this image contains text
....... jack phlashs cia/serial colly number seven .......
info... blah...
ok, heres my seventh colly with cia and my FIRST colly with serial, so
until i figure out how the hell im going to devide up my work between
these groups, im releasing these collies in BOTH packs.. well.. most likly
greets to: sargon, mhz, tzeentch, baphomet, everyone else...
groups: demonic, cia, serial, xroads, food, woe, tric, remorse, stf..
... presented by ...
:::: // ------- ------// sERIAL!!
... and ...
:...... / . art
creators of ...... ..... ..........: instense
/: i N D E X .......................................... ::
// 1..................................colly number seven header
2..............................................serial header
3.................................................cia header
6............................................phare side menu
7...............................................extreme copy
8...................................................tric diz
13.................................................neo mozka
14.............................................plastic heros
15................................................spidy chat
18.............................................never believe
22..................................................new user
25...................................................nwo diz
26...........................................blind illusions
27...............................................quantum bbs
28.................................................colly diz
:: colly 7, cia / serial ::/
title: mass distortion /
// for: biogen / vintage // /
dISTORTIOn :.................. / ....: -- +
- - -- ----- mASS? dISTORTION.. is this for filth or biogen?
title: xfers /
// for: plc! / phare side // /
xFER rULES.... 1. cHANGE tHIS....
title: phare side main menu /
// for: plc! / phare side // /
:.... .... // / // . / . / .:jp
+- --. :........ ... ... .. ...... ...... ...: ,---- pHARE sIDE -----+
A Area J Join A Conf T Tagged Files Change Info
B Bulletins L List Members U Upload + Deposit
C Last Callers M Mailbox W Write Mail - Withdraw
D Download N New Files X Expert Mode ? Redraw
F Filelist O Online Menu FR Reverse Files * Sysop Menu
G Goodbye R Read Mail Y Yell at SysOp E Oneliners
i Instinct S Search Stats H Help
title: extreme copy /
// for: spidy // /
jP/ / / , / /
:.:::::.:::::::::::-------+ e X T R E M E c O P Y +--------------------
title: tric diz /
// for: hahaha @ tric // /
: the renegade info crew.. jpsrl.. .:
mod and code for 05/97 ........ : ,
title: vintage /
// for: sargon / vintage // /
title: ths /
// for: spasm // /
-------,---------. jp!cia
tHS :.... // .../..../
title: demview help header /
// for: voivode / demonic // /
// jp
title: instinct rumors door menu /
// for: myself / demonic // /
/ , / / / / / /jp
: A aDD a rUMOR.................................................... :
. V vIEW rUMORS.................................................... .
title: neo mozka /
// for: satan sly / infector // /
...:::: -----,-----,----- :: n E O m O Z K A :::::...
/---------------/ jp!serial
title: plastic heros /
// for: vintage // /
:....: ,--- -- plastic heros -- ---./ ........::
/ .... bewm. for vintage ..
title: spidy chat /
// for: spidy // /
jP/ spidy has
/ / / /---, / entered
/ / / / / C H A T .....
title: xroads /
// for: rapido / xroads // /
title: defcon bbs wfc /
// for: myself // /
:.........: ! dEFCON bBS sOFTWARE ! :........:
dEFCON wFC pRESS f1 fOR hELP ------------- -- - - -
title: never believe header thingy /
// for: myself // /
./ n E V E R b E L I E V E
@HANDLE ---------------- --- -- - @LASTCALL - -- ---.---/
title: hysteria bbs /
// for: icepick // /
: . h y s t e r i a b b s /
jp!cia +------- --- / -- - -
title: singe /
// for: vintage // /
s . .. i ... n.. g... . e. . .. . . /
...... .// ....singe...---.----- --- - - --------.. ....
/ @fervingate1997...----------------------...coughspew..
title: breath /
// for: cloxous // /
bREATH yOU fUCKER..... --------------/
title: new user logon /
// for: i have no idea // /
: / eNTER yOUR hANDLE...
jp!cia ::/
title: society /
// for: air compo // /
. jp/srl :............................: ............. ..:
- --:------------+ . s o c i e t y ...............: +---------- --- -- -
title: serial!ascii /
// for: serial // /
: sERiAL!aSCii- / . jp:
title: new world order diz /
// for: whoever // /
-jp / / /
-- n e w w o r l d o r d e r --
-- cias nifty emag, number one --
title: blind illusions /
// for: whoever // /
title: quantum bbs /
// for: bc / snd / cia // /
: q U A N T U M b B S s O F T W A R E // :
: jp!cia . .. ... .. . /.. ..... ..:
title: colly sevens diz /
// for: myself // /
// .... blah colly by jack phlash ....
cia / serial
info... blah...
ok, heres my seventh colly with cia and my FIRST colly with serial, so
until i figure out how the hell im going to devide up my work between
these groups, im releasing these collies in BOTH packs.. well.. most likly
greets to: sargon, mhz, tzeentch, baphomet, everyone else...
groups: demonic, cia, serial, xroads, food, woe, tric, remorse, stf..
... presented by ...
:::: // ------- ------// sERIAL!!
... and ...
:...... / . art
creators of ...... ..... ..........: instense
/: i N D E X .......................................... ::
// 1..................................colly number seven header
2..............................................serial header
3.................................................cia header
6............................................phare side menu
7...............................................extreme copy
8...................................................tric diz
13.................................................neo mozka
14.............................................plastic heros
15................................................spidy chat
18.............................................never believe
22..................................................new user
25...................................................nwo diz
26...........................................blind illusions
27...............................................quantum bbs
28.................................................colly diz
:: colly 7, cia / serial ::/
title: mass distortion /
// for: biogen / vintage // /
dISTORTIOn :.................. / ....: -- +
- - -- ----- mASS? dISTORTION.. is this for filth or biogen?
title: xfers /
// for: plc! / phare side // /
xFER rULES.... 1. cHANGE tHIS....
title: phare side main menu /
// for: plc! / phare side // /
:.... .... // / // . / . / .:jp
+- --. :........ ... ... .. ...... ...... ...: ,---- pHARE sIDE -----+
A Area J Join A Conf T Tagged Files Change Info
B Bulletins L List Members U Upload + Deposit
C Last Callers M Mailbox W Write Mail - Withdraw
D Download N New Files X Expert Mode ? Redraw
F Filelist O Online Menu FR Reverse Files * Sysop Menu
G Goodbye R Read Mail Y Yell at SysOp E Oneliners
i Instinct S Search Stats H Help
title: extreme copy /
// for: spidy // /
jP/ / / , / /
:.:::::.:::::::::::-------+ e X T R E M E c O P Y +--------------------
title: tric diz /
// for: hahaha @ tric // /
: the renegade info crew.. jpsrl.. .:
mod and code for 05/97 ........ : ,
title: vintage /
// for: sargon / vintage // /
title: ths /
// for: spasm // /
-------,---------. jp!cia
tHS :.... // .../..../
title: demview help header /
// for: voivode / demonic // /
// jp
title: instinct rumors door menu /
// for: myself / demonic // /
/ , / / / / / /jp
: A aDD a rUMOR.................................................... :
. V vIEW rUMORS.................................................... .
title: neo mozka /
// for: satan sly / infector // /
...:::: -----,-----,----- :: n E O m O Z K A :::::...
/---------------/ jp!serial
title: plastic heros /
// for: vintage // /
:....: ,--- -- plastic heros -- ---./ ........::
/ .... bewm. for vintage ..
title: spidy chat /
// for: spidy // /
jP/ spidy has
/ / / /---, / entered
/ / / / / C H A T .....
title: xroads /
// for: rapido / xroads // /
title: defcon bbs wfc /
// for: myself // /
:.........: ! dEFCON bBS sOFTWARE ! :........:
dEFCON wFC pRESS f1 fOR hELP ------------- -- - - -
title: never believe header thingy /
// for: myself // /
./ n E V E R b E L I E V E
@HANDLE ---------------- --- -- - @LASTCALL - -- ---.---/
title: hysteria bbs /
// for: icepick // /
: . h y s t e r i a b b s /
jp!cia +------- --- / -- - -
title: singe /
// for: vintage // /
s . .. i ... n.. g... . e. . .. . . /
...... .// ....singe...---.----- --- - - --------.. ....
/ @fervingate1997...----------------------...coughspew..
title: breath /
// for: cloxous // /
bREATH yOU fUCKER..... --------------/
title: new user logon /
// for: i have no idea // /
: / eNTER yOUR hANDLE...
jp!cia ::/
title: society /
// for: air compo // /
. jp/srl :............................: ............. ..:
- --:------------+ . s o c i e t y ...............: +---------- --- -- -
title: serial!ascii /
// for: serial // /
: sERiAL!aSCii- / . jp:
title: new world order diz /
// for: whoever // /
-jp / / /
-- n e w w o r l d o r d e r --
-- cias nifty emag, number one --
title: blind illusions /
// for: whoever // /
title: quantum bbs /
// for: bc / snd / cia // /
: q U A N T U M b B S s O F T W A R E // :
: jp!cia . .. ... .. . /.. ..... ..:
title: colly sevens diz /
// for: myself // /
// .... blah colly by jack phlash ....
cia / serial
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