this image contains text
Conspiracy 29
h0hOh0! happy holiday s
eason to everyone out
there in the art scene land! napalm her
e with
a thi
s months information for you to chow down on
first up, did someone
say merge? well.. sorta!
recently sorta merged with surge... Maligor d
idnt want to do t
he group any more so he gave it over to us, i
say sorta becau
se we have yet to contact all the members, the
members who ar
e officially in cia now are listed below. secondly, as
you may
see in jz-trem2.lgo yes
, there is a logo in there
somewhere our good friend and lon
g-time cia member jazz is
taking a break from the strenuous logo dra
wing profession :
his file explains a lot, b
ut dont worry, ill make
him keep draw
ing logos for us! thirdly, and most i
mportantly, our good
friend and helpful organizational member is back
.. yep, its
the ole muffster back to help us ou
t again! check out all his
comments here in the info file. cia
has a new support network
our official new support net
is magellans own Black Net, the
information file is included
in the pack for all interested..
Members: the cia member
list is building up again with
some old members coming in, some new one
s, and some merged ones.
joining the ansi department this month there is
cyst, darkshade,
ethedrool, grimjack, lucifer
, weazel an old cia memb,
phaser x
from the surge crew into the head position in cia
rip is Zuel,
who also joined the vga ranks along w
ith x-cia stud ear, finally
lynx re-joins the cia coding crew
and should have some great
projects for you soon! ... oh,
and that mister muff guy too :
Applications: applications
for agent positions in the ansi,
ascii and vga departments are being accepted
. if you want to be
part of cia please create a zip with a few samples
of your work
best and worst and include a text file with your
first name,
phone number and email address so that we may get b
ack to you..
send this zip to a cia member who has contact with
me napalm
or send it to me directly,
see the contact information below.
A FEW words from MrMuff
: Hey Hey Hey!!!! Muff is back in da
house! I been away from cia for 3 - 4 months, and m
ight i say i
really missed cia. When i stepped down from from c
ia, a lot of
people quit, and its future was in doubt. I real
ly am sorry
for what cia went through, but the members that we
re dedicated
stayed in cia and pulled together to k
eep the group alive, i am
really glad that cia survived, and cia is one of
the most
dedicated groups out there.. After about a month a
nd a half of
me leaving cia, i talked with massd about joining
union, i was
all set and ready to go, then poof, union was dead
, this time
it was for real. Then, i talked with ellisdee abo
ut joining
saga, well i joined for a day then quit, i go
t into flatline,
not much was goin on in flatline, so i got back i
nto saga.
After i got into saga, it just didnt feel the sa
me, sure, i
met and talked with some of the best artists, wa
s recruiting
people into saga, or at least trying. I actually t
hought saga
was gonna be one hell of a group, but BOOM!, merge
d into acid,
i could not belive that. I didnt even
want to think about
going to acid, or trying to apply, i have some rea
l good buds
in acid, but thats not the place for me. I thoug
ht about
qutting the scene, i tried different groups, doin
g different
things. But, i remembered, hey cia! Welp
s, i picked up the
phone and called napalm, i told him what went on,
i wanted to
come back, i think, and hope that napalm was glad
to see me
come back, i know i was glad to be back. A lot of
occured while i was gone, and they was all good cha
nges. I want
to thank all members who stuck with cia through i
ts hard
times, and napalm, you are the most
dedicated lamer i know :
im reconsidering letting you back into the group now
: -na
Welps, enough of my bullshit, enjoy the pack, it m
ay be small,
and we may be a small group, but thats the way we
do it :P
this section not formatted because i just dont have t
hat kind
of time on my hands.. not to mention im really really l
azy -na
Contacting Cia: we can be contacte
d in several ways: :
1. cia email list - cia
2. cia homepage - http
4. cia ftp site - note:not 24/7 1 acct
:cia pw:cia
5. the cia world hq - apocalypse
@ 201-934-5613
the cia US hq - high fidelity
@ 217-874-2442
the cia east hq - Eternal Insan
the cia west hq - Evil Intentio
6. napalms direct email - napalm
7. napalms homepage - http:
8. telstars cia page - http://
9. cias voice mail is currently down
, will be back next month
1995 cia productions, by napalm mrmuff
h0hOh0! happy holiday s
eason to everyone out
there in the art scene land! napalm her
e with
a thi
s months information for you to chow down on
first up, did someone
say merge? well.. sorta!
recently sorta merged with surge... Maligor d
idnt want to do t
he group any more so he gave it over to us, i
say sorta becau
se we have yet to contact all the members, the
members who ar
e officially in cia now are listed below. secondly, as
you may
see in jz-trem2.lgo yes
, there is a logo in there
somewhere our good friend and lon
g-time cia member jazz is
taking a break from the strenuous logo dra
wing profession :
his file explains a lot, b
ut dont worry, ill make
him keep draw
ing logos for us! thirdly, and most i
mportantly, our good
friend and helpful organizational member is back
.. yep, its
the ole muffster back to help us ou
t again! check out all his
comments here in the info file. cia
has a new support network
our official new support net
is magellans own Black Net, the
information file is included
in the pack for all interested..
Members: the cia member
list is building up again with
some old members coming in, some new one
s, and some merged ones.
joining the ansi department this month there is
cyst, darkshade,
ethedrool, grimjack, lucifer
, weazel an old cia memb,
phaser x
from the surge crew into the head position in cia
rip is Zuel,
who also joined the vga ranks along w
ith x-cia stud ear, finally
lynx re-joins the cia coding crew
and should have some great
projects for you soon! ... oh,
and that mister muff guy too :
Applications: applications
for agent positions in the ansi,
ascii and vga departments are being accepted
. if you want to be
part of cia please create a zip with a few samples
of your work
best and worst and include a text file with your
first name,
phone number and email address so that we may get b
ack to you..
send this zip to a cia member who has contact with
me napalm
or send it to me directly,
see the contact information below.
A FEW words from MrMuff
: Hey Hey Hey!!!! Muff is back in da
house! I been away from cia for 3 - 4 months, and m
ight i say i
really missed cia. When i stepped down from from c
ia, a lot of
people quit, and its future was in doubt. I real
ly am sorry
for what cia went through, but the members that we
re dedicated
stayed in cia and pulled together to k
eep the group alive, i am
really glad that cia survived, and cia is one of
the most
dedicated groups out there.. After about a month a
nd a half of
me leaving cia, i talked with massd about joining
union, i was
all set and ready to go, then poof, union was dead
, this time
it was for real. Then, i talked with ellisdee abo
ut joining
saga, well i joined for a day then quit, i go
t into flatline,
not much was goin on in flatline, so i got back i
nto saga.
After i got into saga, it just didnt feel the sa
me, sure, i
met and talked with some of the best artists, wa
s recruiting
people into saga, or at least trying. I actually t
hought saga
was gonna be one hell of a group, but BOOM!, merge
d into acid,
i could not belive that. I didnt even
want to think about
going to acid, or trying to apply, i have some rea
l good buds
in acid, but thats not the place for me. I thoug
ht about
qutting the scene, i tried different groups, doin
g different
things. But, i remembered, hey cia! Welp
s, i picked up the
phone and called napalm, i told him what went on,
i wanted to
come back, i think, and hope that napalm was glad
to see me
come back, i know i was glad to be back. A lot of
occured while i was gone, and they was all good cha
nges. I want
to thank all members who stuck with cia through i
ts hard
times, and napalm, you are the most
dedicated lamer i know :
im reconsidering letting you back into the group now
: -na
Welps, enough of my bullshit, enjoy the pack, it m
ay be small,
and we may be a small group, but thats the way we
do it :P
this section not formatted because i just dont have t
hat kind
of time on my hands.. not to mention im really really l
azy -na
Contacting Cia: we can be contacte
d in several ways: :
1. cia email list - cia
2. cia homepage - http
4. cia ftp site - note:not 24/7 1 acct
:cia pw:cia
5. the cia world hq - apocalypse
@ 201-934-5613
the cia US hq - high fidelity
@ 217-874-2442
the cia east hq - Eternal Insan
the cia west hq - Evil Intentio
6. napalms direct email - napalm
7. napalms homepage - http:
8. telstars cia page - http://
9. cias voice mail is currently down
, will be back next month
1995 cia productions, by napalm mrmuff
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