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cia conspiracy 23 - sites listing - c cia productions - ansi by napalm
board name ac position sysop
Illegal Embassy 513 World HeadQuarters Rumpelstealskin
Apocalypse 201 U.S. Headquarters Napalm
System One +46 European HeadQuarters Gangstar
Atari Blues +972 Israeli Headquarters Coolio Martziono
Evil Intentions 408 Western HeadQuarters Betrayer
North Star 908 Eastern HeadQuarters Grey Hawk
The Cattle Kingdom 414 Northern HeadQuarters Wiz
Alcatraz 813 Southern HeadQuarters Vindicator-X
High Fidelity 217 Courier HeadQuarters Mr Muff/Superfly
..this is the last month for sites/memberboards. All will be dropped after thi
s month. If you are in cia and run a board, you are still considered a member-
board. If you dont have access to the internet or a headquarter board call th
e VMB at 1-800-245-4366 and tell us your problems this site listing was compiled
by blurr Mr. Muff with some ansi crap by napalm..
board name ac position sysop
Illegal Embassy 513 World HeadQuarters Rumpelstealskin
Apocalypse 201 U.S. Headquarters Napalm
System One +46 European HeadQuarters Gangstar
Atari Blues +972 Israeli Headquarters Coolio Martziono
Evil Intentions 408 Western HeadQuarters Betrayer
North Star 908 Eastern HeadQuarters Grey Hawk
The Cattle Kingdom 414 Northern HeadQuarters Wiz
Alcatraz 813 Southern HeadQuarters Vindicator-X
High Fidelity 217 Courier HeadQuarters Mr Muff/Superfly
..this is the last month for sites/memberboards. All will be dropped after thi
s month. If you are in cia and run a board, you are still considered a member-
board. If you dont have access to the internet or a headquarter board call th
e VMB at 1-800-245-4366 and tell us your problems this site listing was compiled
by blurr Mr. Muff with some ansi crap by napalm..
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