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The Creators of Intense Art have been around for approxamately
2 months. Our staff has tripled and our quality of output has greatly
improved, since the group has started. I was impressed by the imense
growth we have experienced from the start to now.
About a month ago CiA and ACE merged, the ACE artists helped
our ansi and coding crew to be competitve with the major groups
inside and outside the US. The quality of all the work that we
released with the CiA name is excellent. Our positive attitude is
also and the system which The CiA is run is also exceptional.
The CiA does not have a President, we are composed of a Senior
Staff and artists. The CiA has 15-2o members with our numbers growing
everyday. Right now our three HQs are Muerte WHQ,
Illegal Embassy EHQ, and Unlimited Power Canadian HQ.
U can apply to be a member, or distro Site for the CiA by
filling out our appgen. CIAAPP11.exe and u/ling it to Muerte at
908-647-1194. Use the Handle: Apply, and the Password: Intense
Finally I would like to give special thanks to the CiA members
that really helped get this PaK ready.
I would like to thank Cannonball for putting it all together.
Tron for handling Business up in Cinci.
Napalm for making some cool ansis that got us started.
And Sudden Death who made some really KilleR ansis while he was
perfectinG ParadigM the exclusive BBS software of The CiA.
The Creators of Intense Art have been around for approxamately
2 months. Our staff has tripled and our quality of output has greatly
improved, since the group has started. I was impressed by the imense
growth we have experienced from the start to now.
About a month ago CiA and ACE merged, the ACE artists helped
our ansi and coding crew to be competitve with the major groups
inside and outside the US. The quality of all the work that we
released with the CiA name is excellent. Our positive attitude is
also and the system which The CiA is run is also exceptional.
The CiA does not have a President, we are composed of a Senior
Staff and artists. The CiA has 15-2o members with our numbers growing
everyday. Right now our three HQs are Muerte WHQ,
Illegal Embassy EHQ, and Unlimited Power Canadian HQ.
U can apply to be a member, or distro Site for the CiA by
filling out our appgen. CIAAPP11.exe and u/ling it to Muerte at
908-647-1194. Use the Handle: Apply, and the Password: Intense
Finally I would like to give special thanks to the CiA members
that really helped get this PaK ready.
I would like to thank Cannonball for putting it all together.
Tron for handling Business up in Cinci.
Napalm for making some cool ansis that got us started.
And Sudden Death who made some really KilleR ansis while he was
perfectinG ParadigM the exclusive BBS software of The CiA.
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