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The Green Hornet / Dark Illustrated 1996
fame, from a literary point of view, c
onsists in having people
know you have written a lot of stuff they h
avent read.
we is back!
its december, and its pack number two. our fi
rst collection was pretty
decent, and here we are with its sequel. unfortunately, we
hadnt enough lit
to release a november pack, but hopefully this collection wi
ll make up for
it. we received many a positive response about our debut, i
ncluding an offer
to merge into a group, taura, that was created and c
ollapsed since our
october release. also, the collection was number 13 for dow
nloads during the
month of october for all artpacks on cdrom.com.... n
ot bad for a new lit
group, i suppose. we here in cenobite hope to keep this lev
el of excellence
in our releases for many months to come.
changes since the debut release
since october, cenobite has added to its memberlist six
new poets. bast,
a long-time member of mistigris, who released two gu
est lits with us in our
previous collection, has joined us with her tremendous knowl
edge of the
quill. jandor, an ex-member of both blade lit
and codine, has also joined
with us, but unfortunately had no works for us this month, s
o well have to
wait until the third cenobite release before we see some of
his new writings.
raidr, a current member of codine, decided to dual w
ith cenobite, and we
welcome his presence here warmly. midori-san, a poe
t from tokyo, brings her
excellent abilities into cenobite as we release our second p
ack. doomo, ne!
and last but not least, flood and gaia8 have
both become members of this lit
group. hopefully all six of these poets will be with cenobi
te for a long
this month, windrider, of revolt and revival, jo
ins us temporarily for a
guest appearance. also making a cameo appearance is cth
ulu, founder of
mistigris. many thanks to you both.
whats new in the lit scene
just after we released our first pack, a whole serious o
f events happened
in the lit scene. candelabra, which was run by
mister e., and soulz at zero
better known as saz, both folded. protege,
an irc bot run by paine of
revolt, was placed in both revolt and
lit, giving lit writers a place to go
when on the irc. unfortunately, protege disappeared almost
as fast as it
appeared. revival, also run by mister e., broke its
physical bond with cia,
releasing by itself once again, which is nice to see.
revolt, after a long
break from the scene, released their twenty-third collection
. and codine
released their fifth pack, promising to release from then on
each and every
month on the first. we shall see...
joining cenobite
as always, our gates are open for new members. if inter
ested, please
find the application file, fill er out, and sent it to
jeff.jarrett@dsotm.yonet.org ...
greets, greets, and to top it off, smore greets
greets to the following people: argon, armag
eddon donut, dappa-G, deeply
disturbed, dieznyik, feral, jugh
ead, luke skywalker, mercuri,
mister e.,
nitnatsnoc, numb, phanatik, samu
rai, sylphid, thanatos, tricy
cle, and warpus.
greets to everyone in: codine, klexikal,
this group is a
mistigris, phat, revival, and revolt.
happy trails, to you...
read us, live us, love us, and send us to
your oversea relatives for christmas. our next
a k
pack should be out on the first of the new year,
but our clockwork isnt as reliable as a
menstrual cycle, so not to worry if it isnt.
our collections can be found on ftp.cdrom.com,
that is, if those acid bastards dont delete our
damn pack again... anyway, till after christmas
yes, santa claus does phear us, too.
proud supporter of the
schtroumpfcenobite ..
a-kr movement! phear!
fame, from a literary point of view, c
onsists in having people
know you have written a lot of stuff they h
avent read.
we is back!
its december, and its pack number two. our fi
rst collection was pretty
decent, and here we are with its sequel. unfortunately, we
hadnt enough lit
to release a november pack, but hopefully this collection wi
ll make up for
it. we received many a positive response about our debut, i
ncluding an offer
to merge into a group, taura, that was created and c
ollapsed since our
october release. also, the collection was number 13 for dow
nloads during the
month of october for all artpacks on cdrom.com.... n
ot bad for a new lit
group, i suppose. we here in cenobite hope to keep this lev
el of excellence
in our releases for many months to come.
changes since the debut release
since october, cenobite has added to its memberlist six
new poets. bast,
a long-time member of mistigris, who released two gu
est lits with us in our
previous collection, has joined us with her tremendous knowl
edge of the
quill. jandor, an ex-member of both blade lit
and codine, has also joined
with us, but unfortunately had no works for us this month, s
o well have to
wait until the third cenobite release before we see some of
his new writings.
raidr, a current member of codine, decided to dual w
ith cenobite, and we
welcome his presence here warmly. midori-san, a poe
t from tokyo, brings her
excellent abilities into cenobite as we release our second p
ack. doomo, ne!
and last but not least, flood and gaia8 have
both become members of this lit
group. hopefully all six of these poets will be with cenobi
te for a long
this month, windrider, of revolt and revival, jo
ins us temporarily for a
guest appearance. also making a cameo appearance is cth
ulu, founder of
mistigris. many thanks to you both.
whats new in the lit scene
just after we released our first pack, a whole serious o
f events happened
in the lit scene. candelabra, which was run by
mister e., and soulz at zero
better known as saz, both folded. protege,
an irc bot run by paine of
revolt, was placed in both revolt and
lit, giving lit writers a place to go
when on the irc. unfortunately, protege disappeared almost
as fast as it
appeared. revival, also run by mister e., broke its
physical bond with cia,
releasing by itself once again, which is nice to see.
revolt, after a long
break from the scene, released their twenty-third collection
. and codine
released their fifth pack, promising to release from then on
each and every
month on the first. we shall see...
joining cenobite
as always, our gates are open for new members. if inter
ested, please
find the application file, fill er out, and sent it to
jeff.jarrett@dsotm.yonet.org ...
greets, greets, and to top it off, smore greets
greets to the following people: argon, armag
eddon donut, dappa-G, deeply
disturbed, dieznyik, feral, jugh
ead, luke skywalker, mercuri,
mister e.,
nitnatsnoc, numb, phanatik, samu
rai, sylphid, thanatos, tricy
cle, and warpus.
greets to everyone in: codine, klexikal,
this group is a
mistigris, phat, revival, and revolt.
happy trails, to you...
read us, live us, love us, and send us to
your oversea relatives for christmas. our next
a k
pack should be out on the first of the new year,
but our clockwork isnt as reliable as a
menstrual cycle, so not to worry if it isnt.
our collections can be found on ftp.cdrom.com,
that is, if those acid bastards dont delete our
damn pack again... anyway, till after christmas
yes, santa claus does phear us, too.
proud supporter of the
schtroumpfcenobite ..
a-kr movement! phear!
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