this image contains text
Creators of intense Art
June Pack 13
Logo by Scribble CiA
Just when i think were about to peak, we go higher. This is by far,
the funnest group Ive ever been in. I always thought that the summer months
slowed things down. Ive had days this month where I was forced to use the
speaker phone because the phone against my ear hurt after awhile. June was
definitely our busiest month, lets hope its our best!
Due to the bogus and uncaring trial divisions of some other un-named
groups, weve picked up several talented members this month. And, I am
excited as hell to have them all joining us. image, and Dark Ice were found
wasting away in their respective trial divisions and are both excellent
artists. Wiz decided to leave the group he started Guild, and is also a great
guy. And, The Stalker decided to come aboard from Havok, and is greatly
welcomed! Glad to have ya, guys!
Also worth mentioning, Cain joins our RIP division. Cain is just fucking
awesome, in my opinion. Dude, the whole group will stand behind Paranoia,
now. Say the word. And, Farmicus is still vacationing in the lovely
Oblivion/2 islands. In case you didnt catch last months word, Farmicus
was also added to the Rip division, but is helping to add RIP to Oblivion/2.
Take your time, man. We luv ya!
I dont know what the hell happened to Lit. All of a sudden, everyone
wanted to help out our struggling Lit section. Some very nice stuff from
image, Dalamar the Dark I knew you could do more than couriering, dude! :
The Wizard, and our newest Lit. buddy, The Crow. The Crow is local to me,
and was found wasting away in the 513 area, by Mister E., our Lit mentor
and friend who is sadly killing time elsewhere : ...
Alright, now to the section Ive spent most of my time in this month,
coding. Our coding department is developing more and more each month. Techie
has been hard at work putting together our newest and best ever veiwer! I
love this thing! Yes, it still doesnt have some features added to other
viewers, but it does some really cool shit! The find-a-sig feature is so
cool. Want to read all those hidden messages in ansis?!?! Hit H and then
load one up. That simple. Last months iCE pack had me rolling.. Also,
iCE Breaker jams this month with our new app. generator and a kick-ass MOD
player. Some very cool features, with more to be added next month. And good
timing, too! Our MOD guys rocked this month! Nice job, guys...
And finally, weve had the pleasure of adding Crimson Overload to our
programming department. Co is hard at work on his own bbs software, Pressure
and will hopefully be lending us a hand on some other projects.
I would also like to apologize to anyone Ive made promises to or
did not call this month, as I have had to spread myself very thin with all
that has gone on. If I told you I would do something, please remind me.
In other news, Trident, our founder, is away for the month of July to
Alaska. Sadly, his board has crashed most likely turned off by his parents
taking out our net temporarily. If you are polling finalnet, or would like to
drop us a line on the VMB and well get ya straightened out. We are moving the
net to Illegal Embassy, so all polling will be done there. But, I need to
hear from you to set it up.
Also, if you came to us from Atomic and we havent called you, or called
in awhile, we dont have your phone number. Call the VMB if interested.
And finally, if you are a CiA affiliated board, and you dont receive
the pack within a few days of the 1st of each month, call our VMB and leave
me a note about it. Our courier situation is very solid we have more than
enough great couriers and you should be getting the pack on time, provided
you have the courier account setup. If you notice you are not on the site-
list, either your board didnt answer, was disconnected, or the courier
account was not set up and you dont have a feedback option from your matrix.
I personally called EVERY board on our sitelist, and removed all the above
mentioned boards.
Thats it, kids! Enjoy the pack. If youd like to join CiA, call the
VMB or upload the app. to Illegal Embassy. We do requests but, were slow
because we try to take care of our own boards first. Also, WE ARE NOT GIVING
OUT DIST. SITES!! Member boards only. Look at our sitelist. Were full!
Sorry. Later!
Tron CiA
SIDS - sorry. Were not blowing you off. Our coders just arent on IRC.
Shihear - how do you go from having never heard of us, to ragging on us?!?
No Carrier - you have my permission to use my No-Carrier hack pack, found
on Shadowlands, for Iridium. Mail me if you cant get it. I still
have a copy.
The Guardian-thanks for the kind words!
Aragon - call us if youre still interested. Fantasia is the worst board
Ive ever called.
image - sweet stuff, man!
Demon Death- rockin CiA logo!
other greeted dudes.. Techie, iCE Breaker, Targa Phantom, Stoner, The Crow,
The Exile, Questor, White Noise, Dark Ice, Zodiac, Grim Humor, Napalm, Prozac,
Digital Assassin, Scribble, Cain, Alley Cat thanks!!.. nice work, everyone!
Groups: Relic, Pursuit, Lapse, Havok, numb I like it, Alive, ACiD, Blade..
In all the excitement Tron forgot to leave the VMB - its 1-800-245-4366
direct dial, leave us some feedback on the pack, later -na
June Pack 13
Logo by Scribble CiA
Just when i think were about to peak, we go higher. This is by far,
the funnest group Ive ever been in. I always thought that the summer months
slowed things down. Ive had days this month where I was forced to use the
speaker phone because the phone against my ear hurt after awhile. June was
definitely our busiest month, lets hope its our best!
Due to the bogus and uncaring trial divisions of some other un-named
groups, weve picked up several talented members this month. And, I am
excited as hell to have them all joining us. image, and Dark Ice were found
wasting away in their respective trial divisions and are both excellent
artists. Wiz decided to leave the group he started Guild, and is also a great
guy. And, The Stalker decided to come aboard from Havok, and is greatly
welcomed! Glad to have ya, guys!
Also worth mentioning, Cain joins our RIP division. Cain is just fucking
awesome, in my opinion. Dude, the whole group will stand behind Paranoia,
now. Say the word. And, Farmicus is still vacationing in the lovely
Oblivion/2 islands. In case you didnt catch last months word, Farmicus
was also added to the Rip division, but is helping to add RIP to Oblivion/2.
Take your time, man. We luv ya!
I dont know what the hell happened to Lit. All of a sudden, everyone
wanted to help out our struggling Lit section. Some very nice stuff from
image, Dalamar the Dark I knew you could do more than couriering, dude! :
The Wizard, and our newest Lit. buddy, The Crow. The Crow is local to me,
and was found wasting away in the 513 area, by Mister E., our Lit mentor
and friend who is sadly killing time elsewhere : ...
Alright, now to the section Ive spent most of my time in this month,
coding. Our coding department is developing more and more each month. Techie
has been hard at work putting together our newest and best ever veiwer! I
love this thing! Yes, it still doesnt have some features added to other
viewers, but it does some really cool shit! The find-a-sig feature is so
cool. Want to read all those hidden messages in ansis?!?! Hit H and then
load one up. That simple. Last months iCE pack had me rolling.. Also,
iCE Breaker jams this month with our new app. generator and a kick-ass MOD
player. Some very cool features, with more to be added next month. And good
timing, too! Our MOD guys rocked this month! Nice job, guys...
And finally, weve had the pleasure of adding Crimson Overload to our
programming department. Co is hard at work on his own bbs software, Pressure
and will hopefully be lending us a hand on some other projects.
I would also like to apologize to anyone Ive made promises to or
did not call this month, as I have had to spread myself very thin with all
that has gone on. If I told you I would do something, please remind me.
In other news, Trident, our founder, is away for the month of July to
Alaska. Sadly, his board has crashed most likely turned off by his parents
taking out our net temporarily. If you are polling finalnet, or would like to
drop us a line on the VMB and well get ya straightened out. We are moving the
net to Illegal Embassy, so all polling will be done there. But, I need to
hear from you to set it up.
Also, if you came to us from Atomic and we havent called you, or called
in awhile, we dont have your phone number. Call the VMB if interested.
And finally, if you are a CiA affiliated board, and you dont receive
the pack within a few days of the 1st of each month, call our VMB and leave
me a note about it. Our courier situation is very solid we have more than
enough great couriers and you should be getting the pack on time, provided
you have the courier account setup. If you notice you are not on the site-
list, either your board didnt answer, was disconnected, or the courier
account was not set up and you dont have a feedback option from your matrix.
I personally called EVERY board on our sitelist, and removed all the above
mentioned boards.
Thats it, kids! Enjoy the pack. If youd like to join CiA, call the
VMB or upload the app. to Illegal Embassy. We do requests but, were slow
because we try to take care of our own boards first. Also, WE ARE NOT GIVING
OUT DIST. SITES!! Member boards only. Look at our sitelist. Were full!
Sorry. Later!
Tron CiA
SIDS - sorry. Were not blowing you off. Our coders just arent on IRC.
Shihear - how do you go from having never heard of us, to ragging on us?!?
No Carrier - you have my permission to use my No-Carrier hack pack, found
on Shadowlands, for Iridium. Mail me if you cant get it. I still
have a copy.
The Guardian-thanks for the kind words!
Aragon - call us if youre still interested. Fantasia is the worst board
Ive ever called.
image - sweet stuff, man!
Demon Death- rockin CiA logo!
other greeted dudes.. Techie, iCE Breaker, Targa Phantom, Stoner, The Crow,
The Exile, Questor, White Noise, Dark Ice, Zodiac, Grim Humor, Napalm, Prozac,
Digital Assassin, Scribble, Cain, Alley Cat thanks!!.. nice work, everyone!
Groups: Relic, Pursuit, Lapse, Havok, numb I like it, Alive, ACiD, Blade..
In all the excitement Tron forgot to leave the VMB - its 1-800-245-4366
direct dial, leave us some feedback on the pack, later -na
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