![njyaah by jab](/pack/charm06/x1/JB-CHRM1.ASC.png)
this image contains text
greetings. here are a few asciis i havent released before. one of them
has been done this year, the others are older. im not sure if stream
will release any packs anymore and h7 asked me to join charm so here i
am. my best times are over but im still pretty satisfied with these ones.
they could be more complex though. by the way. if you like to view ansi/ascii
or if you use bbses, dont buy herculestm display adapters. their textmode
font is totally non-standard and smooth scrolling in ansiviewers is
everything else but smooth. jab@cyber.fipnet.fi
.,ggg,..d7b ,db.
,7... 4b,..,d7l
s jb ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss7.SSs,. ,d 4bssssggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg .dSs,. .,s7.,ggggggl:S l:l :l:l .. lb.d. :. ll : : :74 ..sSSs. l7 .d,l .,sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssgg .,ggsssssss ironyx sss l .g7 :s7
jab Sg,.
gg,,.. :l Ss.
dSSl: d7
d. *4l .7..,,ss
l d l
:: l:
,. ll l. :l
Ssl :7 4b ::
:l4S: l77 l.,g
:l ., . ll
:: .sSl dl l: 7l
d: .ss. d: .,gl ::
S7l .b :l l: l
.s7 :b l.,s. :l l
d7 :. l :
S, :: l: ll
4b. 74l :l :
l. l7 .7 :l :..,
.lb SS . .d l
.,S7 4l :b db . .d7
7 ll d4b.47.d7
Ss,. .s. :l 4b.7.d7
4Ss. l 4b.d7
4b,d74:,sS: 47
47 7
7. .d
747 lbd
7 47 4
.s. .d. 4
b, .d. 4
bssd7 , 4
7 b. 4
l s.
b. l
l :
. l
l l .d
: : : .dl l
l l .d
b. 47 4 d
. 4S .
,.,, .SS. 4S .g
7.db. .,g
:b.db.d: ....
P Ss,
,:, gSS
,d l .ggP.db,
: : .dP :
l : .dP l
:l ll4S. l:
l: : l :l
l: l: :l
:l : :l l:
l. ll .l
: jb : : :
l. :: l l
:l ..,, ll
ll l
K A L A - J U L K A I S U
b. :l ll l jAB!
b. l :l ::
Y. .: . : d
Sl .74: lb d
Yb. d7 ll lb d
4S7 : b, .S7
.l :b. .d7
4 :. lb. .d7
d. ,7
. ,: .d..7
Ss,..,dl .dl
: lb :ls.lS7 :.
: l: ll ll7 .,s7 d S
7: ,d7 .: l 7 .d .YS lS. 4
,dS: :SSS: :7 .l :7 .l :b.Y: lb.
Yl :l 7 . l7 .4l :b.Yl l.
b Yl :l l .: :7 .dl :b.Y :l :
b Yl : .l l7 d: l b :
b Y .Y :7 d: l b. :Y :
b dSs. .: : : .,d
: l..,b :: : lggSS
7 l74
d7 :
d7 ,SSl
.d74 ,7 4b
.d7 4 ,l b.
dS Yl .d :b.
7 Y .d74l .
7 h A C I E N D Yb,.,7 ll l.
7 n E T W O R K S :: : b
:: : l Y
ll l l: Y
has been done this year, the others are older. im not sure if stream
will release any packs anymore and h7 asked me to join charm so here i
am. my best times are over but im still pretty satisfied with these ones.
they could be more complex though. by the way. if you like to view ansi/ascii
or if you use bbses, dont buy herculestm display adapters. their textmode
font is totally non-standard and smooth scrolling in ansiviewers is
everything else but smooth. jab@cyber.fipnet.fi
.,ggg,..d7b ,db.
,7... 4b,..,d7l
s jb ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss7.SSs,. ,d 4bssssggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg .dSs,. .,s7.,ggggggl:S l:l :l:l .. lb.d. :. ll : : :74 ..sSSs. l7 .d,l .,sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssgg .,ggsssssss ironyx sss l .g7 :s7
jab Sg,.
gg,,.. :l Ss.
dSSl: d7
d. *4l .7..,,ss
l d l
:: l:
,. ll l. :l
Ssl :7 4b ::
:l4S: l77 l.,g
:l ., . ll
:: .sSl dl l: 7l
d: .ss. d: .,gl ::
S7l .b :l l: l
.s7 :b l.,s. :l l
d7 :. l :
S, :: l: ll
4b. 74l :l :
l. l7 .7 :l :..,
.lb SS . .d l
.,S7 4l :b db . .d7
7 ll d4b.47.d7
Ss,. .s. :l 4b.7.d7
4Ss. l 4b.d7
4b,d74:,sS: 47
47 7
7. .d
747 lbd
7 47 4
.s. .d. 4
b, .d. 4
bssd7 , 4
7 b. 4
l s.
b. l
l :
. l
l l .d
: : : .dl l
l l .d
b. 47 4 d
. 4S .
,.,, .SS. 4S .g
7.db. .,g
:b.db.d: ....
P Ss,
,:, gSS
,d l .ggP.db,
: : .dP :
l : .dP l
:l ll4S. l:
l: : l :l
l: l: :l
:l : :l l:
l. ll .l
: jb : : :
l. :: l l
:l ..,, ll
ll l
K A L A - J U L K A I S U
b. :l ll l jAB!
b. l :l ::
Y. .: . : d
Sl .74: lb d
Yb. d7 ll lb d
4S7 : b, .S7
.l :b. .d7
4 :. lb. .d7
d. ,7
. ,: .d..7
Ss,..,dl .dl
: lb :ls.lS7 :.
: l: ll ll7 .,s7 d S
7: ,d7 .: l 7 .d .YS lS. 4
,dS: :SSS: :7 .l :7 .l :b.Y: lb.
Yl :l 7 . l7 .4l :b.Yl l.
b Yl :l l .: :7 .dl :b.Y :l :
b Yl : .l l7 d: l b :
b Y .Y :7 d: l b. :Y :
b dSs. .: : : .,d
: l..,b :: : lggSS
7 l74
d7 :
d7 ,SSl
.d74 ,7 4b
.d7 4 ,l b.
dS Yl .d :b.
7 Y .d74l .
7 h A C I E N D Yb,.,7 ll l.
7 n E T W O R K S :: : b
:: : l Y
ll l l: Y
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