this image contains text
Welcome to the 23rd see-eye-a
te.. cia conspiracy - Theyre eyes, Mr. Jones.
- cia -
we have your cat, now send us your cash -
...as many of y
ou read this, you are gonna wonder why we was
late releasing
this month. Well here it is, some UNiON guys
has decided to join up with CiA this mont
h, to help kick a
little ass! Als
o we have lots of other new members which will
get to in a
moment. On the sad note, we had two great guys
leave cia this
month... First there was image, he just wanted
a change of scenery, hes been with cia a long time, a
nd hes
like a brother
to me, even though i knew him for a short
Another one that shocked the senior staff is Blur
deciding to leave c
ia. Most of you probably read his goodbye
note, not t
o be confused with a suicide note. I respect
Blurr f
or his decision, and i want all of you to know that
he put
110 percent into cia and i will follow him a
continue to pu
t forth all the effort that he put into cia.
Blurr, you will
be greatly missed by us cia guys, but you
are alw
ays welcome here, hell as far as im concerned you
are taking a br
eak :. Mandor has also decided to go out on
his own with a
smaller local group called sharp i think :
the best of luck to everyone on their new ventures!
, members, members!
... Well, onto a brighter note here. I am proud to w
the UNiON
guys into CiA. First we have Nivenh
, he joins us as
an ans
i co-ordinator and an ansi artist. Second we have,
Shaolin, He
is our new RiP co-ordinator and will also
drawing rips
. We welcome Nivenh and Shaolin into the group
and loo
k forward to what all of us can conttibute to cia.
What el
se new was goin on this month besides the UNiON
coming in, w
e had one hell of a recruiting party here at CiA
start out with phatal coming to us from
united ....
hes been in
shiver, defiant, and blade
... we hope he will
cia a fine place to continue his drawing..
greets to
this month joining the ansi department joining u
from shiver
.. freelance rip and vga ar
tist hellshock joined
this month along with weazel from voi
d doing rip ... jeez..
ansi, ansi, an
si.. Proddy left cancer this mon
th to join
the ansi di
vision.. with the collapse of void came
awesome artist
.. Xanax.. I know he will draw his ass off and
will make a fine addition to our strengthening ansi d
now heres so
mething i never thought id say .... cia
s mistawho to the lit department.. mis
tas put his
personal gripes as
ide, and now joins the enemy.. .. well
now that we
re on the subject of literature, say hello to
velocity coming to us from emerge..
finally, wed
like to welco
me scandal to our ascii dept, thanks to everyo
i smell changes.
...In last mont
hs info file, napalm said, cia..
its time for
change. W
ell, we thought long and hard about this after blurr
quit. I thought to myself, i want to make cia a
organized group
. Welp, thats when i brought superfly up to
internet co-
ordinator, he has been a great influence on me
and i respect h
im, and listen to his comments, and criticsms.
I know hell help out alot, and give all he has to ci
a. Now,
more changes!!
We decided to cut our memberlisting, we were
to big, and we had people not doing anything, so if
you were cut, its
nothing personal but we had to get rid of
the non-act
ive members.. If you feel we were in error, get
of us.. Next thing, we cut out all sites and membe
It got to be a big hassle keeping up-to-date on
the st
atus of member boards. If you are in cia, and run a
board, you are
still considered a member board, but you wont
be listed in th
e site listing. If you cant get ahold of the
packs, let us know!... Last but not least, the fe
founder o
f the group has woke up and wants to help better the
group. Tr
ident, is the guy!! hmm, thats toothpaste! Right
No, but anyways
, we welcome him back into the flow of things,
and hope he can help out cia everyway possible like
all the
other people in
this organzation. Welcome aboard, and i look
to working with you.... L8s..
woops and stuff.
... know that
vi-filename.pcx in the last pack?.. that was
by vision henc
e the lack of his eyeball sig infact we have
no clue who th
e hell did it or how it ended up in the pack,
a w
oops out to vision, sorry for the confusion!
- Mr. Muf
f editing sheit by napalm
Frosty he
re giving his two cents worth. I also felt it was
getting time
for a change, cia has begun to get a reputati
that anyone wit
h thedraw could be accepted. This is certainly
not true, there have been people turned down for ever
y dept.
hand over fist
. We have managed to expand the creators part
of our
name about as far as it is going to go... now it is
time to do a little
more focusing on the intense part.
- Frost B
cia conspiracy information file is
c and r cia productions 1995, blo0p!
Welcome to the 23rd see-eye-a
te.. cia conspiracy - Theyre eyes, Mr. Jones.
- cia -
we have your cat, now send us your cash -
...as many of y
ou read this, you are gonna wonder why we was
late releasing
this month. Well here it is, some UNiON guys
has decided to join up with CiA this mont
h, to help kick a
little ass! Als
o we have lots of other new members which will
get to in a
moment. On the sad note, we had two great guys
leave cia this
month... First there was image, he just wanted
a change of scenery, hes been with cia a long time, a
nd hes
like a brother
to me, even though i knew him for a short
Another one that shocked the senior staff is Blur
deciding to leave c
ia. Most of you probably read his goodbye
note, not t
o be confused with a suicide note. I respect
Blurr f
or his decision, and i want all of you to know that
he put
110 percent into cia and i will follow him a
continue to pu
t forth all the effort that he put into cia.
Blurr, you will
be greatly missed by us cia guys, but you
are alw
ays welcome here, hell as far as im concerned you
are taking a br
eak :. Mandor has also decided to go out on
his own with a
smaller local group called sharp i think :
the best of luck to everyone on their new ventures!
, members, members!
... Well, onto a brighter note here. I am proud to w
the UNiON
guys into CiA. First we have Nivenh
, he joins us as
an ans
i co-ordinator and an ansi artist. Second we have,
Shaolin, He
is our new RiP co-ordinator and will also
drawing rips
. We welcome Nivenh and Shaolin into the group
and loo
k forward to what all of us can conttibute to cia.
What el
se new was goin on this month besides the UNiON
coming in, w
e had one hell of a recruiting party here at CiA
start out with phatal coming to us from
united ....
hes been in
shiver, defiant, and blade
... we hope he will
cia a fine place to continue his drawing..
greets to
this month joining the ansi department joining u
from shiver
.. freelance rip and vga ar
tist hellshock joined
this month along with weazel from voi
d doing rip ... jeez..
ansi, ansi, an
si.. Proddy left cancer this mon
th to join
the ansi di
vision.. with the collapse of void came
awesome artist
.. Xanax.. I know he will draw his ass off and
will make a fine addition to our strengthening ansi d
now heres so
mething i never thought id say .... cia
s mistawho to the lit department.. mis
tas put his
personal gripes as
ide, and now joins the enemy.. .. well
now that we
re on the subject of literature, say hello to
velocity coming to us from emerge..
finally, wed
like to welco
me scandal to our ascii dept, thanks to everyo
i smell changes.
...In last mont
hs info file, napalm said, cia..
its time for
change. W
ell, we thought long and hard about this after blurr
quit. I thought to myself, i want to make cia a
organized group
. Welp, thats when i brought superfly up to
internet co-
ordinator, he has been a great influence on me
and i respect h
im, and listen to his comments, and criticsms.
I know hell help out alot, and give all he has to ci
a. Now,
more changes!!
We decided to cut our memberlisting, we were
to big, and we had people not doing anything, so if
you were cut, its
nothing personal but we had to get rid of
the non-act
ive members.. If you feel we were in error, get
of us.. Next thing, we cut out all sites and membe
It got to be a big hassle keeping up-to-date on
the st
atus of member boards. If you are in cia, and run a
board, you are
still considered a member board, but you wont
be listed in th
e site listing. If you cant get ahold of the
packs, let us know!... Last but not least, the fe
founder o
f the group has woke up and wants to help better the
group. Tr
ident, is the guy!! hmm, thats toothpaste! Right
No, but anyways
, we welcome him back into the flow of things,
and hope he can help out cia everyway possible like
all the
other people in
this organzation. Welcome aboard, and i look
to working with you.... L8s..
woops and stuff.
... know that
vi-filename.pcx in the last pack?.. that was
by vision henc
e the lack of his eyeball sig infact we have
no clue who th
e hell did it or how it ended up in the pack,
a w
oops out to vision, sorry for the confusion!
- Mr. Muf
f editing sheit by napalm
Frosty he
re giving his two cents worth. I also felt it was
getting time
for a change, cia has begun to get a reputati
that anyone wit
h thedraw could be accepted. This is certainly
not true, there have been people turned down for ever
y dept.
hand over fist
. We have managed to expand the creators part
of our
name about as far as it is going to go... now it is
time to do a little
more focusing on the intense part.
- Frost B
cia conspiracy information file is
c and r cia productions 1995, blo0p!
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