this image contains text
. ... H A Z M A T :::::: :
/ / :: : mR!/mS /
:::::::..: p r e s e n t z ... .
p a c k 0 5
- comments from the team leaders /.
props to the people who submitted like mofos this month. the pack wouldnt
be as big without you guys special mention to MBrand0 who is a powerhouse
joining hazmat this month was: MBrand0, he is kicking ass doing oldschool
ascii!. next we have mydknight, this guy rules, hands down. check his art in
the pack. we aquired retribution during a mishap in a super market i heard
a carrot was involved! heh his art has a style from 1995 :. dorm went to
prelude. good luck dude.
also thanks to mark ryder for the nfo header thingy!
. cat-dog
- hazmatian crew-type agentz /.
team leaders ::
. cat-dog cd! adoran@hotmail.com
. dark entity de de@kracked.com
. jack phlash jp jp@demonic.net
agents ::
. dorm drm dorm69@hotmail.com
. jandor jd jandor@purg.com
. MBrand0 mB brand0@gte.net
. mgoh mg markgoh@canada.com
. ministaaa 666 supereligion@hotmail.com
. mydknight MID knight@thuglife.org
. rapist RP rage!@hempseed.com
. retribution ret gentile@water.vramp.net
. schoolkid sk chadtech@usa.net
. tesko suicide ts korn613@hempseed.com
. t-bob t-bob soconnor@javanet.com
spiez? ::
. emok remorse
. gloss iCE
. volatile phunk
boards ::
:: black hole cafe : 773.244.4137 : merc mag whq : iniq 2.0 ::
:: distant reality : telnet : files shit : synchronet ::
info ::
how to contact us?
irc hazmat and/or cia efnet
email de@kracked.com / jp@demonic.net
/ adoran@hotmail.com
wanna join us eh? well.... .. .
zip up your best work, email it with some info to
dark entity, jack phlash or cat-dog.. or you could
send via irc to a cia senior.
/ / :: : mR!/mS /
:::::::..: p r e s e n t z ... .
p a c k 0 5
- comments from the team leaders /.
props to the people who submitted like mofos this month. the pack wouldnt
be as big without you guys special mention to MBrand0 who is a powerhouse
joining hazmat this month was: MBrand0, he is kicking ass doing oldschool
ascii!. next we have mydknight, this guy rules, hands down. check his art in
the pack. we aquired retribution during a mishap in a super market i heard
a carrot was involved! heh his art has a style from 1995 :. dorm went to
prelude. good luck dude.
also thanks to mark ryder for the nfo header thingy!
. cat-dog
- hazmatian crew-type agentz /.
team leaders ::
. cat-dog cd! adoran@hotmail.com
. dark entity de de@kracked.com
. jack phlash jp jp@demonic.net
agents ::
. dorm drm dorm69@hotmail.com
. jandor jd jandor@purg.com
. MBrand0 mB brand0@gte.net
. mgoh mg markgoh@canada.com
. ministaaa 666 supereligion@hotmail.com
. mydknight MID knight@thuglife.org
. rapist RP rage!@hempseed.com
. retribution ret gentile@water.vramp.net
. schoolkid sk chadtech@usa.net
. tesko suicide ts korn613@hempseed.com
. t-bob t-bob soconnor@javanet.com
spiez? ::
. emok remorse
. gloss iCE
. volatile phunk
boards ::
:: black hole cafe : 773.244.4137 : merc mag whq : iniq 2.0 ::
:: distant reality : telnet : files shit : synchronet ::
info ::
how to contact us?
irc hazmat and/or cia efnet
email de@kracked.com / jp@demonic.net
/ adoran@hotmail.com
wanna join us eh? well.... .. .
zip up your best work, email it with some info to
dark entity, jack phlash or cat-dog.. or you could
send via irc to a cia senior.
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