this image contains text
A Little Text About Me, And My Stuff.
Welcome to the December 93 Pack !
As my deadli
ne approaches i rush to
finish some ansis for the pack. i
been sick so i had some time to work
on a few, but only on weekends. Hope
you enjoy all the art by CiA artists
and all the PPEs and shit thrown in.
if you want stuff for yourself call
NAPALM DeC. 93 one of our many boards and req
Files By Me Thats t
he ones with NA- in front of them.. duh And What They Are
1.NA-RRCiA.CiA - Finished a few s
econds after the NOV 93 deadline.. this one was pretty big so
it took me a total of maybe 45 mins - 1 hour2.NA-PARAN
.CiA - An Ad for BBS Bouncer, dont ask about the chicken wing de
al, hes a wacky guy.. right, jerky? alright there fruitcake?
3.NA-PARA1.CiA - Done in maybe 5 - 8 minutes tops, a lo
A Kewl group that has been releasing stuff, and a mag soon.
4.NA-STATS.CiA - ViSiON/2 Based main stats screen, i re
ally needed one for my
board so i whipped this up in 10-15 minutes.. cute eh?
5.NA-V2LOG.CiA - Logo for Crimson Blades Kick ass V/2
software V o.84, it is
included in o.84 as the starting point menu..
6.NA-MANiM.CiA - A eta menu for an up coming E-mag c
alled Maniac...
not to mention a somewhat sad attempt at gasp shading :
7.NA-PCBMS.CiA - PC Board BBS message stats screen done
in about 5 minutes for
an awesome CiA message base simplifier PPE by our PPE Dept.
8.NA-iNFO1.CiA - This stupid file you idiot.. why did i
put this in here?.. i
dunno.. incase you wanted to know more about the art.. suuure
9.NA-WOMAN.eXe - Ah, heres something that took me a LON
G time to do, pixel by
goddamn ing pixel. Part of NotADemo 2 not coming soon..
Music from a MOD by Dr. Awesome, i think it goes nicely..
FiLe NaMeS iN ToTaL RaNDoM oRDeR
...and now for something completely different... greets and stuff!
Tron, Sudden Death, and all the guys on illegal embassy: QWKs are for ki
Trident: just got off the phone with you so i dont have much to say.. :
Line noisE: Thanks for FINALLY finishing the iNSANiTY-APP a month or 2 late.
Molotov Cocktail: you need to call out more. TRAX Sysop: scared of the FBi?
High Voltage: 1000s of congrats on getting into Harvard! Santa: MORE MORE!
LE: Muhahhahahahahaha, call me when you get home from jail,.. err school..
Cain: Its a little BiG, it wont run, runtime errors, video.dat ahem :
Radio Shack: Thanks for not harassing me.. Telstar: Thanks for the help!
Guys at Corruption Mag: Ill do something someday, i swear. Musicphreak: cal
back sometime, even if it is a 2400 dialout : Boom Boom: Nice Fucking SIG!
oDiN: Have fun in the air force cough Shadow master: Bite my fat ass ACK!
Crimson Blade: if you ever need anything else, just prank. BBS Bouncer: Ther
ya go jerky.. Sysop with your mother My Cat, Mog: Meow.. Mew.. Meow..
And if i forgot to mention you, dont worry, i still love you!
Everything in this file C 1993 Ci/ APALM End of File, thank
Welcome to the December 93 Pack !
As my deadli
ne approaches i rush to
finish some ansis for the pack. i
been sick so i had some time to work
on a few, but only on weekends. Hope
you enjoy all the art by CiA artists
and all the PPEs and shit thrown in.
if you want stuff for yourself call
NAPALM DeC. 93 one of our many boards and req
Files By Me Thats t
he ones with NA- in front of them.. duh And What They Are
1.NA-RRCiA.CiA - Finished a few s
econds after the NOV 93 deadline.. this one was pretty big so
it took me a total of maybe 45 mins - 1 hour2.NA-PARAN
.CiA - An Ad for BBS Bouncer, dont ask about the chicken wing de
al, hes a wacky guy.. right, jerky? alright there fruitcake?
3.NA-PARA1.CiA - Done in maybe 5 - 8 minutes tops, a lo
A Kewl group that has been releasing stuff, and a mag soon.
4.NA-STATS.CiA - ViSiON/2 Based main stats screen, i re
ally needed one for my
board so i whipped this up in 10-15 minutes.. cute eh?
5.NA-V2LOG.CiA - Logo for Crimson Blades Kick ass V/2
software V o.84, it is
included in o.84 as the starting point menu..
6.NA-MANiM.CiA - A eta menu for an up coming E-mag c
alled Maniac...
not to mention a somewhat sad attempt at gasp shading :
7.NA-PCBMS.CiA - PC Board BBS message stats screen done
in about 5 minutes for
an awesome CiA message base simplifier PPE by our PPE Dept.
8.NA-iNFO1.CiA - This stupid file you idiot.. why did i
put this in here?.. i
dunno.. incase you wanted to know more about the art.. suuure
9.NA-WOMAN.eXe - Ah, heres something that took me a LON
G time to do, pixel by
goddamn ing pixel. Part of NotADemo 2 not coming soon..
Music from a MOD by Dr. Awesome, i think it goes nicely..
FiLe NaMeS iN ToTaL RaNDoM oRDeR
...and now for something completely different... greets and stuff!
Tron, Sudden Death, and all the guys on illegal embassy: QWKs are for ki
Trident: just got off the phone with you so i dont have much to say.. :
Line noisE: Thanks for FINALLY finishing the iNSANiTY-APP a month or 2 late.
Molotov Cocktail: you need to call out more. TRAX Sysop: scared of the FBi?
High Voltage: 1000s of congrats on getting into Harvard! Santa: MORE MORE!
LE: Muhahhahahahahaha, call me when you get home from jail,.. err school..
Cain: Its a little BiG, it wont run, runtime errors, video.dat ahem :
Radio Shack: Thanks for not harassing me.. Telstar: Thanks for the help!
Guys at Corruption Mag: Ill do something someday, i swear. Musicphreak: cal
back sometime, even if it is a 2400 dialout : Boom Boom: Nice Fucking SIG!
oDiN: Have fun in the air force cough Shadow master: Bite my fat ass ACK!
Crimson Blade: if you ever need anything else, just prank. BBS Bouncer: Ther
ya go jerky.. Sysop with your mother My Cat, Mog: Meow.. Mew.. Meow..
And if i forgot to mention you, dont worry, i still love you!
Everything in this file C 1993 Ci/ APALM End of File, thank
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