this image contains text
Welcome Reader! This is the first edition of TOTAL CHAOS, which
will be put out every 2 to 3 months. This will contain all of the
best works of CHAOS. We have decided that we have the ability and
quality to put out a package of our work. We have come a long way
from our original groups of TiA and SiNNeR from mid 92. TiA and
SiNNeR were two basically local art groups with different talents
and goals. TiA had the ANSi and exposure, while SiNNeR had the VGA
and coding, but not much exposure. These two groups eventually got an
attitude with each other. Finally the president of SiNNeR and I,
came to a conclusion that we should stop this meaningless bullshit
and do something that will benefit both groups. We decided on a
merger, if it was alright with the members of TiA and SiNNeR. After
some discussion, both groups agreed on the merger. We went through
countless different names, from the catchy acronyms, and lowercase
is, until we decided on a BOLD, no small letter word called CHAOS.
From that moment on, both groups totally became 1 and forgot their
differences. We have been obtaining artists from around the country
and are continually looking for some talent and dedication that will
make CHAOS the best group to be in. While iCE, ACiD, Legacy, etc...
were fighting with each other to the top, CHAOS has been slowly
gaining ground in the race to the top. With the addition of the
very good ANSi Coordinator PiroManiak, and his enthusiasm of
making CHAOS the best group around. With the leadership of the staff
CHAOS has been restructured from the ground up. We have eliminated our
inert members and have become a force in the art scene. With the coding
of Wire Tap and Morbid, and the drawing of Fallen Angel, CHAOSs VGAs
are steadily improving and are ranked among the best around.
What I really like about CHAOS, is that it is a friendly, non stuck
up group that respects each other and their differences. Like all humans
we have disputes but we solve them in a mature manner, infact, the
likelihood of CHAOS disbanding, is like winning the lottery. With all
the group hopping, I am really pleased that only 1 of our members has
left CHAOS to join another group. Some of CHAOSs members are so called
iCE quality, but they have faith and devotion to stay in CHAOS and
make it something besides a title to put next to their name, and
that, I am really proud of. Even tho I have been extremely busy
with school and work, and a few other members dont have their
computer, or have completely vanished off the face of the earth,
CHAOS has been getting better and better, and that is something I am
even more proud of. I am also overjoyed with the support from the
scene, cuz without you, we would just be another group to look at,
thank you! I hope I havent totally bored you, now that you know
some of the background of CHAOS, I will let you see for yourself,
the current and the future of CHAOS... thank you.
Greet and bullshit go out to...
Midnight Sorrow - Thanks so fucking much for being there, wouldnt
know what to do without your help! Thanks for
keeping the CHAOS sub up, I owe you alot more than
10 bux! I got THIS Friday OFF!
Wire Tap - Holy Shit, we did it! Thanks so much! I think I
would be a total basket case without your
cooperation and putting up with me. Shit, my
phone bill will be big :, worth every cent tho!
Morbid - Thanks, for not giving up on me, next GT, I will
give you all the candy you want, IF you dont mess
with MSs entire system for hours... :
The Wolverine - Boy, this is a big turn around since the TiA days!
Thanks for not going bonkers for not being the
Courier HQ... and thanks for doing such a great
job with the couriers... think its time we got
some more sites, eh?
PiroManiak - What up G? WOW, finally all this hard work has
paid off, thanks for taking over as ANSi
Coordinator, I knew you would turn the ANSi
division around.
Fallen Angel - Boo! Damn, you certainly have improved in your
VGA, killer shit you been doing to keep the VGA
department on track, thanks for not departing when
things were going slow!
Tempus Thales - Thanks for supporting me on my attempts at ANSi, I
just hope I could get some more lessons from the
master :, and be like TT! Set up a CHAOS sub!
Cavalier - y0! Thanks for believing in CHAOS, hope TRACE is
really successful, even if CHAOS is the only group
that supports it :, thanks for keeping the CCi
CHAOS sub alive...
Kryon - Thanks for having a great place to have all CHAOS
members interact, set up CCi and CHAOS net up
already! :, isnt TIME a bitch to have.
Bloodbane - ONLY 599 left to go! : I am buying a rice
crispy treat to fund your return... thanks for
trying to stay alive, we know how hard it is not
having a keyboard.
Alpine - Damn, fucking, shit, wow. I am really glad you
are a part of CHAOS, you have done so much in such
a little time, you are definitely a dedicated
courier... thanks for devoting your time and
money to spread CHAOS... really appreciate it.
Silent Cry - Hehe, oops... just a bit too late, 1:00! Thanks
for helping CHAOS, and those are some nice ANSis,
hope to see some more work from you in the future.
King Ram - WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU! :, Hope you get back to
us, we would like to see some more of your work in
the future.
Soultaker - Thanks for not abandoning us, would like to see
your board go back up, thank you for everything
you have done, even tho we hardly communicate
anymore,... thanks.
Malicious Insanity
- Damn your handle is too fucking long! When the
hell is your board going back up! Shut the fuck
up Joe, you Arbys Do Boy, who gives flying fuck
about school anymore, you curse to much, so
fucking what! Did you know that you talk to
yourself? Yeah, I know, who cares, I am normal,
NOT! Hehehe, you need more sleep!
Adrenalin - Thanks for supporting us in your KICK ASS MAG! I
would like to see future editions of that, maybe
CHAOS could even make some menus and shit for it?
Whatdaya say?
T H E E N T I R E F U C K I N G C H A O S T E A M !
Where the hell would CHAOS be without you? IF I was rich, I would
get you anything you wanted. I am not tho, so I wont :. Keep up
the good work, your devotion will pay off... thank you all!
The Scene - Thanks, even tho half of you dont even know we
exist :. Be on the look out for CHAOS.
Todd - STOP FUCKING BOTHERING ME! : Keep trying,
practice and you will eventually get good enuff...
Im changing my phone number :
Dr. Jekyl - Thanks for sticking with CHAOS, you do some nice
ANSi, hope you can contribute more to CHAOS, dont
worry, we got plenty of requests :
Other Groups - Hope you are successful and make something of
yourselves. Damn there are alot of groups now!
Oh yeah,
Z-Trasher - Why did you ever leave CHAOS? You would have made
a nice addition to CHAOS. Nice S2 ANSi, fucking
blew me away when I saw your name on it!
For more information on CHAOS or if you are thinking of joining
CHAOS, you can contact us on the CHAOS boards listed in the member
list with the package or on CyberCrime International Network.
Malicious Insanity CHAOS
AKA: Arbys Do Boy :
Welcome Reader! This is the first edition of TOTAL CHAOS, which
will be put out every 2 to 3 months. This will contain all of the
best works of CHAOS. We have decided that we have the ability and
quality to put out a package of our work. We have come a long way
from our original groups of TiA and SiNNeR from mid 92. TiA and
SiNNeR were two basically local art groups with different talents
and goals. TiA had the ANSi and exposure, while SiNNeR had the VGA
and coding, but not much exposure. These two groups eventually got an
attitude with each other. Finally the president of SiNNeR and I,
came to a conclusion that we should stop this meaningless bullshit
and do something that will benefit both groups. We decided on a
merger, if it was alright with the members of TiA and SiNNeR. After
some discussion, both groups agreed on the merger. We went through
countless different names, from the catchy acronyms, and lowercase
is, until we decided on a BOLD, no small letter word called CHAOS.
From that moment on, both groups totally became 1 and forgot their
differences. We have been obtaining artists from around the country
and are continually looking for some talent and dedication that will
make CHAOS the best group to be in. While iCE, ACiD, Legacy, etc...
were fighting with each other to the top, CHAOS has been slowly
gaining ground in the race to the top. With the addition of the
very good ANSi Coordinator PiroManiak, and his enthusiasm of
making CHAOS the best group around. With the leadership of the staff
CHAOS has been restructured from the ground up. We have eliminated our
inert members and have become a force in the art scene. With the coding
of Wire Tap and Morbid, and the drawing of Fallen Angel, CHAOSs VGAs
are steadily improving and are ranked among the best around.
What I really like about CHAOS, is that it is a friendly, non stuck
up group that respects each other and their differences. Like all humans
we have disputes but we solve them in a mature manner, infact, the
likelihood of CHAOS disbanding, is like winning the lottery. With all
the group hopping, I am really pleased that only 1 of our members has
left CHAOS to join another group. Some of CHAOSs members are so called
iCE quality, but they have faith and devotion to stay in CHAOS and
make it something besides a title to put next to their name, and
that, I am really proud of. Even tho I have been extremely busy
with school and work, and a few other members dont have their
computer, or have completely vanished off the face of the earth,
CHAOS has been getting better and better, and that is something I am
even more proud of. I am also overjoyed with the support from the
scene, cuz without you, we would just be another group to look at,
thank you! I hope I havent totally bored you, now that you know
some of the background of CHAOS, I will let you see for yourself,
the current and the future of CHAOS... thank you.
Greet and bullshit go out to...
Midnight Sorrow - Thanks so fucking much for being there, wouldnt
know what to do without your help! Thanks for
keeping the CHAOS sub up, I owe you alot more than
10 bux! I got THIS Friday OFF!
Wire Tap - Holy Shit, we did it! Thanks so much! I think I
would be a total basket case without your
cooperation and putting up with me. Shit, my
phone bill will be big :, worth every cent tho!
Morbid - Thanks, for not giving up on me, next GT, I will
give you all the candy you want, IF you dont mess
with MSs entire system for hours... :
The Wolverine - Boy, this is a big turn around since the TiA days!
Thanks for not going bonkers for not being the
Courier HQ... and thanks for doing such a great
job with the couriers... think its time we got
some more sites, eh?
PiroManiak - What up G? WOW, finally all this hard work has
paid off, thanks for taking over as ANSi
Coordinator, I knew you would turn the ANSi
division around.
Fallen Angel - Boo! Damn, you certainly have improved in your
VGA, killer shit you been doing to keep the VGA
department on track, thanks for not departing when
things were going slow!
Tempus Thales - Thanks for supporting me on my attempts at ANSi, I
just hope I could get some more lessons from the
master :, and be like TT! Set up a CHAOS sub!
Cavalier - y0! Thanks for believing in CHAOS, hope TRACE is
really successful, even if CHAOS is the only group
that supports it :, thanks for keeping the CCi
CHAOS sub alive...
Kryon - Thanks for having a great place to have all CHAOS
members interact, set up CCi and CHAOS net up
already! :, isnt TIME a bitch to have.
Bloodbane - ONLY 599 left to go! : I am buying a rice
crispy treat to fund your return... thanks for
trying to stay alive, we know how hard it is not
having a keyboard.
Alpine - Damn, fucking, shit, wow. I am really glad you
are a part of CHAOS, you have done so much in such
a little time, you are definitely a dedicated
courier... thanks for devoting your time and
money to spread CHAOS... really appreciate it.
Silent Cry - Hehe, oops... just a bit too late, 1:00! Thanks
for helping CHAOS, and those are some nice ANSis,
hope to see some more work from you in the future.
King Ram - WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU! :, Hope you get back to
us, we would like to see some more of your work in
the future.
Soultaker - Thanks for not abandoning us, would like to see
your board go back up, thank you for everything
you have done, even tho we hardly communicate
anymore,... thanks.
Malicious Insanity
- Damn your handle is too fucking long! When the
hell is your board going back up! Shut the fuck
up Joe, you Arbys Do Boy, who gives flying fuck
about school anymore, you curse to much, so
fucking what! Did you know that you talk to
yourself? Yeah, I know, who cares, I am normal,
NOT! Hehehe, you need more sleep!
Adrenalin - Thanks for supporting us in your KICK ASS MAG! I
would like to see future editions of that, maybe
CHAOS could even make some menus and shit for it?
Whatdaya say?
T H E E N T I R E F U C K I N G C H A O S T E A M !
Where the hell would CHAOS be without you? IF I was rich, I would
get you anything you wanted. I am not tho, so I wont :. Keep up
the good work, your devotion will pay off... thank you all!
The Scene - Thanks, even tho half of you dont even know we
exist :. Be on the look out for CHAOS.
Todd - STOP FUCKING BOTHERING ME! : Keep trying,
practice and you will eventually get good enuff...
Im changing my phone number :
Dr. Jekyl - Thanks for sticking with CHAOS, you do some nice
ANSi, hope you can contribute more to CHAOS, dont
worry, we got plenty of requests :
Other Groups - Hope you are successful and make something of
yourselves. Damn there are alot of groups now!
Oh yeah,
Z-Trasher - Why did you ever leave CHAOS? You would have made
a nice addition to CHAOS. Nice S2 ANSi, fucking
blew me away when I saw your name on it!
For more information on CHAOS or if you are thinking of joining
CHAOS, you can contact us on the CHAOS boards listed in the member
list with the package or on CyberCrime International Network.
Malicious Insanity CHAOS
AKA: Arbys Do Boy :
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