom, intelligence, and
?. SZZZZ? acumen...
.ds, SZZZZ?
dZ @s. S?
: s. S? ht.
Z l :@s. SS ,db.
i l S@s,..,s@
Zl :: lZZ
l :ZZ.
S : lZZZl
YZ: ll :
l ZZ
Zl : lZZl
: l :Z:
Z :: lZZ
.l l Z?
SZ ll ZZ?
Y :
ll . ?Z?.js.
:Z l. ?Z?.d
: jS .d?.s.
l b ? sj?,dZjb
l. .,sZj.
lZl b. jS,s
l : b. .s@j?
Sj lb .?
l :jS .d?
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